Blake Griffin Injured From Off-Court Altercation

Trammel is a POS. When he is out of the media in Oklahoma it will be a good day.
The Thunder homers and Capel haters strike again. Sheesh.
Mental and personality disorders almost always stem from childhood. From what I've seen Griffin seems to bully people who're "beneath" him. I think it starts as teasing but it just goes on and on until they get mad, then when they get mad they say something and he pops them.

Pretty lame person.
That piece was awful and LOL at Thunder homers.

Although I don't necessarily see Blake doing anything over the top in games. There does seem to be a lot of national people, including Stephan A Smith that seem to think Blake causes a lot of issue on the court. He was even calling for Clippers to trade Blake.

Most complaints I am hearing, including Desmond Mason, who played against Blake, on the Thunder pregame mention that Blake bodies up to you hard on defense, but as soon as you try to return the favor he flops. Gamesmanship probably, but as an opposing players or fan I can see how you could see as cheap basketball. Most everyone loved calling Smart a flopper, Blake has that rep now as well.

Now I am a Thunder fan, but sometimes I watch the games and get frustrated with some of the crap I see Serge and Adams do.

I always route for Blake to do well personally, just don't want clippers as I do not care for Paul do to personal interaction.
Although I don't necessarily see Blake doing anything over the top in games. There does seem to be a lot of national people, including Stephan A Smith that seem to think Blake causes a lot of issue on the court. He was even calling for Clippers to trade Blake.

Most complaints I am hearing, including Desmond Mason, who played against Blake, on the Thunder pregame mention that Blake bodies up to you hard on defense, but as soon as you try to return the favor he flops. Gamesmanship probably, but as an opposing players or fan I can see how you could see as cheap basketball. Most everyone loved calling Smart a flopper, Blake has that rep now as well.

Now I am a Thunder fan, but sometimes I watch the games and get frustrated with some of the crap I see Serge and Adams do.

I always route for Blake to do well personally, just don't want clippers as I do not care for Paul do to personal interaction.

Desmond Mason never played against Griffin.
The on-court stuff like the cheap shots from the USC/OSU/etc. players and then the flip by the Morgan State player (or Towson State whoever) in the NCAA was because Blake was getting under their skin. I don't think he has ever been overly dirty like Bill Laimbeer or Dennis Rodman but he pisses people off because of his energy, even in the NBA when I've watched him.

Lots of college guys have high energy but you don't see people attacking them...

It's not b/c of his energy that this keeps happening to him
Does this make Steven Adams and serge Ibaka dirty? They have run ins with a lot of players and were voted two of the top 5 dirtiest players in the league.

They do it because they know he won't retaliate which has been pointed out by numerous players and former players.

Read my other posts. I specifically mentioned steven adams as a comparison. I don't call it dirty but it isn't clean and innocent
Westbrook got into with Barea a few weeks ago and was kicked out of the game. :facepalm

I watch almost every thunder game, or parts of it. Westbrook gets pissed about everything. But very rarely does a player actually cheap shot him like you see quite often with Blake.

No other player in the NBA gets cheap shots against them like Blake does. Why is that? It happened in college and it happens in the NBA.
I watch almost every thunder game, or parts of it. Westbrook gets pissed about everything. But very rarely does a player actually cheap shot him like you see quite often with Blake.

No other player in the NBA gets cheap shots against them like Blake does. Why is that? It happened in college and it happens in the NBA.

It is also a lot easier to cheap shot players down low than on the wing. Does Blake instigate things from time to time? Yes.

But, tell us again how it is all Blake and Ibaka is the innocent one. And yes, you said this in the past. It is okay, you are a Thunder homer.

Okay, I'm finished in this thread (unless something comes to light besides two friends got into a fight over teasing).
It is also a lot easier to cheap shot players down low than on the wing. Does Blake instigate things from time to time? Yes.

But, tell us again how it is all Blake and Ibaka is the innocent one. And yes, you said this in the past. It is okay, you are a Thunder homer.

Okay, I'm finished in this thread (unless something comes to light besides two friends got into a fight over teasing).

So just throw untrue statements on the thread and back out?

Where did I say serge was innocent? I don't believe I have. and this thread isn't about is about blake.

And you calling me a thunder homer is comical and hypocritical and ironic all in one
If I remember reading correctly, I believe Capel pretty much told Blake not to challenge every shot because OU needed him on the court and not in foul trouble. I also remember seeing with my own eyes times were Blake would let a guy go and not play help defense just to avoid fouls. But when Blake did decide to protect the rim, he could do it with the best of them.

I guess he has also decided to not block shots in the NBA ... he is a below average shot blocker ...
Gonna be interesting to see how OU handles this come March 1st. There shouldn't be any untoward distractions on Senior Night, especially this particular one.

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Think they should move the event to the TCU game, let the seniors have their moment, and reschedule this circus
Desmond Mason never played against Griffin.

Your right. I thought he said playing against him. Mason ended is NBA career one year before Blake started from what I could see. Maybe he was comparing other guys to Blake and I just missed that.
Mental and personality disorders almost always stem from childhood. From what I've seen Griffin seems to bully people who're "beneath" him. I think it starts as teasing but it just goes on and on until they get mad, then when they get mad they say something and he pops them.

Pretty lame person.

That is a lot of psycho analysis from one incident on a person I don't think you know.
I am wondering if you are an idiot and punch someone breaking your hand does that relieve your professional sports team employer from paying your salary for the 6-8 weeks you are out? If it doesn't, it probably should.

The internet says Blake gets just over $20,000,000 a year. There are 82 games in the NBA. I think the teams play about every other day. If he is out 7 weeks (I am guessing 6-8 weeks for a broken hand) due to this incident that would mean about 25 games or 30% of the season. If he loses his salary that was $6,000,000 punch, plus you have to think he is going to have to pay the guy he punched something.

I would think the contracts say you don't get paid when you do stupid stuff like this.

They certainly can, but won't because it burns bridges with one of your star players. If it was career threatening they absolutely would, but if they plan on keeping him it doesn't make any sense. It's not like the organization isn't insanely profitable, a couple million bucks are chump change to the franchise.