Doron Lamb news per zagsblog

Yeah, my post was totally speculation. That's why I put "I wonder". Message boards are for speculation in my opinion. I don't think it is out of the realm for the kid to be sold on OU and the dad to add perspective to the situation. Quite frankly, if I were a prospect dad that is what I would do. OU actually got a recruit from a situation where a mom told her son to slow his heals and look at other schools.

I didn't see anything wrong with your post, DM. I don't think you threw the dad under the bus. To me, it looks like Doron's father had some really great things to say about OU in the interview that he did with Henzo. Maybe Zags didn't probe very deep on the issue. I am not worried about it and think OU has as good a shot as any remaining teams.