Yes clippers get q rich(blake related)


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Nov 5, 2008
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lol hes not the good thing....the good thing is they get rid of zach randolph

this will open up more pt and also get a loser off of the team and get an expiring contract
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This is the best thing ever. Zach Randolph not only was a cancer to the Clippers, but was a burden on the pocketbook. Q is a solid three point shooter and a Clipper by bloodline. This clears the log jam at PF and will allow Blake much more playing time!!! They're young and good. The Clipper's will be a really fun team to watch this next season. I'm buying tickets for the season opener!!

Clipper nation in the house!!

Good news for the Clips and Blake.

You have to wonder why on earth Memphis would make that deal. There front office basically gave away Pau because of money and he never caused any problems and now they snag Randolf, his huge contract and his bad attitude for an expiring contract.
Richardson has to be excited. He goes from the Knicks to the Grizzlies, the #2 team in the draft, and in less than a week goes to the Clippers.
Good news for the Clips and Blake.

You have to wonder why on earth Memphis would make that deal. There front office basically gave away Pau because of money and he never caused any problems and now they snag Randolf, his huge contract and his bad attitude for an expiring contract.

Because they need somebody to produce in the post. They now have 3 guys capable of huge numbers night in and night out (Mayo, Gay, and now Randolph).

We will see how many games they win, but they have a pretty explosive offensive group now with Mayo, Gay, Randolph, and Marc Gasol. Gasol and Randolph can rebound too.
I know Randolph is a 20-10 guy but if he is on your team getting 20-10 your losing. The guy plays no defense and is always trying to get his. Guess we'll see how it works our.
Glad to hear that this happened. The Clippers really will have a chance to be a lot better if they can stay healthy and gel as a group.
Wow, what a terrible move by Memphis. They may have moved the clippers up to the 2nd worst franchise in the NBA.

This is a great move for Blake, I think it allows him to start at the 4 to start the season.