Downward trend

SoonerNorm is the most negative moderator I've ever seen. I have never seen a fan of a moderator so enthusiastic about constantly posting negative stuff. I can hardly bare to come over here anymore.
SoonerNorm is the most negative moderator I've ever seen. I have never seen a fan of a moderator so enthusiastic about constantly posting negative stuff. I can hardly bare to come over here anymore.

First, I'm no longer a moderator.

Secondly, what have I said specifically that you don't agree with?
SoonerNorm is the most negative moderator I've ever seen. I have never seen a fan of a moderator so enthusiastic about constantly posting negative stuff. I can hardly bare to come over here anymore.

Norm was a great moderator and is a solid contributor of facts and astute opinions.

What he is not is a blind fanny smoocher who thinks this program is perfect and that the people running walk on water when they clearly don't.

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Since Tycat also thinks I'm too negative, I hope he will also tell me specifically where he thinks I'm wrong. It won't offend me, I would welcome the discussion.

Let me say this, I like Sherri. I give her a ton of credit for the program being as successful as it has. She is a great ambassador for the school and a great role model for her players and has won more games/championships than probably anyone expected when she was hired. Do I think she is doing a great job now? No. Her job performance is not on the same level that she was in the past. Where I would have given her an A in the past, that grade has dropped considerably today. Do I hope she will turn it around quickly? Absolutely!!! Do I think she will? I believe that is only possible if she makes some personnel changes and she and all of her assistants are completely dedicated to recruiting. Nothing would please me more than to see that happen.
You bet, I'm sure she does too. It sure seems that Patty not only likes recruiting but she puts a lot of effort in finding the right players and bringing them into her program. There is NO WAY she would be as successful as she is unless she was passionate about recruiting.

Recruiting is at least 80% of the job...coaches better like it a lot or they need to go do something else for a living.

The one thing that happens for Patty that is not happening for Sherri is the players would charge up San Juan Hill for Patty. I don't think the current players are that dedicated to Sherri.
SoonerNorm is the most negative moderator I've ever seen. I have never seen a fan of a moderator so enthusiastic about constantly posting negative stuff. I can hardly bare to come over here anymore.

It's to bad that you feel like that. Norm does a lot of things for this board, its to bad that most people can't deal, when you don't agree with them... I haven't seen anyone calling for Sherri's job, but because people have noticed there was a time when OU was a top 10 program and now we sit at 500 early in the season.
It's to bad that you feel like that. Norm does a lot of things for this board, its to bad that most people can't deal, when you don't agree with them... I haven't seen anyone calling for Sherri's job, but because people have noticed there was a time when OU was a top 10 program and now we sit at 500 early in the season.
I think that you should recognize the concerns expressed by SKSooner and tycat, and attempt to keep the attitude of the moderator on a less negative note than it has been in the past. Norm does contribute a great deal of useful information. Unfortunately, his attitude concerning Sherri has always been somewhat less than tolerant, not just recently. We have had some very good posters who no longer post because this sometimes looks more like a Texas or Baylor board than an OU board. Every new recruit secured by Texas or Baylor is met with praise. Sometimes, it is difficult to discern the difference in Bay and Norm, and that simply should not be the case. When you have something of value to contribute, there is little reason to place an ominous cloud over the board. It should be an OU Board, more indicative of a celebration of the good things. We can recognize the problems without that being the dominant attitude of the board.
The one thing that happens for Patty that is not happening for Sherri is the players would charge up San Juan Hill for Patty. I don't think the current players are that dedicated to Sherri.

I don't think I've ever read that on this board and it's something I haven't really thought about. It is very interesting and something that initially makes me say "no, can't be" then after reading it again go, hummmm, is it possible he's right? Several have mentioned that players don't block out well, they don't move well without the ball, etc etc regardless of what Sherri wants them to do. If you are right, are the shortcomings on the court related to your theory? Also, if you are right, the most important question is, why. Why do players give everything for Patty but not for Sherri? I know some will be offended at the very thought that you even raised the issue but, it is a valid point to be discussed.

I hope many voice their opinions.
Keep up the good work, Norm. I appreciate all you do for this board.
Keep up the good work, Norm. I appreciate all you do for this board.

Thanks, I appreciate it!

After giving it some thought, I have decided to take a break from this board. I have always believed in everyone being allowed to post their honest opinions. I am now very aware that some do not want to hear honest opinions, rather they want to only read comments they agree with. Since I have never wanted to be disruptive, it is best for me to head to the locker room.

Merry Christmas to everyone. Boomer Sooner!
I don't have a problem with Norm. He is there good or bad. Tough sometimes but these have been pretty tough times. When have we been a 50-50 team going into the conference. And the conference looks pretty tough this time around.

Different than Bay who shows up only in tough times to do his usual slam at Sherri.

The good news is that we had Kentucky beat except for a flaky technical foul, hung with Duke for awhile and have show flashes of good play.

The bad news is that we seem to be playing without confidence and players we counted on to lead the team (Little and Maddie) are not even starting.

The five players who started in game one scored only 25 points in the Arkansas game. The 5 who started the Arkansas game scored only 31. Turnovers are high, rebounds are low, turnovers around 30 more than assists. This team needs to find it's identity fast.
I don't have a problem with Norm. He is there good or bad. Tough sometimes but these have been pretty tough times. When have we been a 50-50 team going into the conference. And the conference looks pretty tough this time around.

Different than Bay who shows up only in tough times to do his usual slam at Sherri.

The good news is that we had Kentucky beat except for a flaky technical foul, hung with Duke for awhile and have show flashes of good play.

The bad news is that we seem to be playing without confidence and players we counted on to lead the team (Little and Maddie) are not even starting.

The five players who started in game one scored only 25 points in the Arkansas game. The 5 who started the Arkansas game scored only 31. Turnovers are high, rebounds are low, turnovers around 30 more than assists. This team needs to find it's identity fast.

Not true...I've been here all along...FF's included, but I never sugar coat. I do more reading (and shaking my need to beat a dead horse for years). I saw mistakes in recruiting that I knew would cost the team down the road. It didn't make sense to me then and now we see the results. Keep thinking that it's a "slam" on Sherri. Really? It's a slam on her ineffectiveness in running what could be a phenomenal program, year in, year out. At the same time...think what you want.
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The one thing that happens for Patty that is not happening for Sherri is the players would charge up San Juan Hill for Patty. I don't think the current players are that dedicated to Sherri.

You've said a mouthful...well, posted a tablet full! IMO...current or past for the most part. All you have to do is watch the body language during games and a few post game a few articles. Now don't get it twisted...these (current and past) are very intelligent women/student-athletes! They ALWAYS say what is respectful and politically correct. They are not crazy! But coach's players...they are not. Far from it.
The one thing that happens for Patty that is not happening for Sherri is the players would charge up San Juan Hill for Patty. I don't think the current players are that dedicated to Sherri.

You may be right but I don't get that feeling. I think these players think Sherri is great. And since I do not follow the softball team that much, why do you think that about their players? Certainly not saying it is not true.....have no reason not to believe it........just curious, is it things they post on social media? their comments in the press? something else? AND really am just curious, not being confrontational.
You may be right but I don't get that feeling. I think these players think Sherri is great. And since I do not follow the softball team that much, why do you think that about their players? Certainly not saying it is not true.....have no reason not to believe it........just curious, is it things they post on social media? their comments in the press? something else? AND really am just curious, not being confrontational.

Look at this video after a BEDLAM WIN! Don't they all look like they just love their wonderful coach and can't wait to get back out on the court to give it their all for her again?

Now look at this video...I'll take this crazy dude and his crews coaching ways any day. He is not the sole possessor of success in women's basketball. His "balancing" is not copy written or trademarked. OU's coaching staff needs to have this video as an agenda item in a coaches meeting.

I'm sure I could find others to make the point even more vivid. These took about 5 minutes of research.
You may be right but I don't get that feeling. I think these players think Sherri is great. And since I do not follow the softball team that much, why do you think that about their players? Certainly not saying it is not true.....have no reason not to believe it........just curious, is it things they post on social media? their comments in the press? something else? AND really am just curious, not being confrontational.

I FOUND THE ANSWER TO YOUR QUESTIONS! Softball...they have a coach that LEADS a great program, she loves recruiting and her team. Imagine that!
One poster on here asked the question "Who does like recruiting?" Looks like Gasso does. Even if you do not like it, it is stupid to admit it publicly.