Chris Beard arrested

I think Ada's right. Looking at how off-the-field issues were handled during Mack Brown's tenure at texas compared to Bob Stoops' time at OU, I won't be the least bit surprised. There was a tight end at UT who put a regular student (not an athlete, I mean) in the hospital and he missed no action, if I recall correctly (certainly no more than a game or two) while Dusty D. was (rightfully) suspended from the team for a similar incident and had to earn his back on the team.

That the people in Lubbock knew of similar issues during Beard's time at Tech but remained quiet speaks volumes about our collective obsession with sports and the power and influence that successful athletes and coaches are afforded. It starts in junior high and high school--athletes are given breaks regular students would never receive and the athletes develop an unhealthy sense of entitlement and invulnerability that does them no favors as they proceed through life.

I love sports, but as a society, our collective relationship with them is screwed up.

I will say that I've felt there was something off with Beard since he arrived at Tech. I shared as much several times on this board. I didn't know he had drinking issues or that he was likely to commit domestic abuse but I felt that he was a questionable character from the jump--I'm sorry my hunch has proven this violently correct.

I hope he gets fired and that he then gets sober and healthy and makes the most of a second chance.
I think Ada's right. Looking at how off-the-field issues were handled during Mack Brown's tenure at texas compared to Bob Stoops' time at OU, I won't be the least bit surprised. There was a tight end at UT who put a regular student (not an athlete, I mean) in the hospital and he missed no action, if I recall correctly (certainly no more than a game or two) while Dusty D. was (rightfully) suspended from the team for a similar incident and had to earn his back on the team.

That the people in Lubbock knew of similar issues during Beard's time at Tech but remained quiet speaks volumes about our collective obsession with sports and the power and influence that successful athletes and coaches are afforded. It starts in junior high and high school--athletes are given breaks regular students would never receive and the athletes develop an unhealthy sense of entitlement and invulnerability that does them no favors as they proceed through life.

I love sports, but as a society, our collective relationship with them is screwed up.

I will say that I've felt there was something off with Beard since he arrived at Tech. I shared as much several times on this board. I didn't know he had drinking issues or that he was likely to commit domestic abuse but I felt that he was a questionable character from the jump--I'm sorry my hunch has proven this violently correct.

I hope he gets fired and that he then gets sober and healthy and makes the most of a second chance.

Everywhere I've been it seems that the junior high & high school athletes are held to a high standard, not given more breaks. If one of my players has a missing assignment, gets detention, etc. I know before the kid has a chance to tell me.

Now legal trouble, especially college on up, the players (and coaches) definitely get lesser penalties because of who they are.
he is a hell of a coach but has always been an embarrassment.

Was he the coach who went completely ballistic over a call in a game that his team had already put away? I remember that the reaction was completely over the top for the situation.
Was he the coach who went completely ballistic over a call in a game that his team had already put away? I remember that the reaction was completely over the top for the situation.

Yeah got thrown out & sat down on the court.
I hope she’s okay, and I hope he gets the punishment he has earned followed by support for his addiction and anger issues.
I would normally say "let's wait until more information comes out" before casting judgment. But as several have noted in this thread, we've seen his on-the-court behavior and multiple tantrums, so it would not surprise me in the least if most (or all) of this charge is deserved/earned. The most disturbing part is the strangulation.....which could be argued as intent.
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While this certainly looks really bad and I generally say where there is smoke is there fire (it’s not normal for someone in your house to call cops at 2am over nothing), I do think it’s important to not convict (whether legally or in public opinion) until more is know. The San Diego St/Bills punter is a good recent example of why.
reading the arrest report, he should never coach again. truly sad that texas hasn't come out simply said he will not be coaching tonight. i'm sure he will be fired, but the silence is pathetic.
No matter what happens, this looks bad for the UT Athletic Department.

If they give him a slap on the wrist and don't fire him, they will be forever the school that condones domestic violence.

Did they not do their due diligence at all when they hired him or did they do it and ignore what they found out?
With all the NIL money much $ is Texas willing to pay the victim to not file charges???

good on them. it's the right start, and there is only one way this should end.
From the article I posted above:

The following injuries were visible on the woman, according to the affidavit: bite mark to the right forearm, abrasion to the right eyebrow, abrasion to the left leg from the knee to the foot, and a cut to the left thumb with dried blood. In an additional statement, the woman complained of scratches on her back and her right eye, a bite mark to her right arm, an abrasion and bruises to her left leg, and a cut to her left hand.

Beard was also quoted as saying that he was not the aggressor! Did I read that right? He can’t possibly be that stupid!