Blake Griffin Injured From Off-Court Altercation

"Griffin long has been labeled an aggressive/dirty player on the court. He had that reputation at OU. Had that reputation with the Clips. As a Sooner, it seemed roguishly charming. As a Clipper, it seemed thuggish."

Wow, I don't remember it this way at all, at least when BG was at OU. I don't remember him taking D seriously enough to be a thug. What I do remember is him getting plenty of hard fouls and walking away from confrontation - to the extent that I wanted him to stand up for himself a bit more. As far as the NBA, I haven't followed his rep at all, maybe that is how he is perceived now. The bench video with the trainer certainly doesn't dispute that. But "thuggish" or "dirty" in college? Am I way off?
typical Trammel. Griffin got hacked like crazy. I remember guys tripping him, kicking him in the groin, and all kinds of other cheap shots. I don't recall the dirty plays that Trammel seems to recall.

Honestly, it is unfortunate that Blake didn't punch Trammel. I would pay money to see that.
What I do remember is him getting plenty of hard fouls and walking away from confrontation - to the extent that I wanted him to stand up for himself a bit more.

Yes. Game after game. Showed amazing restraint. Taylor would be the one sticking up for him.
Sports media is an embarrassment. Always cater to the lowest common denominator. Of course, most of the ones writing the story are the lowest common denominator themselves, we've got a bunch of very low intelligence individuals in that business.

"Griffin long has been labeled an aggressive/dirty player on the court. He had that reputation at OU. Had that reputation with the Clips. As a Sooner, it seemed roguishly charming. As a Clipper, it seemed thuggish."

Wow, I don't remember it this way at all, at least when BG was at OU. I don't remember him taking D seriously enough to be a thug. What I do remember is him getting plenty of hard fouls and walking away from confrontation - to the extent that I wanted him to stand up for himself a bit more. As far as the NBA, I haven't followed his rep at all, maybe that is how he is perceived now. The bench video with the trainer certainly doesn't dispute that. But "thuggish" or "dirty" in college? Am I way off?

i don't think i would call it dirty. But he does little things to piss people off. Like steven adams does. Then he plays innocent when someone loses it. He is great at walking away after the confrontation but it is the little pushes and tugs and trips that are specifically done to get under ones skin that has him labelled like that. but yeah, i wouldn't call him dirty. oh and the flopping
typical Trammel. Griffin got hacked like crazy. I remember guys tripping him, kicking him in the groin, and all kinds of other cheap shots. I don't recall the dirty plays that Trammel seems to recall.

Honestly, it is unfortunate that Blake didn't punch Trammel. I would pay money to see that.

at some point you have to ask yourself why this stuff always happens to blake and not other players? In college I always said it was b/c he was so good and so much better than everybody else that they just were jealous and pissed off.

But when it translates to the nba, you have to look deeper. People don't pull this stuff against the other great players in the league
You owe an apology to society at large when you beat somebody much smaller than you up in a public restaurant.
i don't think i would call it dirty. But he does little things to piss people off. Like steven adams does. Then he plays innocent when someone loses it. He is great at walking away after the confrontation but it is the little pushes and tugs and trips that are specifically done to get under ones skin that has him labelled like that. but yeah, i wouldn't call him dirty. oh and the flopping

this is what i saw and remember.. i think its just playing the mental game.. but he liked to play shocked when anything happened back to him.. but he was drawing the plays
You owe an apology to society at large when you beat somebody much smaller than you up in a public restaurant.

get over your self ... he and his friend got in a fight .. he doesn't owe society anything ..

because he broke his hand he owes his team an apology .... and clearly his employers/business partners (for the embarrassment and bad press) and his friend .. but that goes without saying ..

"Griffin long has been labeled an aggressive/dirty player on the court. He had that reputation at OU. Had that reputation with the Clips. As a Sooner, it seemed roguishly charming. As a Clipper, it seemed thuggish."

Wow, I don't remember it this way at all, at least when BG was at OU. I don't remember him taking D seriously enough to be a thug. What I do remember is him getting plenty of hard fouls and walking away from confrontation - to the extent that I wanted him to stand up for himself a bit more. As far as the NBA, I haven't followed his rep at all, maybe that is how he is perceived now. The bench video with the trainer certainly doesn't dispute that. But "thuggish" or "dirty" in college? Am I way off?

I like a lot of the stuff Trammel writes, but that wasn't one of his best efforts. Too much rumor or guesses and not enough facts. Blake was aggressive while he was at OU and there were times his freshman year that he seemed on the verge of losing his temper, but he never did. He had much better control his sophomore year.
get over your self ... he and his friend got in a fight .. he doesn't owe society anything ..

because he broke his hand he owes his team an apology .... and clearly his employers/business partners (for the embarrassment and bad press) and his friend .. but that goes without saying ..

Kids look up to him and there is no getting around that.
I like a lot of the stuff Trammel writes, but that wasn't one of his best efforts. Too much rumor or guesses and not enough facts. Blake was aggressive while he was at OU and there were times his freshman year that he seemed on the verge of losing his temper, but he never did. He had much better control his sophomore year.

If I remember reading correctly, I believe Capel pretty much told Blake not to challenge every shot because OU needed him on the court and not in foul trouble. I also remember seeing with my own eyes times were Blake would let a guy go and not play help defense just to avoid fouls. But when Blake did decide to protect the rim, he could do it with the best of them.
at some point you have to ask yourself why this stuff always happens to blake and not other players? In college I always said it was b/c he was so good and so much better than everybody else that they just were jealous and pissed off.

But when it translates to the nba, you have to look deeper. People don't pull this stuff against the other great players in the league

The on-court stuff like the cheap shots from the USC/OSU/etc. players and then the flip by the Morgan State player (or Towson State whoever) in the NCAA was because Blake was getting under their skin. I don't think he has ever been overly dirty like Bill Laimbeer or Dennis Rodman but he pisses people off because of his energy, even in the NBA when I've watched him.
get over your self ... he and his friend got in a fight .. he doesn't owe society anything ..

because he broke his hand he owes his team an apology .... and clearly his employers/business partners (for the embarrassment and bad press) and his friend .. but that goes without saying ..

There's a reason why criminal prosecutors represent the "people" of their jurisdiction.
at some point you have to ask yourself why this stuff always happens to blake and not other players? In college I always said it was b/c he was so good and so much better than everybody else that they just were jealous and pissed off.

But when it translates to the nba, you have to look deeper. People don't pull this stuff against the other great players in the league

There is jealousy in the NBA also.
at some point you have to ask yourself why this stuff always happens to blake and not other players? In college I always said it was b/c he was so good and so much better than everybody else that they just were jealous and pissed off.

But when it translates to the nba, you have to look deeper. People don't pull this stuff against the other great players in the league

Does this make Steven Adams and serge Ibaka dirty? They have run ins with a lot of players and were voted two of the top 5 dirtiest players in the league.

They do it because they know he won't retaliate which has been pointed out by numerous players and former players.
I am wondering if you are an idiot and punch someone breaking your hand does that relieve your professional sports team employer from paying your salary for the 6-8 weeks you are out? If it doesn't, it probably should.

The internet says Blake gets just over $20,000,000 a year. There are 82 games in the NBA. I think the teams play about every other day. If he is out 7 weeks (I am guessing 6-8 weeks for a broken hand) due to this incident that would mean about 25 games or 30% of the season. If he loses his salary that was $6,000,000 punch, plus you have to think he is going to have to pay the guy he punched something.

I would think the contracts say you don't get paid when you do stupid stuff like this.
typical Trammel. Griffin got hacked like crazy. I remember guys tripping him, kicking him in the groin, and all kinds of other cheap shots. I don't recall the dirty plays that Trammel seems to recall.

Honestly, it is unfortunate that Blake didn't punch Trammel. I would pay money to see that.

Agree. I do not recall Blake as a dirty player in any way whatsoever. Trammel is flirting with slander IMO.