Austin Johnson stats

I don't know if I call him underrated. He was a solid player and played his role well. Health was always an issue with him, and it probably got him dragged in the mud a bit by some OU fans.

I think the general disdain for posts of this ilk is underrated... :pattillostuff
Excellent. I always liked him as a player. Having to play hurt his first year caused many fans to form the wrong impressions of his ability. I'm not sure his first OU coach did him much good either.

I dunno -- he brought him to OU in the first place and he played him from the jump, showing great faith in him from the beginning.

What great harm do you imagine mean ol' Coach Sampson (it's okay to say his name, you know) did AJ?
He played him seriously hurt. The rough start no doubt had some kind of impact on his confidence. His first year play certainly played a part in the public's assessment of his ability. Sampson needed the player/body to keep the team competitive, but the best interest of the player was not necessarily the first priority. I'm suggesting that he may have had a better career at OU if he hadn't been "jumping" around on a severely sprained ankle. Hey, but someone important continued to make a million dollars a year and win a few more games off a "disposable" 18 yr old kid.

Sorry, I just don't like using people as a raw material for personal advancement. There is a fine line between team first and "me" first", but I do think there is a distinction. I think that fine line was crossed routinely, in the past.
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Fans seem to need someone to blame. They can be fluid about it, switching from one player to another or to one coach or another, but always there must be a goat, someone without whom -- or so they're convinced -- everything would be hunky-dory.

AJ spent far more time in that doghouse than he ever deserved. Johnny Gilbert did, too, but he won most fans over by the end of his senior year, and now he's recalled with great fondness by most. Here's hoping AJ's standing in the eyes of fans is afforded a similar upgrade, but I'm not holding my breath.

I wouldn't say fluid. Fluid suggests smooth. I'd say fickle if not downright ornery.
I caught grief on another nameless board for saying that Austin was my favorite player on OU last year. He was - always liked him. Glad to see him doing well in Switzerland.
Wow. Those are good stats. 85% from the line. Remember how he struggled from the line as a freshman? That had to be mental. He was a really good defender with those long arms. I wish now that he had been redshirted his freshman year......:)