Uh Oh, Clippers owner

Let me put it another way.....

A black NBA player is laying in bed next to his gf of any ethnicity. She records him saying "man I hate playing for a team with a white owner, I wish all the owners were black."

What happens with that story? That player? Not a dang thing. Probably a non-story.
I have a really difficult time using the word racist to describe a white man that dates a half black lady, and tells her he doesn't care how many black men she brings back to his condo to bone. Does that sound racist? You think any KKK members lay down at night next to black wives? You think they tell their wives of any color that they don't mind if they bring home black men?

lol. The actual racists here are the people that blew this up, and ruined the end of this man's life. He is certainly a fool. But the problem with America isn't people like him, it's those that feel any slight wrong against black America has to be met with a nuclear reaction, while the opposite of that, gets swept under the rug on the daily. I could drive a couple miles due north of my place of employment, find the nearest park, sit on a bench, and within and hour or so I imagine I'd hear just about every slur about white guys known to man. But whitey is still the problem. Whitey is holding everybody back. Blame whitey. It's why this country is going down the crapper.

You have been spouting off some very bizarre opinions of late. Seriously, what is wrong with you?
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I have a really difficult time using the word racist to describe a white man that dates a half black lady, and tells her he doesn't care how many black men she brings back to his condo to bone. Does that sound racist? You think any KKK members lay down at night next to black wives? You think they tell their wives of any color that they don't mind if they bring home black men?

lol. The actual racists here are the people that blew this up, and ruined the end of this man's life. He is certainly a fool. But the problem with America isn't people like him, it's those that feel any slight wrong against black America has to be met with a nuclear reaction, while the opposite of that, gets swept under the rug on the daily. I could drive a couple miles due north of my place of employment, find the nearest park, sit on a bench, and within and hour or so I imagine I'd hear just about every slur about white guys known to man. But whitey is still the problem. Whitey is holding everybody back. Blame whitey. It's why this country is going down the crapper.

Wow!!!!!! LOL.

noun: racist; plural noun: racists

a person who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
synonyms: racial bigot, racialist, xenophobe, chauvinist, supremacist More
"he was exposed as a racist"
(racially) discriminatory, racialist, prejudiced, bigoted
"a racist society"

noun: racist; plural noun: racists; adjective: racist

having or showing the belief that a particular race is superior to another.
"we are investigating complaints about racist abuse at the club"

Translate racist to
Use over time for: racist

So in your interpretation, the people of all colors who refused to let this old, outdated racist spew his crap are the racist??? Webster and many other scholarly entities strongly disagree with you. No one ruined his life. He is still close to a billionaire, and last time I checked, no one forced him to discriminate against minorities in his business dealings, and no one forced him to spew his racist drivel. In essence no one ruined his life, he was simply exposed for what he really is, a racist scumbag....

Are you really so misinformed that you don't know the history of KKK members/slave owners having black girls as young as 12 for their perverted sexcapades??? Do some research man. When you get ready to defend by saying it doesn't happen modern day, look into the S. American sex trade industry. It is ripe with older, wealthy, white men who travel the world to have sex with underage girls of color. Of course other races participate, but older white American males are well known in the industry..... They are starting to prosecute the ones they catch in Brazil, Columbia, etc... An Oklahoma attorney and a bail bondsman were recently caught.

While I agree every race has it's share of racist, it really isn't that hard to see why white men get the most scrutiny for their racism: THEY HAVE HISTORICALLY CONTROLLED MOST EVERYTHING IN AMERICA. Corporate America: Controlled by predominantly wealhy, older white men. Sports teams, politics, businesses, you name it, it has historically been controlled by older, wealthy white men, and the fact some have used that power and control to discriminate against minorities for decades, makes it more of an issue when it happens today.

Of course the gap has closed over the years, and minorities have the opportunities to obtain wealth, power, etc, but the tables have never been equal enough to eliminate the perception of white superiority/black inferiority.

I'm not saying it should be that way, but in our society it is. When Obama won the 1st election, everyone saw the focus on his color. Same with the 1st back Superbowl coaches, etc...... Why is that?? Because it was breaking down color barriers that were built long before any of us were born. While those barriers have been falling with each year that passes, the perception around the world is still: Rich, old, white men control most of America, therefore when a rich, old, white guy gets caught making statements like Sterling made, it will get massive attention, for better or worse.

As the races and sexes continue to close the gap on equality, it won't be such a huge issue. In recent years we have started to see black coaches, black team owners, etc. The importance of their race will continue to fade, as the discrepancy of who controls the country balances.

The media chooses to run with whatever story they deem important. Not many major news media outlets are owned by black entities. Sterling was exposed because people of all colors and walks of life are tired of an old institution that has existed since America was discovered, and that institution is racism. White people, black people, and every other race of people are starting to take a hard stance against racism. Idiots like Sterling are free to harbor their racist views, but whoa is him when it is exposed. Society is going to roast him, just like they did Sterling......
You think Sterling is having sex with that girl? No chance. She is nothing but a pretty girl to have by his side. Companionship.

But I disagree with your premise anyways. That is a foolish thing to suggest. This isn't Africa, or the slave fields. If a college educated African American female sleeps with a white dude, the word "dominance" likely belongs nowhere near that encounter.


Her friends said they were very close and have been intimate. The question begs if this happened in September as claimed, why was she still with him? ( at least till recently. She obviously did not believe it was that big of deal. What he said was completely racist, but she didn't leave him over it.
Wow!!!!!! LOL.

noun: racist; plural noun: racists

a person who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
synonyms: racial bigot, racialist, xenophobe, chauvinist, supremacist More
"he was exposed as a racist"
(racially) discriminatory, racialist, prejudiced, bigoted
"a racist society"

noun: racist; plural noun: racists; adjective: racist

having or showing the belief that a particular race is superior to another.
"we are investigating complaints about racist abuse at the club"

Translate racist to
Use over time for: racist

So in your interpretation, the people of all colors who refused to let this old, outdated racist spew his crap are the racist??? Webster and many other scholarly entities strongly disagree with you. No one ruined his life. He is still close to a billionaire, and last time I checked, no one forced him to discriminate against minorities in his business dealings, and no one forced him to spew his racist drivel. In essence no one ruined his life, he was simply exposed for what he really is, a racist scumbag....

Are you really so misinformed that you don't know the history of KKK members/slave owners having black girls as young as 12 for their perverted sexcapades??? Do some research man. When you get ready to defend by saying it doesn't happen modern day, look into the S. American sex trade industry. It is ripe with older, wealthy, white men who travel the world to have sex with underage girls of color. Of course other races participate, but older white American males are well known in the industry..... They are starting to prosecute the ones they catch in Brazil, Columbia, etc... An Oklahoma attorney and a bail bondsman were recently caught.

While I agree every race has it's share of racist, it really isn't that hard to see why white men get the most scrutiny for their racism: THEY HAVE HISTORICALLY CONTROLLED MOST EVERYTHING IN AMERICA. Corporate America: Controlled by predominantly wealhy, older white men. Sports teams, politics, businesses, you name it, it has historically been controlled by older, wealthy white men, and the fact some have used that power and control to discriminate against minorities for decades, makes it more of an issue when it happens today.

Of course the gap has closed over the years, and minorities have the opportunities to obtain wealth, power, etc, but the tables have never been equal enough to eliminate the perception of white superiority/black inferiority.

I'm not saying it should be that way, but in our society it is. When Obama won the 1st election, everyone saw the focus on his color. Same with the 1st back Superbowl coaches, etc...... Why is that?? Because it was breaking down color barriers that were built long before any of us were born. While those barriers have been falling with each year that passes, the perception around the world is still: Rich, old, white men control most of America, therefore when a rich, old, white guy gets caught making statements like Sterling made, it will get massive attention, for better or worse.

As the races and sexes continue to close the gap on equality, it won't be such a huge issue. In recent years we have started to see black coaches, black team owners, etc. The importance of their race will continue to fade, as the discrepancy of who controls the country balances.

The media chooses to run with whatever story they deem important. Not many major news media outlets are owned by black entities. Sterling was exposed because people of all colors and walks of life are tired of an old institution that has existed since America was discovered, and that institution is racism. White people, black people, and every other race of people are starting to take a hard stance against racism. Idiots like Sterling are free to harbor their racist views, but whoa is him when it is exposed. Society is going to roast him, just like they did Sterling......
Wow!!!!!! LOL.

noun: racist; plural noun: racists

a person who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
synonyms: racial bigot, racialist, xenophobe, chauvinist, supremacist More
"he was exposed as a racist"
(racially) discriminatory, racialist, prejudiced, bigoted
"a racist society"

noun: racist; plural noun: racists; adjective: racist

having or showing the belief that a particular race is superior to another.
"we are investigating complaints about racist abuse at the club"

Translate racist to
Use over time for: racist

So in your interpretation, the people of all colors who refused to let this old, outdated racist spew his crap are the racist??? Webster and many other scholarly entities strongly disagree with you. No one ruined his life. He is still close to a billionaire, and last time I checked, no one forced him to discriminate against minorities in his business dealings, and no one forced him to spew his racist drivel. In essence no one ruined his life, he was simply exposed for what he really is, a racist scumbag....

Are you really so misinformed that you don't know the history of KKK members/slave owners having black girls as young as 12 for their perverted sexcapades??? Do some research man. When you get ready to defend by saying it doesn't happen modern day, look into the S. American sex trade industry. It is ripe with older, wealthy, white men who travel the world to have sex with underage girls of color. Of course other races participate, but older white American males are well known in the industry..... They are starting to prosecute the ones they catch in Brazil, Columbia, etc... An Oklahoma attorney and a bail bondsman were recently caught.

While I agree every race has it's share of racist, it really isn't that hard to see why white men get the most scrutiny for their racism: THEY HAVE HISTORICALLY CONTROLLED MOST EVERYTHING IN AMERICA. Corporate America: Controlled by predominantly wealhy, older white men. Sports teams, politics, businesses, you name it, it has historically been controlled by older, wealthy white men, and the fact some have used that power and control to discriminate against minorities for decades, makes it more of an issue when it happens today.

Of course the gap has closed over the years, and minorities have the opportunities to obtain wealth, power, etc, but the tables have never been equal enough to eliminate the perception of white superiority/black inferiority.

I'm not saying it should be that way, but in our society it is. When Obama won the 1st election, everyone saw the focus on his color. Same with the 1st back Superbowl coaches, etc...... Why is that?? Because it was breaking down color barriers that were built long before any of us were born. While those barriers have been falling with each year that passes, the perception around the world is still: Rich, old, white men control most of America, therefore when a rich, old, white guy gets caught making statements like Sterling made, it will get massive attention, for better or worse.

As the races and sexes continue to close the gap on equality, it won't be such a huge issue. In recent years we have started to see black coaches, black team owners, etc. The importance of their race will continue to fade, as the discrepancy of who controls the country balances.

The media chooses to run with whatever story they deem important. Not many major news media outlets are owned by black entities. Sterling was exposed because people of all colors and walks of life are tired of an old institution that has existed since America was discovered, and that institution is racism. White people, black people, and every other race of people are starting to take a hard stance against racism. Idiots like Sterling are free to harbor their racist views, but whoa is him when it is exposed. Society is going to roast him, just like they did Sterling......

I'm not discussing with this with you. I know where it will end up, where most race discussions we engage in end up, and that is an ugly place.

And lol at a lot of your comments above. You haven't changed a bit.
You have been spouting off some very bizarre opinions of late. Seriously, what is wrong with you?

Just tired of the PC crowd. The crowd that turns little statements into giant racist bigots. The crowd that if you don't believe in gay marriage, they call you a homophobe. The crowd that calls you racist if you don't agree with Obama's policies. It's out of control. And there are a LOT of people that feel this way, most have just chosen to take the easy way out and to sit back and say nothing, as that is easier than getting called all of those names out of ignorance.

It's a fad. It too will die out in time. I'm not talking about trying to stomp out actual racism that matters. I'm talking about the overreactions and guilt trips that are so popular right now. Just like "peace and free love" in the 70's, this younger generation too will grow older and see the world for what it really is, and that lilly colored view of the some perfect utopia will be replaced by the harsh realities.
I have a really difficult time using the word racist to describe a white man that dates a half black lady, and tells her he doesn't care how many black men she brings back to his condo to bone. Does that sound racist? You think any KKK members lay down at night next to black wives? You think they tell their wives of any color that they don't mind if they bring home black men?

lol. The actual racists here are the people that blew this up, and ruined the end of this man's life. He is certainly a fool. But the problem with America isn't people like him, it's those that feel any slight wrong against black America has to be met with a nuclear reaction, while the opposite of that, gets swept under the rug on the daily. I could drive a couple miles due north of my place of employment, find the nearest park, sit on a bench, and within and hour or so I imagine I'd hear just about every slur about white guys known to man. But whitey is still the problem. Whitey is holding everybody back. Blame whitey. It's why this country is going down the crapper.

uh oh. brace thyself.

I do think he is racist from past actions but not from this latest audio recordings. He was pretty much telling her, I know you sleep around, stop bringing them to my games and embarrasing me by bringing the guys you are sleeping with to my team's events. it's just flaunting it in his face.
Just tired of the PC crowd. The crowd that turns little statements into giant racist bigots. The crowd that if you don't believe in gay marriage, they call you a homophobe. The crowd that calls you racist if you don't agree with Obama's policies. It's out of control. And there are a LOT of people that feel this way, most have just chosen to take the easy way out and to sit back and say nothing, as that is easier than getting called all of those names out of ignorance.

It's a fad. It too will die out in time. I'm not talking about trying to stomp out actual racism that matters. I'm talking about the overreactions and guilt trips that are so popular right now. Just like "peace and free love" in the 70's, this younger generation too will grow older and see the world for what it really is, and that lilly colored view of the some perfect utopia will be replaced by the harsh realities.

I think the harsh reality is that in 2014 it's much easier for the general public to make their voices heard when they find something offensive or morally repugnant and they are doing so with increasing frequency. In the past, people like Sterling used to get away with behavior like this because most of the general public didn't know about it. The few that did know about it didn't have a way to voice their disapproval. Times have changed.
I'm not discussing with this with you. I know where it will end up, where most race discussions we engage in end up, and that is an ugly place.

And lol at a lot of your comments above. You haven't changed a bit.

Fair enough. The part I bolded is just to tell you, If only you knew how much I have changed.....

Anyway, I'm secure where I'm at on this issue. As a black man, I can readily point out the fact there is too much lack of accountability in the black community. I can admit there is too much tolerance for violence, drug use, and lack of positive male influence. You see, I can take my focus off the Sterlings of the world, and admit my own race still has issues, without trying to find a way to blame another race. Period. At the same time, when idiots like Sterling rear their heads, I can also see the problem with his way of thinking. He is no different than Farrakhan, just on opposite ends of the spectrum.

I'm sad for people who are stuck in your way of thinking. I have never had a problem discussing racial issues with anyone on this board, or any other board. You have pretty much shown where you stand, and I respect that, though i'm really sad for you. The art of debate is exchanging differing opinions, without becoming angry, disrespectful, and unable to consider another's point of view. You have shown over the years, a strong inability to do that, whether it be discussing racial issues, or who should get the minutes in the backcourt.

I don't care what you choose to discuss with me, but you post your garbage, and i will tear it apart every time.......
uh oh. brace thyself.

I do think he is racist from past actions but not from this latest audio recordings. He was pretty much telling her, I know you sleep around, stop bringing them to my games and embarrasing me by bringing the guys you are sleeping with to my team's events. it's just flaunting it in his face.

That's how I see it. He even said those guys could go to the games, he just didn't want them there with her. Again, how is that racist?

Racists don't pick and choose which black people they hate. They hate them all. There are too many accounts of black folks that have said Sterling treated them with nothing but respect. Here is what Mayweather said:

"Donald Sterling, he's been getting a lot of negative press, and my thing is this -- I don't have nothing negative to say about this guy," Mayweather said. "He's always treated me with the utmost respect. He has always invited me to games. Always. Has always told me, 'Floyd, I want you to sit right next to me and my wife.' I don't know about the [alleged] mistress. But I'm talking about him and the wife."

Truly racist men, the kind that need to be "punished" don't treat black men like that.
Fair enough. The part I bolded is just to tell you, If only you knew how much I have changed.....

Anyway, I'm secure where I'm at on this issue. As a black man, I can readily point out the fact there is too much lack of accountability in the black community. I can admit there is too much tolerance for violence, drug use, and lack of positive male influence. You see, I can take my focus off the Sterlings of the world, and admit my own race still has issues, without trying to find a way to blame another race. Period. At the same time, when idiots like Sterling rear their heads, I can also see the problem with his way of thinking. He is no different than Farrakhan, just on opposite ends of the spectrum.

I'm sad for people who are stuck in your way of thinking. I have never had a problem discussing racial issues with anyone on this board, or any other board. You have pretty much shown where you stand, and I respect that, though i'm really sad for you. The art of debate is exchanging differing opinions, without becoming angry, disrespectful, and unable to consider another's point of view. You have shown over the years, a strong inability to do that, whether it be discussing racial issues, or who should get the minutes in the backcourt.

I don't care what you choose to discuss with me, but you post your garbage, and i will tear it apart every time.......

:clap :clap :clap
I think the harsh reality is that in 2014 it's much easier for the general public to make their voices heard when they find something offensive or morally repugnant and they are doing so with increasing frequency. In the past, people like Sterling used to get away with behavior like this because most of the general public didn't know about it. The few that did know about it didn't have a way to voice their disapproval. Times have changed.

Harsh reality its easier to follow someone on Twitter and believe what they say because they are famous. Look at the Occupy movement. There was some very good ideas involved with that, but other people just tagged along and caused problems just to cause problems.

Its also easier in 2014 to research issue for yourself and decide for yourself. Sterling is racist and deserved what he got, but alot of people hear only part of a story and jump on the popular side so they are not condimed by other people. Its like in Hollywood. At one time Conservitive Actors were afraid to discuss anything that they felt was different then what the hollywood execs thaught or they would not get any jobs. that has recenlty changed as well.
I don't agree with everything WT said but he makes some very valid points. I distinguished an arrest from Constitutionally protected speech and was attacked at a rather personal level. (I don't care about it but it happened).

I said equal protection and due process are important concepts and someone acted as if I said something wrong

Who would defend this man today? Yet society says murders, child molesters, and terrorists deserve a defense.
I don't agree with everything WT said but he makes some very valid points. I distinguished an arrest from Constitutionally protected speech and was attacked at a rather personal level. (I don't care about it but it happened).

I said equal protection and due process are important concepts and someone acted as if I said something wrong

Who would defend this man today? Yet society says murders, child molesters, and terrorists deserve a defense.

Plenty of peeople would defend Sterling in a court of law. I would imagine the big firms will be lining up to act as his attorney in the upcoming litigation. The court of public opinion is a different matter.

Same goes for rapists, murderers, etc. They aren't being defended by the public. Their constitutional rights are defended by lawyers. Since none of Sterling's constitutional rights were violated in any way, shape or form, I'm not entirely sure what the issue is.
That's how I see it. He even said those guys could go to the games, he just didn't want them there with her. Again, how is that racist?

Racists don't pick and choose which black people they hate. They hate them all. There are too many accounts of black folks that have said Sterling treated them with nothing but respect. Here is what Mayweather said:

"Donald Sterling, he's been getting a lot of negative press, and my thing is this -- I don't have nothing negative to say about this guy," Mayweather said. "He's always treated me with the utmost respect. He has always invited me to games. Always. Has always told me, 'Floyd, I want you to sit right next to me and my wife.' I don't know about the [alleged] mistress. But I'm talking about him and the wife."

Truly racist men, the kind that need to be "punished" don't treat black men like that.

You are having a very difficult time with a very simple concept. Racism means a belief in racial superiority. It doesn't mean an unqualified hatred of every person of a different ethnicity. As has been pointed out already in this thread, slave owners routinely visited their slave quarters to satisfy their prurient urges. You are legitimately using "Donald has a black friend" as "evidence" that he's not a racist. You're failing pretty miserably at presenting any kind of an argument.
You are having a very difficult time with a very simple concept. Racism means a belief in racial superiority. It doesn't mean an unqualified hatred of every person of a different ethnicity. As has been pointed out already in this thread, slave owners routinely visited their slave quarters to satisfy their prurient urges. You are legitimately using "Donald has a black friend" as "evidence" that he's not a racist. You're failing pretty miserably at presenting any kind of an argument.

And I think you are missing the point. A big part of racism, or being a racist, is there being some sort of discrimination. Is Magic Johnson really being discriminated against b/c Sterling doesn't want his gf bringing him to the game? Not really. Sterling never said Magic couldn't go to the games. Heck, I'm sure Sterling has probably given Magic free tickets to many games. I don't think that the fact that Sterling doesn't want his gf bringing those guys is really discrimination against those guys. Or if it is, it's the flimsiest definition of it. And there is no proof that it's only black guys he doesn't want her bringing either. Maybe she has only dated, or only brought black guys to the games. That is why he specified "black guys" when talking to her. I doubt he wanted her bringing any white dudes she was banging either. But from all I can tell, she ain't hangin' out with white dudes. Other than Sterling.

And white slave owners raping slaves isn't what I was talking about above, and both you and jmizzy know that. So stop. That was obviously a power thing. To suggest that interracial dating and sex in 2014 is a power thing, on any kind of a significant scale, is a boca-like comment. Just silly. Clown stuff.

And the old "I'm not racist, I have a black friend" is a little different then having a publicly known half-black girlfriend, wouldn't you think?
And I think you are missing the point. A big part of racism, or being a racist, is there being some sort of discrimination. Is Magic Johnson really being discriminated against b/c Sterling doesn't want his gf bringing him to the game? Not really. Sterling never said Magic couldn't go to the games. Heck, I'm sure Sterling has probably given Magic free tickets to many games. I don't think that the fact that Sterling doesn't want his gf bringing those guys is really discrimination against those guys. Or if it is, it's the flimsiest definition of it. And there is no proof that it's only black guys he doesn't want her bringing either. Maybe she has only dated, or only brought black guys to the games. That is why he specified "black guys" when talking to her. I doubt he wanted her bringing any white dudes she was banging either. But from all I can tell, she ain't hangin' out with white dudes. Other than Sterling.

And white slave owners raping slaves isn't what I was talking about above, and both you and jmizzy know that. So stop. That was obviously a power thing. To suggest that interracial dating and sex in 2014 is a power thing, on any kind of a significant scale, is a boca-like comment. Just silly. Clown stuff.

And the old "I'm not racist, I have a black friend" is a little different then having a publicly known half-black girlfriend, wouldn't you think?

When folks want to advertise their ignorance you don’t really have to do anything, you just let them talk. And that’s what happened here.