WW&TMG-Double Standard

TU, I understand what you're saying. But let's put things into perspective. Except for Tony, TMG got very little help from anyone on the offensive end. When you compare his 9 of 21 shooting (43%) from the field and 4 of 9 from three (44%) with the rest of the team's 12 of 37 (32%) shooting from the field and a miserable 1 of 13 (8%) OUCH! from three, Tommy's numbers don't look that bad. By the way, Tony is included in the team stats.

My point is (and you have already touched on it), TMG didn't have much choice but to do what he could to fill a void left by Willie. With Cade, Steven and Ray shooting a collective 2 of 16 from the field (0 of 9 from three) and Tiny in foul trouble most of the game (he only played 16 minutes), much of the load offensively fell on Tommy and Tony's shoulders.

I think fans were simply recognizing the performance of a freshman point guard under very difficult circumstances, while ignoring or overlooking his final stats to some extent. TMG also did a great job defensively on Roberson.

My only point about the above, and I'm not saying it's a huge deal at this point, is that TMG didn't get his teammates "easy" shots. We got the same jumpers that we get every game. Sometimes we hit them. Sometimes we don't. The thing I haven't seen with TMG.....and I'm not entirely blaming him.....is him penetrating and getting easy buckets inside for Tiny and cutting guards. How many times did a TT guard take a few dribbles, or maybe beat his man, then dish off to somebody around the hoop? More often then OU. TMG needs some help to be able to do that, but pointing to shooting percentages that are mostly outside jumpers, doesn't really answer the question.
A) That's not a typo. It's a 6th grade misspelling.
B) I did answer his post with the rest of my post.

well i think " loose".." lose".. (typo,., 1 extra "o".).what i think is 6th grade is your insult to an honest typo,,, we all do it at some point.. Why didn't you just answer the question. I am quite sure Beast didn't realized the extra 'o" loose, Oh my i am 6th grade.. I mean "lose" .. Wow!
My only point about the above, and I'm not saying it's a huge deal at this point, is that TMG didn't get his teammates "easy" shots. We got the same jumpers that we get every game. Sometimes we hit them. Sometimes we don't. The thing I haven't seen with TMG.....and I'm not entirely blaming him.....is him penetrating and getting easy buckets inside for Tiny and cutting guards. How many times did a TT guard take a few dribbles, or maybe beat his man, then dish off to somebody around the hoop? More often then OU. TMG needs some help to be able to do that, but pointing to shooting percentages that are mostly outside jumpers, doesn't really answer the question.

I see your point but which guards on our team make strong cuts to the hoop? Crocker and AJ did last year, but I haven't seen it much this season. I would love to see Willie cut more because I think it could lead to some easy buckets.
well i think " loose".." lose".. (typo,., 1 extra "o".).what i think is 6th grade is your insult to an honest typo,,, we all do it at some point.. Why didn't you just answer the question. I am quite sure Beast didn't realized the extra 'o" loose, Oh my i am 6th grade.. I mean "lose" .. Wow!

I did answer the question in my original post. I detailed why he was wrong and not just about the misspelling.

//What's your problem? Is he your wife? Is that why you're defending him?
I see your point but which guards on our team make strong cuts to the hoop? Crocker and AJ did last year, but I haven't seen it much this season. I would love to see Willie cut more because I think it could lead to some easy buckets.

We don't, often. And that is why I said he needs some help. But we should be getting 2-3 easy buckets a game just by TMG beating his man, drawing help, and dishing near the goal. As a team in general, we still settle for way too many 3's.....especially considering we don't shoot them very good at all.

We lead the Big 12 in 3 point attempts, yet we are at least 8th, if not lower, in 3 point %. That, "x's and o's" wise, is one of the reasons we struggle. Can't do what you do worst, the most.
We do dish to the guy under the basket, who promptly fumbles it out of bounds most of the time.
We don't, often. And that is why I said he needs some help. But we should be getting 2-3 easy buckets a game just by TMG beating his man, drawing help, and dishing near the goal. As a team in general, we still settle for way too many 3's.....especially considering we don't shoot them very good at all.

We lead the Big 12 in 3 point attempts, yet we are at least 8th, if not lower, in 3 point %. That, "x's and o's" wise, is one of the reasons we struggle. Can't do what you do worst, the most.

He does dish after drawing the defender for easy buckets 2-3 times per game. I have the highlights to prove it. He would have had at least 3 more easy buckets yesterday but our guys messed up. I am going to be make an amazing highlight video of his passes at the end of the year.

Look, I am not saying that he is perfect, but he is having an GREAT freshman season on a team that struggles converting baskets. I am very pleased with his progress and think he has a chance to be an AA pg.
I think there were at least four other players besides Tommy on floor.. tommy job is to get other players involved, thats a point guard duty.. who cares about how many points he scored.. we lost the game, now you go figure!

The other players were involved. Take a look at the shooting stats I posted above and then tell us again that Tommy is the reason OU lost the game.

He had little or no help offensively, except for Tony, and RW to a lesser degree. Tiny couldn't stay on the floor long enough to score. What was TMG supposed to do when the entire team shoots 32% from the field and a pathetic 8% from three? I'll answer that question. He did everything he could to win the game. It just didn't work out in our favor.
So once again, we got a chance to realize that some of our players can't handle a pass, that some of them can't finish plays against good competition and that some of them can't really shoot that well. When we as fans show our competitive frustration, it's just human nature. When WW shows the same competitive frustration, he has an attitude and is bad for the team. We may praise our supporting players on their effort or defense, but they have always been the underlying problem. They just aren't that good. For clarification, I'm not including TMG or Gallon in that discussion. They are fine.

As fans were judging these guys on individual basis. We can't celebrate one player for a good statistical game and then say well the other guy isn't playing that well. Cade Davis has been all over the map statistically. I think he's been playing well regardless. The issue isn't about some guys not being good and the "stars" not living up to expectation, it's about everybody pulling on one rope. We've seen more of everyone pulling on one rope lately, but it's probably too late. I mean when OU won the big12 tourney 50-48 vs. Mizzou,the shooting was worse than 9-21.
We also need to remember that he is having to share the PG duties with WW. He would have even more assists if he was the only guy running the show.
TMG played well and was the reason we were in the game.
I have to agree with steverocks. A typo from people every now and then is certainly understandable, we all do it. But it is ridiculous how many people on this board (and the ouinsider football board) spell things like lose "loose" and our as "are" when they are completely different words. Is our education system that poor?

I am not saying its okay. Just that it could have been an honest typo. Just by reading the contents I knew what Beast was saying, so instead of me insulting the guy, I would respond to the question. I see typo's all the time... I don't think our educational system is poor.. I think people are not perfect.. thats why we have a program called "spell check"...
No disrespect intended to you, especially in this situation where it simply could be a typo. I wasn't calling you out. I was just stating that in general, there are tons of people who continue to use "loose" as "lose" and "are" as "our" and have no idea that they are using words that are completely and utterly wrong. Just the other day I was reading a thread where someone was discusing "loosing the game" and with each reply, used "loose" instead of "lose".

Maybe it's just me, but that really grinds on me. I was just happy to see that I am not the only one who notices these things.

But I digress. Back to hoops talk please!
WW is shooting 28% from the trey stripe this year. TMG 44%, Crock 40%.

No double standard at all. Tommy shot 44% last night, 42.8% overall, 80% FT.

Those are very good numbers on the road.

It's hard to get assist when only 2 guys score in double figures. I'd rather see Tommy shoot more trey's and Willie less.
Spell check gets most typos. Errors like "lose loose" it can't catch. Think of spell check like it's Ryan Wright, doesn't catch a lot of what's thrown its way.
WW is shooting 28% from the trey stripe this year. TMG 44%, Crock 40%.

No double standard at all. Tommy shot 44% last night, 42.8% overall, 80% FT.

Those are very good numbers on the road.

It's hard to get assist when only 2 guys score in double figures. I'd rather see Tommy shoot more trey's and Willie less.

Did those numbers from any of the guards in the last 2 game get the win?
He does dish after drawing the defender for easy buckets 2-3 times per game. I have the highlights to prove it. He would have had at least 3 more easy buckets yesterday but our guys messed up. I am going to be make an amazing highlight video of his passes at the end of the year.

Look, I am not saying that he is perfect, but he is having an GREAT freshman season on a team that struggles converting baskets. I am very pleased with his progress and think he has a chance to be an AA pg.

It would be fair if you highlight how many times he didn't...
willies a sophomore and supposed to be num 1 pick at one time. also he never has his head in the game and is always moping