Who Is Your Big XII Coach of the Year?


Nov 6, 2008
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There doesn't appear to be a slam-duck choice, but I would say any one of these four could win it. I think Huggins will win, but if I had a vote, I'd go with Bill Self. I realize he has the most talent year in and year out, but this isn't his best Kansas team and they still won the conference title going away.

1) Bob Huggins - Most prognosticators had WVU battling Baylor for 4th place. A sole second place finish and a top 10 season were quite impressive. They will be a tough out later this month.

2) Bill Self - With three preseason top 10 teams and the overall best conference, this could have been the year someone knocked off Kansas...and yet they won it by two games.

3) Tubby Smith - Other than Bigabd, I doubt anyone had TTech in the Dance back in November. The only drawback is they had several blowout losses. In fairness, Smith easily had the least talent of these four coaches.

4) Shaka Smart - Their overall conference record doesn't wow anyone, but Texas did it without one of their best players...nice turnaround fter losing at TCU early in the season.

I'd like to know who everyone else thinks should win it.
If this is truly the toughest the league has been and you win it basically with ease by two games, the answer is simple: Bill Self.
Unfortunately, hard to not say Self. As much as I dislike the guy, Kansas was considered "down" this year and still won the conference
Self or Tubby.

Smart has a lot of talent on campus. I don't like Thuggins' style.
Huggins or Self.

Not liking a guy or his style isn't a reason for him not to be in the running for this.

I'd say Tubby, but I think they benefited from OSU's injuries, and KSU just sucking more than people thought.
Tubby Smith, and I am pretty sure Bill Self and Lon Kruger would say the same thing. In fact, I think Bill Self did say that.

Gonna get Tech in the NCAA Tournament with a starting lineup of 4 sophomores and 1 senior, then they lose one of their better players and literally took a guy (Matt Temple) from recreational basketball and turned him into their starter.

Granted, Tech has good athletes... Evans and Gray are great athletes, and Zach Smith is one of the better athletes in the conference, if not the best pure athlete.

They've got to be kicking themselves for losing to Arkansas and West Virginia.... They were up 4 with a minute to go against West Virginia and up 4 with less than a minute to go against Arkansas.

Those wins would have put them at 21-9 and very safely in.
That being said, if I am opposing coaches, I absolutely do not want to see West Virginia in my bracket. They are so tough.
Tubby wins it, well deserved.
Bill Self. He had a "weak" Kansas team that won the conference by two games and is the best team in the country.

Edit typed this before i saw the news Tubby won it
Bill Self. He had a "weak" Kansas team that won the conference by two games and is the best team in the country.

Edit typed this before i saw the news Tubby won it

His "weak" Kansas team has more talent/depth than any team in conference still. It's not hard to recruit when your bagmen are some of the best in the country.
Bill Self. He had a "weak" Kansas team that won the conference by two games and is the best team in the country.

Edit typed this before i saw the news Tubby won it

Weak? This might be Self's best Kansas team he's had.
Tubby wins it, well deserved.

I would have predicted Huggins, but voted for Self. Of course, this is why I seldom make predictions. Tubby was my third choice only because TTech wasn't always competitive in games they lost. Regardless, I doubt you could have gone wrong with any of those three.
I would have gone with Huggins but cant argue with Tubby I guess. Still amazing no OU coach has won the award in 20 years.
The talent and experience gap between Tech and OU, WVU, Kansas, and ISU is staggering. Tubby did a great job, and looks to have a nice season next year too.

PG: Keenan Evans (junior, returning starter)
SG: CJ Williamson (sophomore, comes off the bench this year)
SG: Justin Gray (junior, returning starter)
PF: Zach Smith (junior, returning starter)
C: Norense Odiase (junior, returning starter)
1. Tubby
2. Huggins
3. Self
4. Smart
5. Kruger
6. Prohm
7. Drew
8. Weber
9. Ford
10. Johnson - Surely TCU fires him
Self, and it's not close. This is one of Kansas's worst teams under Self, adn he still easily won the conference.
Self, and it's not close. This is one of Kansas's worst teams under Self, adn he still easily won the conference.

How is this his worst team?

This team won the conference last year and returned their top 3 starters and every member of their bench plus two 5* post players.

This might be one of his best teams.