Willie Warren has rendered me speechless

This is the most moronic thing you've ever said, and you have some stupid sh!t on here. Wake up and smell the friggin coffee for cripes sakes

calm down dude!

i don't remember at anybody getting this worked up, even over JessieW!

and maybe you meant crepes sake? (a variation of the pancakes from the Brittany region of France)
Crocker played well until the end when he about gave away the game. This game is over until he shoots the ball at 1:30 left with 30 seconds left on the shot clock. Then he misses the front end of a 1 and 1, then he throws the ball away on the inbounds.

WW was the focus of their defense and didn't force things. He did nothing to hurt us. Now if he forces 20 scores and scores 4 points it's a problem. But he didn't.

As usual when the WW haters come out of the woodwork you can expect a couple monster games from him coming right up.

LMAO - Hey thats great he gets to play zero D cry and moan in our backcourt while UNC is scoring on another fast break off a rebound. WW's lack of D effort, I have decided he just doesn't care, and attitude are killing this team. He is our leader and refuses to get back and help on D. I wish Capel would bench him let someone play that cares. I am a huge OU BB supporter I have no idea what kind of effort to expect from WW from game to game. Either does Capel he said "I am done trying to figure Willie out." I am too.
WW is an elite basketball player. He just carried us on his back last game. He will do it again. To say he shouldn't be starting is ... well ... tea party ignorant.

Tea Party LOL - someone needs therapy.
To say he shouldn't be starting is ... well ... tea party ignorant.

I don't think he should be starting either or even playing until he gives full effort when he is on the court. I think JC needs to get his attention and get his attitude straightened out. The best way to do that IMO is to set his butt on the bench until he decides to play hard.
this isnt the daily kos, try to keep your lame opinions focused on Sooner basketball.
To you blaming Crocker for the bad throw in at the end of the game-------go back and review the play and you will see why Capel pulled Waren out at that time. I think Coach and I saw the same thing. It wasn't Crocker's fault.
I hate to say it but I did agree with TU this time. Crap! I could care less if he scores a lot or not. With Pledger, he has to score it . That is his role. Come in and shoot! Willie does not hustle. Plain and simple.
I have a question...When a guy is arguably yor MVP in the great alasken shoot out (Pledger)...Is talked about what a solid defender he is...Only to get back to Norman...and go from 38 minutes, to 25, to 10...Do you think that would affect his shooting...? I dont believe is in a slump, he is suffering from lack of time itis...let him play, get his rythem, then watch out

Two things:

1. Steve has got to move his feet better on D. I have hope that he will improve (Crocker sure did) but right now he is getting burned big time.

2. I really liked his shot selection on Saturday, and if you go back and look, every single one of his missed threes were halfway down before rimming out. I think he is out of any kind of slump that he may have been in. It was nice to see him hit those two in the second half.

OU is going to need Steven Pledger to be feeling confident come Big 12 play because he plays a really big role on this squad as the first guard off of the bench in a four guard lineup.