Calling OUr Pessimist, a Question of bgrch1350


Well-known member
May 15, 2009
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Hello, bgrch1350.

You don't know me, and I don't know you. But, hello just the same. I don't come around here very much these days, but when I do I notice your forecasts are filled with doom and gloom, whaling and moaning, and the occasional gnashing of teeth.

My question is, "why?"

Now, I'm an optimist by nature. I figure it's just as easy to see the bright side of things as it is to talk about the locomotive bearing down on you from around the bend. But your posts paint a bleak picture, and I'm just curious as to your reasoning.

Here's where I'm coming from with my optimism. It's a canvas painted with observations gleaned from my seat within the LNC. I attend most every home game (and a few roadies too) and I'm continually amazed at the uptick in the program. Now, I can relate to bleak.

I saw it when K-State fans swarmed the area behind the east benches.

I saw it in Columbia when Missouri just obliterated us in Capel's last season (Tyler Neal played well that day).

I saw it in Tiny Gallon and his used car lot.

I saw it in Tommy Mason-Griffin's "interpretations" of English.

I saw it in Abdul Ahmed.

Here's my point: to say we're going to be terrible because some JUCO can't make his grades is doing our team and our staff a tremendous disservice. To say we're straight back to the cellar because there isn't much recruiting news is obtuse, and it's a statement that ignores the fact that we won 20 games last year while going 11-7 in the league. I think these guys know what they're doing, and the proof continues to manifest itself on the court. There isn't any bartering with the fanbase over moral victories and, there are just wins....and a little publicity here and there that has nothing to do with money wired or girlfriends banged.

You are certainly entitled to your opinion, and I cannot deny that I am the biggest OU BBall homer you'll ever meet. As I've said many times, I once fell hard for Ray Willis. But I'm going to these games, and I'm going to these practices, and what I observe is LIGHT years ahead of what we trotted onto the floor three years ago.

Do you ever come to the practices? They're wide open, just like Derrick Shepard after a well-executed fake to the belly of Lydell Carr. Anybody can show up and observe, even some rube in an old Padres hat. If you would come to practice you would see the intensity and the teaching and, most of all, the improvement.

Isaiah Cousins is so much bigger.
Cameron Clark's pace is so much more reserved.
The perimeter D is absolutely smothering.
Bennett can play.
So can Spangler.
Jordan Woodard is THICK.
Buddy Hield is nuts.
Je'Lon Hornbeak is as steady as they come.

You may be right. I've been wrong before...quite often. But come to practice in the fall and watch these guys work. I think you'll be impressed. Are we a little thin down low? Sure. Big deal. If Kruger could fill a roster with 12 guards he would. I think we'll be fine.

Come to practice in the fall, and be sure to say hello. Like I said, I'm the guy in the old Padres hat. I'd love to hear your side of the story from the cloudy side of the street.
Tread lightly, 04. I'm envisioning bgrch as a Clint Eastwood/Gran Torino type.....

We'll miss Osby, but there is a ton to like with our guards, which is what you need to compete at the top levels of college basketball.
Yep and if we somehow only win 18 or 19 games instead of the 20+ we should win he'll call it a bad year. I think this year we probably could end up winning about as many as last year but the future is bright for this team either way. We have a real young but talented back court. And it's fairly deep too. Also have some talented front court players but not a lot of them.

And we seem to be keeping more recruits since Kruger has come in. Capel couldn't recruit that well and keep his recruits for the most part and that was what led to his downfall in the end.
Nice post 04. :OUbball-logo:

But you had to go with the Padres? :facepalm
I love this post. We have a lot of question marks, but we've also got a lot to look forward too.
Nice call on the perimeter D, 04. Oof.

We showed how good we can be last night. For the last 10 minutes of the first half and first ten minutes of the second half we absolutely smothered them. They literally struggled to get shot attempts.
Sooner04, one would think that three months is more than enough time to come up with an answer to your questions.

Paging bgrch1350!
bgrch1350 is a Nowhere Man.
