First three games

Gioya did have a slump last year, no question. But, I thought Derica did too. She was not a productive offensive player for most of conference play. We need for both girls to be consistent performers this year. We need Gioya to carry a large part of the scoring load.

You may be correct that Derica had a slump. I did not notice her having sufficient playing time for me to denote a slump. Kind of the same with LaNecia or maybe a little different because she did start a few games and probably had more overall playing time; but I just never thought she developed enough as a player last year. She seems to have all types of skills but will she become the player she could be. Kind of thinking out loud here, sorry. To me, players that everyone expects to be outstanding often do not live up to their potential, then some do, some exceed beyond anyone's expectations. Believe there are so many intangibles which often make the difference. Think part of that was what happened with Nicole and part was, to me, she was too slow for the college level. Do believe she has the intelligence and the skill to adapt and hope that happens at UCLA. Believe it would have been difficult for her to do that here at this time in her career. COURSE, just speculating on it all.