Trump (the smartest man in the universe) throws the school children under the bus.....
There has to be a way to open the schools.
No doubt about that......but how would you like to be a parent in Houston and have teenagers that you have to send to school???
Online classes maybe? But no, trump has said it will be mandatory for there to be a complete reopening of the schools......nothing else will do. He and Devoss have made this claim.
How many teenagers will get the virus and take it home to mom and pop...or grandma???
I understand that the grade school kids are less apt to contract the disease and less able to transmit it to others, but that doesn't help kids in high school, or the teachers, bus drivers, janitors....
Trump made the mess and now it matters not who has to die for him to get the economy going. But he doesn't realize that the economy will never be back fully until the threat of the virus is gone. And him saying the CDC guidelines are too tough and too expensive.....he should have thought about that 6 months ago.Guidelines be damned, he is going to reopen the schools. My grandchildren don't matter.....nor does my mother (90).
No doubt about that......but how would you like to be a parent in Houston and have teenagers that you have to send to school???
Online classes maybe? But no, trump has said it will be mandatory for there to be a complete reopening of the schools......nothing else will do. He and Devoss have made this claim.
How many teenagers will get the virus and take it home to mom and pop...or grandma???
I understand that the grade school kids are less apt to contract the disease and less able to transmit it to others, but that doesn't help kids in high school, or the teachers, bus drivers, janitors....
Trump made the mess and now it matters not who has to die for him to get the economy going. But he doesn't realize that the economy will never be back fully until the threat of the virus is gone. And him saying the CDC guidelines are too tough and too expensive.....he should have thought about that 6 months ago.Guidelines be damned, he is going to reopen the schools. My grandchildren don't matter.....nor does my mother (90).
No doubt about that......but how would you like to be a parent in Houston and have teenagers that you have to send to school???
Online classes maybe? But no, trump has said it will be mandatory for there to be a complete reopening of the schools......nothing else will do. He and Devoss have made this claim.
How many teenagers will get the virus and take it home to mom and pop...or grandma???
I understand that the grade school kids are less apt to contract the disease and less able to transmit it to others, but that doesn't help kids in high school, or the teachers, bus drivers, janitors....
Trump made the mess and now it matters not who has to die for him to get the economy going. But he doesn't realize that the economy will never be back fully until the threat of the virus is gone. And him saying the CDC guidelines are too tough and too expensive.....he should have thought about that 6 months ago.Guidelines be damned, he is going to reopen the schools. My grandchildren don't matter.....nor does my mother (90).
Didn't the "Washington Post" show that suicides have increased by 40% in June? Secondly, who you associate with is a choice and you either make the right choice or you do not, so this observation that you have to possibly infect those at most risk is pure bunk (people who drink are not forced to drive for some can make the proper decision. This applies to all things. All of them.). And 100% of the students do not have to return, thus closing schools for all because of a small portion is absurd to say the least Thirdly, there was no realistic outcome which would have minimized the loss of life the most. State government, for the most part, have made the decisions of how their people were allowed to interact with others and when the federal government interceded to shut down travel between countries, as an example, the president was thrown under the bus (can some of you just not show the ability to make up your senseless minds for it is beyond tiring).
You’re correct. The ONLY way to open the schools is with mandatory masking, screening, contact tracing, AND SOCIAL DISTANCING. That means you will need a huge influx of resources to each school for more classrooms, screeners, and more teachers. Are we prepared to do that? I see no evidence that we are.
All you have to do is make courses accessible online. If you have any one of a million reasons for not wanting to go to school, stay home. The rest can attend in person.
Trump made the mess...ok lol
He could have done things better and Differently but that’s a clown statement.
You do realize that if we kept things shutdown like you seem to want, we wouldn’t have school anyways. You have to open up eventually. Unless you want to stay down until a vaccine
All you have to do is make courses accessible online. If you have any one of a million reasons for not wanting to go to school, stay home. The rest can attend in person.
Why is that a clown statement????? Almost every other country in the world has done better than us. Are you proud? Or embarrassed? With the best scientists and best resources, the United States has the worst outcome. And I don't care who you blame or why. He is the president and he should have managed a better result.
I don't want anything that isn't backed up by the scientific experts.
Trump says to ignore them.....Everyone in his administration says to ignore the experts. I was listening when Larry Kudlow said they had it in control and that they knew what they were doing. Nobody should believe anything that comes from the White House. How ironic that we lead the world in deaths and cases......
They need someone to be the manager of this epidemic.....someone who can make sound decisions based on science. And implement them. Governors saying that individual mayors can't make decisions regarding their own citizens....????wtf? Governors can make the decisions that trump won't....because he knows there isn't a simple answer and he doesn't want to take responsibility for the failure. He wants to walk away and say it's the individual governor's or Obama's fault.
Trump had every opportunity to take control of this back in January. There's an old reap what you sow. If he had done anything right, we wouldn't be in this shape now.
The older people that have any sense have been avoiding crowds for the last 5 months. My mom hardly leaves her house. I go out when I have to. There is an epidemic going on right's not getting better or disappearing just because trump wants it to go away.
What exactly is preventing you from having a clue? As it has been said and will be said again because of those just like yourself is our country is one of the most if not the most accessible country in the world. Does your skull not see how this becomes problematic? Do you not realize we have more international airports and ports of call than any country in the world. Do you not have the cognitive ability to realize the implications set forth? You insist on comparing apples to oranges and expect others to say "they look like the same color to me."
So we have more people......what does that change?? We should have more people at work to protect our citizens. More people at the airport...more people at the ports of call. Someone to make the decisions. Anyone can sit on his hands and say it's not his fault.
When China shut down the Wuhan Province, that should have been a clue to everyone. There are millions of people here....surely someone thought at the time that it would be a good idea to prevent entry for anyone who had been in China in the last two months. I know I thought that at the time....I'm sure others did too. Others that cared about the citizens of the United States.
I mean really.....we have the best intelligence in the world (or did have 4 years ago). Trump had plenty of warning; he just chose to ignore it.
An article about Trump and his demand for schools to reopen.....from Fox News.
Trump demands that schools reopen, with parents caught in the crossfire
From the article......
Trump raised the stakes in a tweet yesterday: “In Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and many other countries, SCHOOLS ARE OPEN WITH NO PROBLEMS. The Dems think it would be bad for them politically if U.S. schools open before the November Election, but is important for the children & families. May cut off funding if not open!”
Now look at Worldometers ( and tell me why he compares the USA to these other nations. Look at new cases from two days ago. You have to hit the "two days ago" box. Do you believe the stats there? Now why would anyone compare our situation to nations that have that many deaths in their nations??
Germany had 12 deaths.
Sweden had one.
Denmark had zero.
Norway had zero.
USA had 890 deaths two days ago.......You talk of oranges and apples; I can see why they are reopening.
Nowhere was it stated in my rebuttal that we have more people. Quit trolling.
You stated in a post that the time for action was in January. Fine. Show me where the liberal run media thought much the same. Show me liberal politicians who thought the same and don't source Pelosi or DeBlasio. If they did not see it then how do you explain how a liberal run federal government would have done things differently from the get go when they were public about how the virus was no worse than the common flu and laughed about it in the process.