Coach Capel is too nice.

Seymore Cox

Well-known member
Nov 12, 2008
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He's got to be tougher. He cares about players to a fault. I really believe he has to shake things up. That's as far as I'll go.
I think he needs to just send a lot of players packing and have new stricter rules and lay down the law. You can't have so many players have off the court issues that end up effecting their on the court play.
I think he needs to just send a lot of players packing and have new stricter rules and lay down the law. You can't have so many players have off the court issues that end up effecting their on the court play.

I really don't want to agree with this point, but unfortunately I have to. Problem is the guys that you want to keep have one year left or are graduating. I'd love to have another year of Wright and Crocker. I'd love to have two more years of Cade. Then you look at your core Freshman, and who knows what's going to turn out their. Will Fitz and Pledger get homesick? Who knows what's going in TMGs head. Not even going to bring up the other guy right now. Then you have the guy that's a Sophomore. I hope his individual talent pans out rather it's with an NBA roster or with OU, I don't care as long as he matures. Willis is on the line. He's gotten opportunities and he has done some good things, but has not done the work he should have done. Outside of that, I don't see anyone else being back.
Well this year for Capel is kinda like Bob Stoops... They have a lot of problems with the players injury or just players that dont want to play as a team.. They all about I. Capel does need to make them respect him and be scared of him. i really hate to throw this name out being he is from OSU but Eddie Sutton he was respected and his players were afraid of him at the same time! I think Capel is doing a good job. Just a tough year.
He's got to be tougher. He cares about players to a fault. I really believe he has to shake things up. That's as far as I'll go.

I hate to agree with you again but you're right. In the red, green, blue, yellow color wheel, Jeff appears to fall into the yellow category. He can strike a balance while at the same time getting the respect of his players. After the incident at Dillard's last week, he should have pulled his players aside and showed them a clip from Miracle on Ice of Brooks in Norway. He needs to send a message to his players that when one guy screws up the entire team has to pay the price for his transgression.
Do any of you really know how tough he is or isn't? Unless you go to all the practices and sit in on private meetings between coaches or between coaches & players, you know nothing. We have a lot of people jumping to all kinds of conclusions when they don't really have any information.

It's fine to be frustrated and vent but too many people are making wild assumptions based on nothing.
Well said MsProud. It's easy for people to jump to conclusions with little to no information at all. This isn't the season that many had in mind for this year and there have been more bumps than expected, but all of the people jumping to conclusions and making assumptions about the team, coaches and players makes me feel embarassed at times to be grouped with such a fanbase. Constructive criticism is one thing, I'm all for that, but some of the more personal attacks are pretty sad to see.
Do any of you really know how tough he is or isn't? Unless you go to all the practices and sit in on private meetings between coaches or between coaches & players, you know nothing. We have a lot of people jumping to all kinds of conclusions when they don't really have any information.

It's fine to be frustrated and vent but too many people are making wild assumptions based on nothing.

As you always do, an excellent post. Maybe some of us need to walk a mile or two in other's shoes. JMO
Do any of you really know how tough he is or isn't? Unless you go to all the practices and sit in on private meetings between coaches or between coaches & players, you know nothing. We have a lot of people jumping to all kinds of conclusions when they don't really have any information.

It's fine to be frustrated and vent but too many people are making wild assumptions based on nothing.

All we are having is a bad year; it happens sometimes. When it does, you go back to the drawing board to improve for the next year. Not that complicated in my mind. Agree with your post 100%.
I think you guys are blowing this year way out of proportion. Look at UNC, UConn, L'Ville...those teams have hall of fame coach's and they all are on the verge of not making it to the NCAA tournament. UNC has like 8 McD AA's on their team and what is their excuse...the same as ours. WE LOST 3 STARTERS(B.GRIFFIN, T.GRIFFIN, JOHNSON) AND 1 GUY WHO WOULD NOT ONLY BE A STARTER THIS YEAR BUT COULD POSSIBLY BEEN THE 1ST OR 2ND BEST PLAYER ON OUR TEAM(PATILLO) and one role player that gave us good minutes (Leary).

This year is just a bad year to be reloading/trying to get better over the season when this is by far the best, from top to bottom, the big 12 has ever been. You just can't be struggling or have a decent or below average game b/c a team will punch you in the mouth..Thats what we did to texas.
This team should be a lot better next year if we don't have transfers.
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We miss Darby Rich! He incorporated discipline into his training and would go as far to make sure kids stayed out of trouble on his own time.
Do any of you really know how tough he is or isn't? Unless you go to all the practices and sit in on private meetings between coaches or between coaches & players, you know nothing. We have a lot of people jumping to all kinds of conclusions when they don't really have any information.

It's fine to be frustrated and vent but too many people are making wild assumptions based on nothing.

Uh, yeah. I'm pretty sure he's not tough. Two kids shoplift and miss ONE game. WW pouts like a spoiled little brat, plays no defense, and in general, has 0 leadership ability, yet he still plays almost every minute of every game(unless he is sick?). That is not tough. I am all for forgiving Fitz and Pledge, and getting them back as soon as possible; but come on, ONE game. Way to send a message coach!
Ryan Broyles steals gas. Suspended for the year. A recruit makes a rap video about shooting people. Kicked off the team. Thats sending a message. Maybe Capel needs to talk to Stoops about discipline?
Ryan Broyles steals gas. Suspended for the year. A recruit makes a rap video about shooting people. Kicked off the team. Thats sending a message. Maybe Capel needs to talk to Stoops about discipline?

this. And I have no problem with what he did with Fitz and Pledger. And in fairness, he's suspended guys left and right in his tenure, but it doesn't seem to be resonating.
Chris Early and Kyle Cannon get in trouble, they're off the team.
Juan, Bobby Maze and Kieth Clark don't make grades and they're off the team unlike P.J. Tucker at Texas.

This is the first year Capel's "toughness" can really be questioned in regards to disciplining his players.
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Do any of you really know how tough he is or isn't? Unless you go to all the practices and sit in on private meetings between coaches or between coaches & players, you know nothing. We have a lot of people jumping to all kinds of conclusions when they don't really have any information.
It's fine to be frustrated and vent but too many people are making wild assumptions based on nothing.

No, people here don't know for sure...but I think the premise of this thread is far from being a "wild assumption". People make assumptions and observations by what they see. What we've seen CONSISTENTLY is a team that doesn't play as hard as they could, doesn't play defense or look like they even want to play defense, has had multiple off the court problems, has had internal issues with each other, has had multiple suspensions and has shown numerous times bad body language on the court. The results of the team speaks to all of this.
I don't know if Coach Capel is too nice or not. I've consistently been one of the biggest Capel supporters...but something is going on and it's not good. When it's this rampant you gotta start at the top. Changes need to be made before next season starts. I hope he solves the challenges.
No, people here don't know for sure...but I think the premise of this thread is far from being a "wild assumption". People make assumptions and observations by what they see. What we've seen CONSISTENTLY is a team that doesn't play as hard as they could, doesn't play defense or look like they even want to play defense, has had multiple off the court problems, has had internal issues with each other, has had multiple suspensions and has shown numerous times bad body language on the court. The results of the team speaks to all of this.
I don't know if Coach Capel is too nice or not. I've consistently been one of the biggest Capel supporters...but something is going on and it's not good. When it's this rampant you gotta start at the top. Changes need to be made before next season starts. I hope he solves the challenges.

we are grasping for straws trying to figure this thing out in our own little minds.
Uh, yeah. I'm pretty sure he's not tough. Two kids shoplift and miss ONE game. WW pouts like a spoiled little brat, plays no defense, and in general, has 0 leadership ability, yet he still plays almost every minute of every game(unless he is sick?). That is not tough. I am all for forgiving Fitz and Pledge, and getting them back as soon as possible; but come on, ONE game. Way to send a message coach!

In all fairness they never lifted anything. Once again if you don't know the full story its hard to judge the discipline. They were ticketed but most likely they won't have to pay a dime.
All we are having is a bad year; it happens sometimes. When it does, you go back to the drawing board to improve for the next year. Not that complicated in my mind. Agree with your post 100%.

And when you have a bad year people start looking for the problem and every one has a theory. Eventually you begin to convince yourself that the problems are bigger and more numerous than they are. We are having a bad year, but that doesn't mean we have a bad coach or a bad program.