WW&TMG-Double Standard


New member
Oct 26, 2009
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Its okay if Tommy go 9-21, and we loose... everybody thinks he is the best point guard ever.....But if Willie does the same thing then he is selfish..Why is that?
Weren't the Sooners shorthanded? If so aren't there "less" players to take the shots? Go figure!
I really think it dates back to the expectations that were placed on Willie before the season started. With all the talk of All American teams and even player of the year honors Willie was placed on a pedestal, and is still on the pedestal. While Tommie was hyped as a McDonalds All American and Houston Legend he was still thought of as a freshman and did not have all the high expectations placed on him. Basically people (myself) thought of/wanted Willie to have a Blake type season. I think that was a little selfish as we really were blessed with how good Blake was.

Really this all comes down to hype for the dislike for Willie, many of us expected him to have a great season and while he has been good it is not up to our high level expectations we had for him. Willie outside of a few disciplinary issues/perceived attitude problems has had a really solid season for a sophomore. Only problem is he was left the job of filling Blake's large shoes and he hasn't done that so there will be grumbling about his performance. I really wish Willie would come back for his junior season as I think another season under his belt would be great for his draft status and this team, but from what I've heard I really doubt he returns.
Its okay if Tommy go 9-21, and we loose... everybody thinks he is the best point guard ever.....But if Willie does the same thing then he is selfish..Why is that?

I don't think it's okay.

I didn't say anything yesterday b/c everybody was so excited about the point total, and well, I just didn't feel like dealing with the backlash.

But yea, 9 of 21 isn't good. 1 assist and one turnover isn't good. I realize that without Warren, TMG had to be more of a scorer, but it is still his job to distribute the ball, and when he shoots, to make a good percentage of them.
"we loose... " WE L-O-S-E. If you're going to post something idiotic at least spell your words correctly. Of course TMG put up more shots, WILLIE WAS NOT PLAYING. And if the rest of the team had been putting the ball in the basket HE WOULD'VE HAD MORE THAN ONE ASSIST!
I don't think it's okay.

I didn't say anything yesterday b/c everybody was so excited about the point total, and well, I just didn't feel like dealing with the backlash.

But yea, 9 of 21 isn't good. 1 assist and one turnover isn't good. I realize that without Warren, TMG had to be more of a scorer, but it is still his job to distribute the ball, and when he shoots, to make a good percentage of them.

He should have received a lot more than 1 assist. He made the correct passes....his teammates just didn't finish (and that included shots as simple as layups).

Yeah, his shooting wasn't great, but he did what he needed to do to give this team a chance. I rarely felt like he was forcing it yesterday, and he made the shots that probably would have made me feel that way.
I don't think it's okay.

I didn't say anything yesterday b/c everybody was so excited about the point total, and well, I just didn't feel like dealing with the backlash.

But yea, 9 of 21 isn't good. 1 assist and one turnover isn't good. I realize that without Warren, TMG had to be more of a scorer, but it is still his job to distribute the ball, and when he shoots, to make a good percentage of them.

When everyone is missing shots it tends to cut down on the assist total. It was obvious that the only players who were able to score was Tommy and Tony. When Tommy deferred from shooting a shot off the drive on one instance he dished it to Ryan Wright and he bobbled it which led to a turnover. I don't think you were too unnerved by Tommy taking the shot instead of the 2 for 16 gang comprised of Pledger, Davis and Willis.
Weren't the Sooners shorthanded? If so aren't there "less" players to take the shots? Go figure!

I think there were at least four other players besides Tommy on floor.. tommy job is to get other players involved, thats a point guard duty.. who cares about how many points he scored.. we lost the game, now you go figure!
I think there were at least four other players besides Tommy on floor.. tommy job is to get other players involved, thats a point guard duty.. who cares about how many points he scored.. we lost the game, now you go figure!

He made the passes and the other 4 guys around him didn't finish. Happened all game long. Go back and watch the tape.
Besides, TMG is 4th in the conference in apg, so let's not act like he doesn't distribute the basketball.
"we loose... " WE L-O-S-E. If you're going to post something idiotic at least spell your words correctly. Of course TMG put up more shots, WILLIE WAS NOT PLAYING. And if the rest of the team had been putting the ball in the basket HE WOULD'VE HAD MORE THAN ONE ASSIST!

Is that the only way you can answer Beast.. everyone makes a typo- on this board,, how Childish! If you !want to make that a point then I will say it we Loose,Lose, Lost, outcome still the same.. How immature!
9-21 isnt terrible. It's OK, espeically for a guard. But their more involved than stats. His play was positive. He was unguardable by the defense and got good looks. He came through when we needed someone to score. When WW did the same thing last year, he was applauded. 9-21 isn't bad and to echo the point you tried to make, some of the criticism on WW is unfounded, but some is. I have had a problem with his overall play and effort as opposed to what he was doing statistically.
When everyone is missing shots it tends to cut down on the assist total. It was obvious that the only players who were able to score was Tommy and Tony. When Tommy deferred from shooting a shot off the drive on one instance he dished it to Ryan Wright and he bobbled it which led to a turnover. I don't think you were too unnerved by Tommy taking the shot instead of the 2 for 16 gang comprised of Pledger, Davis and Willis.

The same can be said when Willie takes the shots, and no one else is hitting
I think there were at least four other players besides Tommy on floor.. tommy job is to get other players involved, thats a point guard duty.. who cares about how many points he scored.. we lost the game, now you go figure!

He passed the ball plenty of times to his teammates and they didn't produce. Some of the players who were on the floor do not have a good shooting percentage. Who would you rather take a shot from the perimeter, a person shooting 44% from the three point line or someone hanging around the 30% cusp? Tiny played a whopping 16 minutes and had 4 turnovers in that time. Tommy had one turnover while the rest of the team had 15! Wright has proven not to have good hands. Someone needed to pick up the slack. Who do you think achieved such in last nights game?
Is that the only way you can answer Beast.. everyone makes a typo- on this board,, how Childish! If you !want to make that a point then I will say it we Loose,Lose, Lost, outcome still the same.. How immature!

A) That's not a typo. It's a 6th grade misspelling.
B) I did answer his post with the rest of my post.
But yea, 9 of 21 isn't good. 1 assist and one turnover isn't good. I realize that without Warren, TMG had to be more of a scorer, but it is still his job to distribute the ball, and when he shoots, to make a good percentage of them.

TU, I understand what you're saying. But let's put things into perspective. Except for Tony, TMG got very little help from anyone on the offensive end. When you compare his 9 of 21 shooting (43%) from the field and 4 of 9 from three (44%) with the rest of the team's 12 of 37 (32%) shooting from the field and a miserable 1 of 13 (8%) OUCH! from three, Tommy's numbers don't look that bad. By the way, Tony is included in the team stats.

My point is (and you have already touched on it), TMG didn't have much choice but to do what he could to fill a void left by Willie. With Cade, Steven and Ray shooting a collective 2 of 16 from the field (0 of 9 from three) and Tiny in foul trouble most of the game (he only played 16 minutes), much of the load offensively fell on Tommy and Tony's shoulders.

I think fans were simply recognizing the performance of a freshman point guard under very difficult circumstances, while ignoring or overlooking his final stats to some extent. TMG also did a great job defensively on Roberson.
So once again, we got a chance to realize that some of our players can't handle a pass, that some of them can't finish plays against good competition and that some of them can't really shoot that well. When we as fans show our competitive frustration, it's just human nature. When WW shows the same competitive frustration, he has an attitude and is bad for the team. We may praise our supporting players on their effort or defense, but they have always been the underlying problem. They just aren't that good. For clarification, I'm not including TMG or Gallon in that discussion. They are fine.
I have to agree with steverocks. A typo from people every now and then is certainly understandable, we all do it. But it is ridiculous how many people on this board (and the ouinsider football board) spell things like lose "loose" and our as "are" when they are completely different words. Is our education system that poor?