We have talent

You can have all the talent in the world but if they don't play as a team then you're defeating the purpose of basketball, a team game.

Exactly, Jeff the other night tried to basically say we aren't a team right now.
You can have all the talent in the world but if they don't play as a team then you're defeating the purpose of basketball, a team game.

Right but if you have a bunch of no talent team guys you aren't going to win either. Talent is not overrated. Coach just has to get the talent playing or send them packing if they are that big of headcases. It's really that simple.
Right but if you have a bunch of no talent team guys you aren't going to win either. Talent is not overrated. Coach just has to get the talent playing or send them packing if they are that big of headcases. It's really that simple.

Oh by no means am I overrating talent but a less talented team will be a team with individuals who have talent playing as individuals. Heck I think we've been more talented than every team we've lost too this year.
When your leader is a very streaky shooter, doesn't play D or care to and has a bad attitude you will suck.
Syb -- That was the point I was inartfully trying to make, you said it much better. It is one thing to recruit at VCU and another to recruit to a school that expects to make a run at the national championship. They are different animals.

Bottom line for me -- I am very happy with Jeff to this point. He hasn't been perfect, but he is just a kid (maybe you can tell my age by this statement).

Probably the only suprises for me this year are that Willie hasn't been a little more consistent in his effort and the two freshman bigs aren't as physical as I thought they would be. They are a little soft. Nothing that can't and won't be fixed over time and something that probably is normal and should have been expected.

I like what I see in our coaching staff and I like our current players. This being said I have tempered my expectations for this year somewhat after watching the team to this point. Here's to hoping they exceed expectations.
Ada, just read your post. You mention Udok (spelling?) (the kid at Baylor). I watched him play a bunch in high school and I thought both he and Obi were special. Kelvin, for whatever reason, didn't really recruit those kids until well into their senior year. And, the tall kid wasn't offered until we missed on some other kids as I recall. Oddly, OSU didn't recruit the tall kid either except as an after thought. Thus, he ended up going to Michigan. He was paper thin in high school, but he was tall, quick and skilled. I never did quite understand why our in state schools didn't project him better and only offered them late.

I think Kelvin thought Obi was just a good tweaner. I disagreed at the time. He may have been right however. Obi has done a fairly good job at OSU, but hasn't been the star I thought he would be.

As for the current crop, I think the Rainey kid is a total stud and will be a star in college. I know there are different opinions on this board on him. I have know idea if Capel is recruiting him. I think he should be, but have been wrong more often than not on kids I have watched through the years.
Syb, a little about your discussion of jucos. This topic has been discussed on the board alot and there are different opinions about whether we should be recruiting juco players.

Aside from whether we should, it is just a fact that we are smack dab in the middle of the best juco basketball played (texas and Kansas). Billy and Kelvin wanted great high school players, but just decided to take advantage of the natural geographic advantage the university had to these programs.

My opinion on jucos is that you evaluate them and if they can make the grades and are good players, then fill your needs and diversify your recruiting classes with them. In short, I'm not against signing them if they are good enough to play. I would love to see Patillo and Cannon on this years team. Naturally, all things being equal, you want to sign 4 year players.