Care to explain?
It seems as if you're trying to do to me the exact thing that I commented on so I'll say this as calmly as I can. If I am bothered by your ridiculous ad hominem comparing me to (and possibly suggesting that I am) a racist, that's on me. Your clearly personal attack says everything about you, and nothing about me. If I get upset about it, that's on me. I can't control what you say or do. The only thing I can control is how I react to it. Thus, if I feel "trolled" by any comment you or any other poster make, that's on me.
If you feel that somehow makes me a racist or justifies racism, not only is that a bizarre and ridiculous suggestion, but I'm not going to take your bait. The only thing in life we control is ourselves. There are those here who annoy me. I've chosen to put them on my ignore list. Perhaps you or hoopsaustin or say one else who feels "trolled" by coolm or me or anyone else should do the same. Or, alteratively, you could just choose not to be annoyed by comments made by coolm or any other poster. If you feel you're unable to control that, I believe you're wrong. Your reaction or how you are affected by comments made by ANYONE EVER are your own. And you can control them. You cannot control what anyone else will say.
Maybe you don't believe that, but it's true. I've spent some time both in individual and group therapy and that belief was my greatest takeaway. Too often I've taken other people's comments or actions personally and it's only served to make me feel worse. There's no question that my life is better and I am a better person knowing that I, and no one else, controls how I react to what others say.
So if you think that somehow makes me a racist or that I am somehow rationalize racism, enjoy that belief. But I'd suggest you work on some logic puzzles or something to improve your ability to think and develop coherent arguments.