uhm, what about this republicans?


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Nov 7, 2008
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this is why I dislike republicans.

Senate Republicans made their intentions for the American people clear today when they passed a budget resolution that would throw 27 million Americans off of their health insurance.

The Senate passed the resolution on a near party-line vote of 51-48. The budget resolution is not binding, but it does set the stage for a showdown between President Obama, Democrats in Congress, and the Republican Congressional majority on the spending bills for each federal agency. President Obama has already promised to veto many of the bills due to their harsh cuts in programs for veterans, the poor, children, senior citizens, and working class Americans.

In a statement, Sen. Bernie Sanders called the Republican passed budget an absolute disaster:

This Republican budget throws 27 million Americans off health insurance, slashes $5 trillion over the coming decade from programs that help working families, cuts taxes on the richest Americans and raises them on working families with kids.

The budget moves this country in exactly the wrong direction. At a time of massive wealth and income inequality, it gives huge tax breaks to millionaires and billionaires while making devastating cuts to education, Medicare, affordable housing and prescription drug coverage.

Anyone who takes an objective look at this Republican budget can do nothing else but conclude that this is an absolute disaster for the working people of this country. Families are struggling to put bread on the table, to send their kids to college and to take care of their basic needs. But the Republican budget says ‘we’re going to make it even harder for those families.’

The GOP budget takes away health insurance from 27 million Americans by disabling the federal health insurance exchanges, “According to a report from the Senate Budget Committee Democrats, Republicans would take away health insurance from 27 million Americans by disabling the federal health insurance exchanges.”

The Republican passed budget promises big tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires that are paid for by throwing people off of their health insurance and turning Medicare into a voucher system. Today’s vote was a message to millions of people that the billionaire controlled Republicans in Congress are coming for their health care.

Republicans aren’t hiding what they intend to do, and it is up to the American people to stop them.
The Republican Party is in total disarray. A fragmented collection of knuckleheads without any idea how the economy or government functions.

There's a reason why up to 20 boneheads will declare themselves candidate for the Republican nomination and garner some support. Not because they have substantive policy ideas. Nope they will blabber on about the same brainless zombie agenda of cutting spending (which shrinks the economy) and tax cut schemes (which explodes the deficit) and strong national defense (their code word for blowing national treasure on paranoid military escapades).

It's because what they call a deep bench of candidates is really a glaring lack of an intelligent candidate. They are like a football team with 20 quarterbacks, that means they don't have a good one.
So many dopes will declare for the GOP nomination they will have to trade in the clown car for a clown bus. :ez-roll::ez-roll:
At least you're getting diversity on one side of the pulpit while it's just one dolt to choose from on the opposing flank. So, Hillary gives you the impetus to hold your head high? The Pyles must like to aim low.
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Jeb Bush, if you knew then what you know now would you still invade Iraq? "Yes I would". He said it with such cocksure ignorant confidence and swagger it brought back memories of his retard brother.

Cross him off the list. And yeah, Hillary is infinitely qualified and experienced to run the economy. There is not diversity on the right, there is chaos. They are a fragmented mess because their voters are an ignorant misinformed disaster.
Hillary will **** up the country even more than Obama has.

And that is saying something.
lol @ Obama has screwed up the country. Do you realize how galactically stupid one has to be to make such an accusation? Coming on the heels of George W Bush disaster?

The country is on cruise control right now.
Jeb Bush, if you knew then what you know now would you still invade Iraq? "Yes I would". He said it with such cocksure ignorant confidence and swagger it brought back memories of his retard brother.

Cross him off the list. And yeah, Hillary is infinitely qualified and experienced to run the economy. There is not diversity on the right, there is chaos. They are a fragmented mess because their voters are an ignorant misinformed disaster.

It is clearly obvious, at least to most, that he misunderstood the question.
lol @ Obama has screwed up the country. Do you realize how galactically stupid one has to be to make such an accusation? Coming on the heels of George W Bush disaster?

The country is on cruise control right now.

Lets see National Debt in 2000 was 5.7 Trillion Dollars (on this day).National Debt to GDP was 60%. National Debt in 2008 was 10.1 Trillion Dollars. Debt compared to GDP was 73.18% in 2008.

National Debt today is 18.2 Trillion Dollars. Debt to GDP is 102.8%. So in 8 years under Bush, the Debt increased by less than 5 Trillion Dollars and debt to GDP increased by 13.18%. Under Obama in six years debt incrusted by 8.1 Trillion Dollars and Debt to GDP went up 25.6%.

Additionally the number of people on food stamps went up 13 million people in 8 years under Bush. In 6 years under Obama it went up 16 million people. The number of people living in poverty is increasing faster under Obama. The only people doing well under Obama are the top 10%. So from your perspective things are fine but from the perspective of the other 90% of the population things are not good.
lol @ Obama has screwed up the country. Do you realize how galactically stupid one has to be to make such an accusation? Coming on the heels of George W Bush disaster?

The country is on cruise control right now.

Over 60% of the jobs created since Barak took office are part time. Would an intelligent person profess to believe that replacing higher paying full time jobs with lesser paying part time jobs is a recipe for an improved labor market? Besides less hours per week, part time jobs on average pay less per hour than their full time counterparts. And to top it off, employers are not subject to providing health care benefits to those categorized as part time workers. It's called strike one, strike two and strike three you're out, but you want to award the batter first base.
Lets see National Debt in 2000 was 5.7 Trillion Dollars (on this day).National Debt to GDP was 60%. National Debt in 2008 was 10.1 Trillion Dollars. Debt compared to GDP was 73.18% in 2008.

National Debt today is 18.2 Trillion Dollars. Debt to GDP is 102.8%. So in 8 years under Bush, the Debt increased by less than 5 Trillion Dollars and debt to GDP increased by 13.18%. Under Obama in six years debt incrusted by 8.1 Trillion Dollars and Debt to GDP went up 25.6%.

Additionally the number of people on food stamps went up 13 million people in 8 years under Bush. In 6 years under Obama it went up 16 million people. The number of people living in poverty is increasing faster under Obama. The only people doing well under Obama are the top 10%. So from your perspective things are fine but from the perspective of the other 90% of the population things are not good.

Another fact is that 43% and 39% of white voters voted for Obama. The most white voters to support a democrat since 1980 was 43%. Yet liberals claim Republicans are racist and that is why they don't support Obama. The facto of the matter is the data simply doesn't support their claims of racism. White people have historically supported republicans over democrats and nothing changed for Obama.

The mean of white voters supporting democrats since 1972 is 39.77%. Obama had a mean average of 41%

The median is 40%. Obama's median is 41%

The mode (most frequently occurring number) is 39% and 43% both occurring twice. Interestingly, those numbers correspond to the percentage of white voters supporting Obama in 2008 and 2012.

Absolutely nothing supports the claims of the left that people voted against Obama due to race. It is all a pack of lies designed to get the black vote. The reason the Democrats lie about racism so much is they cannot win a national election without getting a massive percentage of the black vote.

Facts are a very troubling thing for liberals.

Over 60% of the jobs created since Barak took office are part time. Would an intelligent person profess to believe that replacing higher paying full time jobs with lesser paying part time jobs is a recipe for an improved labor market? Besides less hours per week, part time jobs on average pay less per hour than their full time counterparts. And to top it off, employers are not subject to providing health care benefits to those categorized as part time workers. It's called strike one, strike two and strike three you're out, but you want to award the batter first base.

Not to mention that this is the lowest "workforce participation" rate since the Carter years. What that means is that there are less people looking for work (or in most cases, have given up looking for work) who are of working age....thus, this would significantly skew the artificially low unemployment rate (appx 5.3% at last check) that is constantly purported by the left. The economy ranges from stagnant to slight, incremental growth depending on the quarter.

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so you have all these great numbers to declare what a sh!tty job the President is doing ... and what is your solution?

because the only solutions I hear about coming from the right are:
- limiting voter participation
- taking food from the mouths of starving children, cripples, and the elderly
- stopping LGBT couples from getting married
- guns, guns, and more guns
- more truth-in-sentencing crap that keeps drug offenders in prison
- bellyaching about abortions while cutting food from the newborns
- allowing US businesses to hide assets overseas and costing the taxpayers hundreds of dollars per year while *****ing about food stamps that cost taxpayers $38/year.
so you have all these great numbers to declare what a sh!tty job the President is doing ... and what is your solution?

because the only solutions I hear about coming from the right are:
- limiting voter participation
- taking food from the mouths of starving children, cripples, and the elderly
- stopping LGBT couples from getting married
- guns, guns, and more guns
- more truth-in-sentencing crap that keeps drug offenders in prison
- bellyaching about abortions while cutting food from the newborns
- allowing US businesses to hide assets overseas and costing the taxpayers hundreds of dollars per year while *****ing about food stamps that cost taxpayers $38/year.

Instead of listing solutions from the "would be could be candidates," how about the list of solutions come from the man currently in charge.
Instead of listing solutions from the "would be could be candidates," how about the list of solutions come from the man currently in charge.

no, absolutely not.

IF you want to complain about the job that is being done then offer a solution. Anyone can sit around and post stats and numbers all day and complain of better times etc ... but to never offer a solution? unacceptable.
Lets see National Debt in 2000 was 5.7 Trillion Dollars (on this day).National Debt to GDP was 60%. National Debt in 2008 was 10.1 Trillion Dollars. Debt compared to GDP was 73.18% in 2008.

National Debt today is 18.2 Trillion Dollars. Debt to GDP is 102.8%. So in 8 years under Bush, the Debt increased by less than 5 Trillion Dollars and debt to GDP increased by 13.18%. Under Obama in six years debt incrusted by 8.1 Trillion Dollars and Debt to GDP went up 25.6%.

Additionally the number of people on food stamps went up 13 million people in 8 years under Bush. In 6 years under Obama it went up 16 million people. The number of people living in poverty is increasing faster under Obama. The only people doing well under Obama are the top 10%. So from your perspective things are fine but from the perspective of the other 90% of the population things are not good.

Same inbred right wing shell game. Obama wasn't around in 2008, but W was around in 2009. The federal debt was $11.9 and annual deficit was $1.4 trillion in W's last fiscal year which was 2009, not 2008.

Same with food stamps. Of course they exploded during the great recession. Only a brain dead imbecile would attach that to Obama who inherited an economy spiraling out of control.

Back to the debt, notice you don't hear any serious economist obsessing over it. Only hillbilly right wing dopes from rural areas who know as much about the economy as they do rocket science. Zilch. The debt is an issue for morons who think it makes them sound smart to talk about it.