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Alot of my "reasons" for feeling like I do are posted above. There are other "instances" as well. One of the biggest reasons though, was when those three coaches publically stated that the NCAA was racially biased, and that college entrance exams were racially biased.

to make a connection between the above and the assertion that the aforementioned three coaches are "racist" is specious at best. Unless you go on to make the hard claim that ANYONE who belives that entrance exams and parts of NCAA policy can be racially biased (and this opinion is far more common than you probably think) is a "racist" than your allegations are flimsy. Whether or not you agree with the premise of those who make such claims about SAT/ACT, NCAA policies or other related issues is immaterial to the allegations you make. Unless "racist" to you means anyone with whom you disagree on matters that involve race. And if that's the case, then friend, you've got a LOT of battles to fight and many hearts and motivations to put into question other than these three pretty illustrious coaches.
SoonerfanTU;113771[B said:
]Alot of my "reasons" for feeling like I do are posted above. There are other "instances" as well. One of the biggest reasons though, was when those three coaches publically stated that the NCAA was racially biased, and that college entrance exams were racially biased.[/B] Those three coaches were behind ALOT of public comments about that, and I believe at one time they had talked about banding together and either suing the NCAA, or starting some kind of petition to lower standards for black athletes.

Then like I said, there are the other things posted in this thread. There is some evidence that at times, they all "preferred" to recruit black athletes over white ones. Would love to know the white/black player ratio at Temple as well.

There is something to be said for that. It's not offbased. Especially if you're a coach that sees kids going to these inner city schools that have poor funding and poor teachers. Alot of these kids have no chance and if you have ever saw those senarios you would know that. As for the recruiting ratio that Thompson and Chaney had, they coached in DC and Philly. Not alot of Kevin Bookouts running around their.
Another point where the Darrell Royal/John Thompson analogy breaks down: when Texas refused to offer qualified black players scholarships, it became somewhat of a "lockout" because there weren't that many major universities who would offer the black players scholarships either. If and when John Thompson did not offer a white player a scholarship, there were still dozens of universities to take up a scholarship offer. Does anyone believe that Rex Chapman, for instance, lacked for scholarship offers?
I am amazed that John Thompson is being called a racist at all. He has been a class act all the way. I think he appealed more to black athletes, but he has always had white coaches on his staff and he has offered white players. Unfortunately, there are not a million great white players out there. Look at the NBA if you need proof. Who is the best American white player playing now? In the last 10 years, OU has only had a couple white players (help me out here, but all I can think of is Kevin Bookout) that have been more than minor role players (i.e. Tim Heskett, Szendrei, and now Cade). Anyway, it is not surprising to me that Thompson attracted black players. There were not a ton of black coaches. I also think that we are being way to harsh on Cheney and Richardson. Cheney's outburst was never racial. It was just a really bad moment. Richardson made some mistakes, but let's move on. Both have made mistakes, but both were great coaches that pushed their players to out work their opponents.

I think the people that have made these accusations are the type that live in some delusional world where they think that whites are being targetted by reverse discrimination in our society. Does it happen occasionally? Yes. Are you at an advantage in our society if you are born white? I think it is obvious that the answer is 'yes.' People that call people like Thompson a racist are often the type latch on to anything to justify their worldview.

That is just how I see it.

To finish on a different note, I am extremely excited for this season to arrive. I really like what we have going in Norman. Boomer!
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I am amazed that John Thompson is being called a racist at all. He has been a class act all the way. I think he appealed more to black athletes, but he has always had white coaches on his staff and he has offered white players. Unfortunately, there are not a million great white players out there. Look at the NBA if you need proof. Who is the best American white player playing now? In the last 10 years, OU has only had a couple white players (help me out here, but all I can think of is Kevin Bookout) that have been more than minor role players (i.e. Tim Heskett, Szendrei, and now Cade). Anyway, it is not surprising to me that Thompson attracted black players. There were not a ton of black coaches. I also think that we are being way to harsh on Cheney and Richardson. Cheney's outburst was never racial. It was just a really bad moment. Richardson made some mistakes, but let's move on. Both have made mistakes, but both were great coaches that pushed their players to out work their opponents.

I think the people that have made these accusations are the type that live in some delusional world where they think that whites are being targetted by reverse discrimination in our society. Does it happen occasionally? Yes. Are you at an advantage in our society if you are born white? I think it is obvious that the answer is 'yes.' People that call people like Thompson a racist are often the type latch on to anything to justify their worldview.

That is just how I see it.

To finish on a different note, I am extremely excited for this season to arrive. I really like what we have going in Norman. Boomer!

I second this, now lets move on. :ed
This thread has ran its course and turned from the original topic. Let's stop the racist talk please, there's no room for it!
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