CBS All-Access can go suck a railroad spike


Nov 10, 2008
Reaction score
....If I click on "Watch", I'm directed to a screen that says that the game is only available to Registered Users (which I am).

...If I try to Register, it won't accept my entry, stating that "This license is already available to the end user"

This is douchebaggery at it's highest level.
I'd just watch it on espn360. I got fed up with the all access stuff the other day when I tried to register. It wouldn't let me unless I purchased the license for it... go figure.
I'd just watch it on espn360. I got fed up with the all access stuff the other day when I tried to register. It wouldn't let me unless I purchased the license for it... go figure.

I've got Time Warner... They don't offer ESPN360.

Total bummer.
It worked for me. Try deleting all of your browser history and then turning off your computer for a minute or so. (It always amazes me how oftent that seems to fix things).