Wow!!!!!! LOL.
noun: racist; plural noun: racists
a person who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
synonyms: racial bigot, racialist, xenophobe, chauvinist, supremacist More
"he was exposed as a racist"
(racially) discriminatory, racialist, prejudiced, bigoted
"a racist society"
noun: racist; plural noun: racists; adjective: racist
having or showing the belief that a particular race is superior to another.
"we are investigating complaints about racist abuse at the club"
Translate racist to
Use over time for: racist
So in your interpretation, the people of all colors who refused to let this old, outdated racist spew his crap are the racist??? Webster and many other scholarly entities strongly disagree with you. No one ruined his life. He is still close to a billionaire, and last time I checked, no one forced him to discriminate against minorities in his business dealings, and no one forced him to spew his racist drivel. In essence no one ruined his life, he was simply exposed for what he really is, a racist scumbag....
Are you really so misinformed that you don't know the history of KKK members/slave owners having black girls as young as 12 for their perverted sexcapades??? Do some research man. When you get ready to defend by saying it doesn't happen modern day, look into the S. American sex trade industry. It is ripe with older, wealthy, white men who travel the world to have sex with underage girls of color. Of course other races participate, but older white American males are well known in the industry..... They are starting to prosecute the ones they catch in Brazil, Columbia, etc... An Oklahoma attorney and a bail bondsman were recently caught.
While I agree every race has it's share of racist, it really isn't that hard to see why white men get the most scrutiny for their racism: THEY HAVE HISTORICALLY CONTROLLED MOST EVERYTHING IN AMERICA. Corporate America: Controlled by predominantly wealhy, older white men. Sports teams, politics, businesses, you name it, it has historically been controlled by older, wealthy white men, and the fact some have used that power and control to discriminate against minorities for decades, makes it more of an issue when it happens today.
Of course the gap has closed over the years, and minorities have the opportunities to obtain wealth, power, etc, but the tables have never been equal enough to eliminate the perception of white superiority/black inferiority.
I'm not saying it should be that way, but in our society it is. When Obama won the 1st election, everyone saw the focus on his color. Same with the 1st back Superbowl coaches, etc...... Why is that?? Because it was breaking down color barriers that were built long before any of us were born. While those barriers have been falling with each year that passes, the perception around the world is still: Rich, old, white men control most of America, therefore when a rich, old, white guy gets caught making statements like Sterling made, it will get massive attention, for better or worse.
As the races and sexes continue to close the gap on equality, it won't be such a huge issue. In recent years we have started to see black coaches, black team owners, etc. The importance of their race will continue to fade, as the discrepancy of who controls the country balances.
The media chooses to run with whatever story they deem important. Not many major news media outlets are owned by black entities. Sterling was exposed because people of all colors and walks of life are tired of an old institution that has existed since America was discovered, and that institution is racism. White people, black people, and every other race of people are starting to take a hard stance against racism. Idiots like Sterling are free to harbor their racist views, but whoa is him when it is exposed. Society is going to roast him, just like they did Sterling......