X and CJ to KU?

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X, why does you dad hate OU and OSU yet continue to live in Oklahoma?
X, why does you dad hate OU and OSU yet continue to live in Oklahoma?

Lots of people that hate OU and OSU live in Oklahoma. Half of OU's enrollment is from Texas, and many are Longhorn and other Texas school fans.
Lots of people that hate OU and OSU live in Oklahoma. Half of OU's enrollment is from Texas, and many are Longhorn and other Texas school fans.


I'm at hte point where I don't even look at the dunk, I just look at the tea bagging. No homo.
Make it Jim's, and it's a deal.

Maaaaaaaybe Pat's.

I'm down even though I've never heard of Jim's. You live there so I know you know what you are talking about. Make mine's a w/o, you got any requests? lol
Bueno has slowly been sliding down hill in the past 4-5 years, that or my taste buds are just getting better.
I'm down even though I've never heard of Jim's. You live there so I know you know what you are talking about. Make mine's a w/o, you got any requests? lol

A burrito sounds good.

Jim's is the best. It's on South Street in downtown Philly.
Bueno has slowly been sliding down hill in the past 4-5 years, that or my taste buds are just getting better.

No its gone downhill. It is still pretty glorious but the portions, quality, and price have all gotten worse.
Speaking of Carl, do you guys like Carl's Junior? I have never been a big fan myself, but they do sponser your OU basketball team, so I guess we should all give them one of these: :clap:woot:OUbball-logo:
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