Who is your second favorite Big 12 team?


The Red Wig
Nov 2, 2008
Reaction score
Try to name just one (sorry abd).

Mine: The Cyclones of Iowa State. Why? Because they have the most loyal and overall best fanbase in the conference.
Basketball: Oklahoma Sooners! (you guys!). I'm stunned you like ISU, pretty lame pick dude.

Football: The team I hate the most is the Oklahoma Sooners (Stoops has literally destroyed me)

Football: The team i 2nd like the most (behind the ksu cats, of course!) is probably...hmmm...Texas Tech or Mizzou.
Basketball: Oklahoma Sooners! (you guys!). I'm stunned you like ISU, pretty lame pick dude.

Football: The team I hate the most is the Oklahoma Sooners (Stoops has literally destroyed me)

Football: The team i 2nd like the most (behind the ksu cats, of course!) is probably...hmmm...Texas Tech or Mizzou.

Fatty I am flattered. As for pigskin, you know you can always live vicariously through us! :eek:ldwt356:
Basketball: Texas Tech
Football: Kansas State (how can you not like Bill Snyder?)
Basketball: Texas A&M, at least when Billy G was there. I love defensive basketball, which A&M did as well as anyone in the conference during Gillespie's years. It's a part of the game that is getting shoved aside at the highest level, but I'm glad you can still find some defensive-minded, fundamentally sound teams in college ball.

Now, probably KU. Self has amassed a salty crew up there. They're fun to watch.

Football: This one is damn tough.lol There are so many personalities in the Big XII that make you want to hate them, or act like complete douches-*cough*Chase Daniel.*cough*

I think I will go with Kansas. I've always had a lot of respect for Mark Mangino, and he is building up a program in Lawrence. He doesn't get the 5 star guys, but the guys he does get play hard and play smart.
Let's see. I have never given it much thought. It's certainly not O-State, Kansas, Texas, or Texas Tech while a Knight is employed there. None of Iowa State, A&M nor Nebraska do anything for me. Mizzou is fun to watch under Mike Anderson, though the Antlers are surely the most obnoxious supporters group in American sports. K-State and Colorado are inoffensive enough. One of them I guess.
I like OSU, Neb, Kansas, OU, A&M, Mizzou and KSU for beating UT last year... I have to give Mizzou and KSU the nod for beating UT in Austin which magnifies my joy. KSU right now has second place in my heart for giving UT a hard fought game in the tourney but softening them up for Baylor.
I like OSU, Neb, Kansas, OU, A&M, Mizzou and KSU for beating UT last year... I have to give Mizzou and KSU the nod for beating UT in Austin which magnifies my joy. KSU right now has second place in my heart for giving UT a hard fought game in the tourney but softening them up for Baylor.

You need a hug. Mean ole arrogant Texas hurt your feelings. Barnes is so mean.

Football-Texas Tech(Because of Mike Leach)
You need a hug. Mean ole arrogant Texas hurt your feelings. Barnes is so mean.

Football-Texas Tech(Because of Mike Leach)

I despised UT when Penders was there also. Has nothing to do with the coach. It is a cumulative thing...
I don't know that I currently have one. I used to pull for KU some, as I liked Williams. Not anymore. Certainly not osu. I respect UT's hoops program, but I don't know that I "pull" for them.
KU for both football and basketball....only because I grew up in a KU house, and of course, Kirk Hinrich.
used to be ou. and before that osu.

not sure if i have a clearcut 2nd fav. anymore. prob. a&m i guess.
used to be ou. and before that osu.

not sure if i have a clearcut 2nd fav. anymore. prob. a&m i guess.

What happened? *concerned look*

And I thought it was Baylor, sys;)
i just loved sampson. i've been slowly falling out of love w. ou ever since he left.

still like you guys, but now more the posters on this board than the team/coach.
Nebraska...I guess. I don't know, don't really hate any team or like any other Big XII basketball team. Indifferent to all of them.
My second favorite big12 team in basketball is the OU women. In football its the OU redshirts. Everyone else sucks.