2 questions about capel


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Jan 10, 2009
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Don't terrorize me to much but I haveto ask

1) aside from blakes years, do u think capel knows wwhat he is doing or has a vision? Although we have another great center in tiny, I think capels idea of his team depends more on a athletic leaper that can score and block shots like Blake did and as of yet I don't see that capel has adjusted

2) do u think capel is over hyped as a recruiter? Although I think capel has brought in tramendous talent, if that talent does not mesh well together your talent is not worth as much
I've been saying 2 is right. Maybe these guys are talented but you can't really make a good team from them. That's something that we don't really know if Capel is great at unless he has a superstar in Blake Griffin. A lot of people can build teams from superstars. Capel has yet to really show what his system really is, and isn't building a team around it.
1. Yes. I think he wants to run a guard oriented offense with athletic bigs that can run the court. Issue: Who doesn't? Capel seems like a "best player available" type vs. a system guy. Overall I think this is a great question that needs another year or so [4 years in the program] to truly answer.

2. No. He has recruited 4 [and possibly a 5th] McDAA to Norman in 3 years already. If you theoretically asked what last years team and what this years team needed, he filled that very well [WW to compliment BG, TG/TMG to compliment WW]. That it isw not happening has more to do with where the kids are at right now IMHO. Next years team needed a big time wing to replace Croker and more depth at guard. Check and Check .
I've been saying 2 is right. Maybe these guys are talented but you can't really make a good team from them. That's something that we don't really know if Capel is great at unless he has a superstar in Blake Griffin. A lot of people can build teams from superstars. Capel has yet to really show what his system really is, and isn't building a team around it.

You said that you do not follow recruiting so how would you know?
I believe coach has to stay the course and get his system implemented like Anderson at Mizzou has. Problem is he says he wants to play and up and down game but he hasn't been able to get enough players for that system yet.
You said that you do not follow recruiting so how would you know?

Obviously they have a lot of high rankings. It's easy to look that up. I think this does show that stars are overrated.
2) do u think capel is over hyped as a recruiter? Although I think capel has brought in tramendous talent, if that talent does not mesh well together your talent is not worth as much

Yes, for the reason you mentioned. He has yet to recruit a full roster. A roster/team that doesn't having any glaring weaknesses. I didn't expect that first team to look good, but he's had a chance since then, and hasn't.

His McD AA's have been pretty good, though I could argue that WW is a BIG part of our current troubles. I'd also argue that while Tiny has a ton of potential, counting on him to be our workhorse inside is a bit of a head-scratcher, b/c Tiny's inside game is a work in progress.

The biggest thing to be disappointed in though is none of the roll players he has recruited have amounted to much. I guess you could make Cade the exception to that, though his shooting makes me cringe. Maze. Neysmith. Early. Wright. Allen. Patillo. Willis. None of them. That is why Cade is starting, and we have zero depth.

People will point to next year, but we'll be just as young. We'll lose Crocker, Warren, and Wright, and replace them with young guys. Our frosh will become sophs. Then the following year, Tiny might leave, along with Cade. Sure, that will leave TMG and Pledger as upperclassmen, but all the other good players will be young. Not until that following year will we have 3-4 major contributors that are upperclassmen. So we're either going to struggle for 2 more years, or Capel is going to have to find a way to win with young players.

I'd go HEAVY after JUCO kids this year. Bring some experience and toughness to Norman. Tell the kids there are no "safe" roster spots. I think with WW being gone, things will get better attitude-wise. The damange may already be done though.
I think our expectations for JC got awfully big really fast because of Blake. I think we would have seen systematic progress in the program without him but Blake spoiled us to a certain degree. OU got really good, really fast.

JC has capitalized on Blake with his recruiting but he needs time to really develop a complete squad. He has not done that yet and it is showing this year.
I think our expectations for JC got awfully big really fast because of Blake. I think we would have seen systematic progress in the program without him but Blake spoiled us to a certain degree. OU got really good, really fast.

JC has capitalized on Blake with his recruiting but he needs time to really develop a complete squad. He has not done that yet and it is showing this year.

I think they are big because people bought into recruiting and McDs AA that he's got 4 of them in 3 years when we've only had maybe 4 before that. I've always been saying who cares about what some fast food organization ranks our players it's not about the rating of our players. He's brought in guys that just aren't good together and it's not a good environment at all right now. This could end really bad. We could see players like TMG or Tiny just quit.
I, too, think that Coach Capel's recruiting abilities have been a bit overstated. He's proven to be good at grabbing some McDAA types, but, so far, not so great at building a team around them.

He's still a young coach, of course, and he'll continue to grow, but he's got to learn how to fill out a team with glue guys, players who, despite being less heralded, are tough and play with heart, who contribute in the less obvious ways.

And he's got to learn how to quickly instill some sense of team in the star players he does bring in and to foster some toughness in them, too. It's quite distressing to see a Sooner squad playing with so little fire and hustle, making boneheaded mistakes and getting burned by their own lack of tenacity and effort.

Like so many others have said of late, I can deal with losses (though I don't like having to), but I really can't forgive the lackadaisical performances this team has turned in. There's really no excuse for that, and I blame Coach Capel, his staff, and the players. I'm disappointed in all of them.

And while some have been chastised for mentioning Coach Sampson, I think it's fair to do so in this context: He was our previous coach, and the current coach will always be compared to the man who preceded him (heaven knows Sampson was subjected to that comparison throughout his tenure in Norman). And given that Sampson's strength as a coach was what appears (this season at least) to be Coach Capel's weakness -- his ability to instill a good work ethic and a hard-nosed attitude in all his players, the stars and the role players -- it's only natural that fans would find the current situation that much more untenable. We well remember when effort was rarely, if ever, lacking.

I also think that Coach Capel may be lacking an underlying approach, a philosophy, in his coaching and game-planning. Coach Tubbs certainly had his identity, his niche, an approach that served him well, and though Sampson's was big change from what came before, he, too, knew what he was about, what style of play he would demand from his players.

I honestly don't know what Coach Capel's aiming for, and I wonder if the players do. He speaks often of installing a running game, but he's yet to achieve that at any point in his coaching career.

When you commit to a particular style of play, as Tubbs and Sampson did, it may in some ways be limiting, but you do tend to know exactly which pieces you need to have on hand at all times and how they fit together.

I wouldn't take Sampson back on a bet, and it's likely he wouldn't have brought in this many highly touted players, but I can't help but wonder how much tougher this group would be under his tutelage, how much harder (and smarter) they'd play.

Until his senior year, Johnnie Gilbert took a lot of abuse from certain of our fans, but what would we give to have him (or someone like him) playing alongside Tiny right now?
JC has capitalized on Blake with his recruiting but he needs time to really develop a complete squad. He has not done that yet and it is showing this year.

How much time does he need? Mike Anderson's been at Mizzou less time than Coach Capel's been in Norman. And Ford's been in Stillwater just over one season.

TU's right -- we ought to be a deeper, more mature team than this at this point in Coach Capel's tenure.
My only question about Capel is he is still young as a Coach. Is he mature enough to handle all these egos at once?
I'd go HEAVY after JUCO kids this year. Bring some experience and toughness to Norman. Tell the kids there are no "safe" roster spots. I think with WW being gone, things will get better attitude-wise. The damange may already be done though.

I'd do this as well; however, I would tell Tiny and TMG that you are building around them for next season within 5 minutes of the end of the final game this season. I think that Tiny calling out guys and being frustrated bodes well for the future, now need to see if TMG does the same. For sure though, I'd bring in as many JUCO bigs as I could get my hands on as I think we are okay with what we have on the preimeter [TMG, CD, CC, SP, RW, TJ]. Also, I will be curious to see what kind of toughness BH brings...sort of weird that he came in as the strongest player on the team from the Sunbelt COnference? Wouldn't be the first time that a solid player was underrecruited.