Who is your second favorite Big 12 team?

probably Colorado but it grates on me when 1. my CU buddies hate on Billy Tubbs (they don't like Billy much up here, most of them--some of you remember the alleged "flipping off the crowd" game in Boulder) and 2. when OU loses in Boulder with me in attendance (last two times, both very frustrating games).

when #1 and 2 are in play, they are my least favorite team in the conference.

i like to see ISU do well for reasons mentioned, great fan base and crowds at Hilton. i kinda liked Jonny Orr when he wasn't beating us up there. i consider my own game a slighty less athletic version of Jeff Grayer. heh.

the game at ISU in Capel's first year was incredibly frustrating. we kinda look like we are going to string some W's together and flat lay an egg.
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So when you go to a CU game and OU loses do both CU fans make fun of you or just one of them?

I used to go and you could sit about 10 rows off the court on the corners. They have or at least had zero crowd support.

I don't know how anyone can like any teams in the Big XII. If I had to choose it would be Nebraska or Baylor.

I can rank them in order I don't like much easier: 1. KU 2. OSU 3. Texas 4. Tech 5. Missouri 6. ISU 7. 8. A&M (Aggies are just weird). 9.CU (I don't like CU fans) 10. Baylor 11. Nebraska (Football rankings of dislike would be much different. I do pull for Big XII teams in nonconference games.
So when you go to a CU game and OU loses do both CU fans make fun of you or just one of them?

I used to go and you could sit about 10 rows off the court on the corners. They have or at least had zero crowd support.

no doubt. i went to a game during the early Patton era where you could hear a conversation happening on the other side of the court in the stands over the "din" of the game itself.

i like going to see the better teams in the league in person...and you can't beat the always available walk-up 7$ GA ticket (though they might be 10 now and they've kind of pushed the GA into the corners) and they used to have beer and once a season a personal pan pizza giveaway to the first 5000 in the door and that's easy. great sports-entertainment value.
Basketball: Oklahoma Sooners! (you guys!). I'm stunned you like ISU, pretty lame pick dude.

Football: The team I hate the most is the Oklahoma Sooners (Stoops has literally destroyed me)

Football: The team i 2nd like the most (behind the ksu cats, of course!) is probably...hmmm...Texas Tech or Mizzou.

Fatty, please explain the Stoops hate, I can think of a few things, but was wondering what the specific thing is.

Basketball: Baylor, because we own them.

Football: See above.
Michigan State.....oh wait, sorry.....they're not in the Big XII, are they? My bad. :)
If I were to like another team, it would be Nebish.... because of Doc Saddler.