Asst Coach Search update?

Come on Mason 🙏 .....or surprise home run deal.
I’ve been told not to. I will as soon as I can.

Just tell us - we won't tell anyone else :D

Seriously, as always - don't burn your source for the board. Not that you ever would anyway.

Timeline on announcement? And are you pleased?
Any ideas on when a decision or announcement will be made?
Could be done tomorrow.

He’s suppose to be on Campus.
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**checks twitter**

"My sources say we're close to a hire.." :woot

Lol. I forgot you know everything.

Did you see it on Twitter?

Sure there are thing I share from twitter. But plenty I don't.

Whatever makes you feel better.

Didn’t you run off Gary?
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Coach made promises he wouldn't reveal ahead of time.

Hoopsaustin, Coach has proven to be correct time and again...your comments were unnecessary.

Well said. Funny that a couple guys who never provide any inside info are complaining about one of our more reliable sources. They are probably just getting antsy because they can't wait to criticize whoever we hire.
Glad I'm not the only one that notices this.

And all from a guy that graduated from OSU. Odd.


I’ll oblige.

My dad got sick, diabetes. Organ failure set in. I didn’t want to move 2.5 hours away. So I lived with my brother and drive back and forth to college. So yeah I graduated from OSU (mainly Tulsa campus) and then SWOSU with a masters. Worked 40 hours a week at a hospital to put myself through college. Dad passed away shortly after college. I don’t care where my degree is from. I wouldn’t change any of it, I spent a lot more time with my father.

Never wore orange once. FYI LOL

But whatever you have against me, I don’t care. you told me once you kid or grandkid or niece attended my school. Sorry you feel wronged.

I’m living rent free...

You don’t bring anything to the board except bashing OU and staff.
Well said. Funny that a couple guys who never provide any inside info are complaining about one of our more reliable sources. They are probably just getting antsy because they can't wait to criticize whoever we hire.

It’s fine. Dudes have something personal against me.
Won’t be the last.
How sad that this board has turned into a backstabbing beehive of petty bickering that accomplishes absolutely nothing worthwhile! It’s a lot easier to say something nice to someone than to look for an opportunity to get in a low blow against a poster you may not agree with.

Keep it up and this will be a lonely place someday!
How sad that this board has turned into a backstabbing beehive of petty bickering that accomplishes absolutely nothing worthwhile! It’s a lot easier to say something nice to someone than to look for an opportunity to get in a low blow against a poster you may not agree with.

Keep it up and this will be a lonely place someday!

100% agree.
Should be done very soon. Some will be happy others not as always
It already is.

It’s not as bad on this board as the women’s forum, but there are frightening similarities. Too many posters choosing sides instead of trying to get along.

I’m sure you know what I mean?