Wvu @ku


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2008
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Looked like wvu was going to pull it off but blew it. Going to ot. How the heck does Kansas alway do this?

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Pretty good audition for trae young...hope he wasn't watching!
Could be coaching has something to do with it...Say what you want but Self is elite
Could be coaching has something to do with it...Say what you want but Self is elite

Obviously coaching has something to do with some of the wins (and losses for that matter) but last night was a combination of Graham hitting HUGE shots at the right time and WVU missing pretty much everything FT that would have sealed it. Self did nothing of the sort (but extending the defense and to tell them to foul to extend the game) that he wasn't doing the first 37 minutes. Same as Huggins not being able to help his players make FTs when it counted. KU was flat out played until WVU missed timely FTs and forgot how to dribble for a 3 min stretch that ultimately cost them the game.

Don't get me wrong, I personally think Self is a great coach but that's not why they won last night.
I didn't watch the KU-WVU game. Was there a bad no-call on the inbounds in that game too (like the one in our game in Lawrence last year)?

I didn't watch the KU-WVU game. Was there a bad no-call on the inbounds in that game too (like the one in our game in Lawrence last year)?


IMO, there were 2. One, to me, was pretty obvious and it was Mason again. I'm a little surprised after the uproar last year that there hasn't been more of a focus from the refs. I'll be the 1st to admit that there was no camera shooting right down the line but it sure looked like Mason was across.

On the other, Lucas deflected an inbounds pass and it fell straight to the ground. He grabbed it, passed it to Mason or Graham who was fouled and made 2 free throws. It looked to me like he crossed the line as well, but it wasn't as clear as the other one. I was surprised that the ball bounced inbounds and not on the line but it must have. It wasn't even reviewed.

The one last year was obvious and I'm pretty sure Mason did it again. Call it 90%. On Lucas, I'm less sure but if he didn't cross the line, he was damned close.

Now that I look at your picture, I'm not even sure that's the Mason one I remember. It's sure not the Lucas one.
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