I am not with Trump very often, but his path on opening schools is the right one. Maybe not every detail about it, but the conversation needs to be that every possibility is exhausted to open schools this fall.
Not having schools open is a bigger disaster than closing down part of the economy....
Parents won't be able to work, incomes will fall, expenses go way up, kids won't be able to eat, etc... it's a BIG DEAL to the economy, and to the kids. Kids will fall behind on development, because a majority of parents don't have the time, energy, or skills to properly develop their kids in the same way a professional educator does. Kids will fall behind in math, science, english, etc. Basically lose a year of development, which is critical.
In my opinion, not having those schools open would be a total travesty.
- Suspend (with pay) all teachers, staff, etc that are in the high risk group
- Clean the schools the best you can
- Require masks
- Don't have events like assemblies, pep rallies, and events with crowds
- Allow food delivery to the classrooms so that all the kids aren't bunched in the cafeteria
- Get community volunteers, parent volunteers, etc to help clean the schools and make sure guidelines are issued to protect kids at home
Do EVERYTHING you can to keep that school open. It is absolutely critical. If the conversation begins with "why we shouldn't open the schools", I will reject that mindset. The mindset needs to be "what has to happen to make sure schools are open"... Start there, and go down that path.
I will back Trump on this one.... which doesn't mean anything that I back him because my opinion is relatively meaningless, but I will be at any school board meetings I can voicing that opinion.