So you posted on a thread to say you’ll post on the thread?
It's easy to forget in a thread filled with coolm and steve, but some people take time to make sure their posts are well-written and thought out.
So you posted on a thread to say you’ll post on the thread?
It's easy to forget in a thread filled with coolm and steve, but some people take time to make sure their posts are well-written and thought out.
I’m still waiting for one factual example brought by you in any argument.
only a "fellow in ignorance" would include the paranoid tripe written by mcart085 as "well-written and thought out" so your insults mean nothing. but that just goes right along with there being "very fine people on both sides" I guess? In the military we just call it cowardice.
It's easy to forget in a thread filled with coolm and steve, but some people take time to make sure their posts are well-written and thought out.
You called me a “commie” and “totalitarian” for suggesting that kids shouldn’t return to physical classrooms until it is safe from a public health standpoint to do so.
Maybe you aren’t the best judge of “well written and thought-out.”
Well-written posts can only go so far when reading comprehension is impaired on the other end. I didn't call you a totalitarian because you want to keep children safe. I called you a totalitarian because you said that the government should impose restrictions regardless of what the citizens want. That's not democracy.
Right on cue, you come in with a strawman argument. I never said anything about mict.
Bracing myself for whataboutism. I can’t wait.
By the way, I never argued that Roger Stone was a “threat to the country.” My argument is that his commutation has the stench of corruption. He commuted the sentence of a potential co-conspirator in a criminal case.
I would never disappoint you buddy. Trump doesn't get any type of political capital for his pardon on, zero, nada. Stone is a crippled old man who has basically lost his livelihood and isn't a threat to anyone. Compare that to Clinton and Obama....who gladly swap domestic terrorists for potential votes. Look up the FALN and see what a fine group of people that organization is comprised of.
When it comes to public health it is. People don’t want to wear masks. Guess what? The government can and should force them to do so in public during a pandemic. Parents want their kids to go to school even if it isn’t safe for the public at large. Too bad! They can do virtual learning. People don’t want to drive the speed limit, lets get rid of speed limits! That’s just a ridiculous argument.
I can't believe we're still arguing on whether or not citizen's preferences matter. Of course they do. Obviously not everything goes to a 51% majority vote every day of the week, but saying that the preferences of citizens is irrelevant wreaks of totalitarianism. A spade is a spade. Sorry if that hurts your feelings.
Their preferences are irrelevant
Welp...we're done here, totalitarian.
Sure, cut out the part where I say “when it comes to public health” and declare mission accomplished. I realize that’s the only way to make your charge sound less asinine but it’s still cowardly.
- relating to a system of government that is centralized and dictatorial and requires complete subservience to the state
Nothing left to discuss.
Regulating public behavior during a pandemic is the responsible role of every government. It has nothing to do with totalitarianism, and it’s idiotic for you to think so.
You continue to admit you want a totalitarian approach to public health, yet you keep denying that it's totalitarian. It's illogical, and it's exactly why you and coolm were the first people (but not only) that came to mind when it comes to unintelligent, nonproductive conversation.