Can you guys explain some Trump things to me?

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I promise not to vote for Anthony Weiner. HAHAHAHA! Although, he never said the horrific things Trump did, admitting to sexual assault.

You're really not very good at this.

Sexting with underage girls is BETTER than saying things like President Trump has said?! Republicans would call that pedophilia and child pornography. Demonicrats call that Thursday.

"You're really not very good at this."

And that's an opinion.
Sexting with underage girls is BETTER than saying things like President Trump has said?! Republicans would call that pedophilia and child pornography. Demonicrats call that Thursday.

"You're really not very good at this."

And that's an opinion.

Sexting with teenage girls is bad and Anthony Weiner was run out of congress and prosecuted. Grabbing women by the vagina and kissing them without their permission is also bad, should we hold Trump to the same standard? I think we should.

And yes, you are not good at this, at all.
Are you talking about the article you posted or the one I posted that RS had to retract and write a second article apologizing for their complete malpractice journalism?

Get a better reference.

I posted Trump's own words, spoken by him, is that not a good enough reference for you?
And let's go to the audiotape for documentation of Trump's disgusting behavior (since paboomersoomer seems to not believe the article).

If this wasn't the future POTUS, this would be a non issue.
Do I think it is acceptable? No. But to think the all the elitists and moviestars don't think or act like this is ridiculous.
That stern interview you posted isn't in the same stratosphere as what weiner (and many other political figures) did

I didn't say it was, but add that to the mile-long list of other horrific behaviors towards women displayed by Trump and you have a huge problem.
That stern interview you posted isn't in the same stratosphere as what weiner (and many other political figures) did

Is banging a porn star without protection while his wife is home with their toddler and then paying her hush-money to stay quiet about it in the same stratosphere?
Sexting with teenage girls is bad and Anthony Weiner was run out of congress and prosecuted. Grabbing women by the vagina and kissing them without their permission is also bad, should we hold Trump to the same standard? I think we should.

And yes, you are not good at this, at all.

Well, you're not getting it so I'll learn yuh somthin'. It's called hypocrisy. Demonicrats(c) learned it, they live it, and boy, do they love it!
Well, you're not getting it so I'll learn yuh somthin'. It's called hypocrisy. Demonicrats(c) learned it, they live it, and boy, do they love it!

This is getting so comical. You conservatives/Trumpy people are something else....
If this wasn't the future POTUS, this would be a non issue.
Do I think it is acceptable? No. But to think the all the elitists and moviestars don't think or act like this is ridiculous.

And the contention by some women was he hugged them w/o asking. Oh my lord!!!!!! How many Queens of England can exist at the same time. Out of all the women you have hugged over the course of your life you were granted permission how many times? And while we are on the subject, how many times have you granted permission? Do you see the self absorbedness that are some people.
And the contention by some women was he hugged them w/o asking. Oh my lord!!!!!! How many Queens of England can exist at the same time. Out of all the women you have hugged over the course of your life you were granted permission how many times? And while we are on the subject, how many times have you granted permission? Do you see the self absorbedness that are some people.

what about the 20+ women that have accused him of rape? Are they also "Queens of England?" You are seriously off the rails.
Dear Leader can never be wrong, only wronged.

i'm pretty sure most, if not all, trump supporters in this thread have stated they don't like some of what he does or approve of it. but you want to see what you want to see. Pointing out the hypocracy of the left is not accepting the actions of trump.
cheating on your wife with a porn star and paying her to keep quiet is the same level of immorality as messingwith minors?

interesting, yet not surprising

He was sexting random people on Twitter, which is horrible, I'm not defending it, but it's not the same as banging a porn star while your wife is home with your toddler and then paying her hush money to keep quiet about it. There is no evidence that Anthony Weiner ever had sex with anyone while his wife was home with their kid.
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