Game day OU vs TCU

I didn’t see anything there but I guess CJ did something

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Refs are trying to win this game for TCU - wow what terrible terrible refs. They should be shamed of themselves - I would hope Lon would hammer them in the press conference win or lose and take the fine
CJ is pumped but he needs to calm down a little

65-65 at under 4

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Refs are trying to win this game for TCU - wow what terrible terrible refs. They should be shamed of themselves - I would hope Lon would hammer them in the press conference win or lose and take the fine
Come on, get real
I hope they show another look after the commercial... that initial view showed James already retreated back to half court after the dunk with nobody near him.
That technical foul was a crap call. There was nothing here. OU can’t even get a call at home.

There was NOTHING there but the ref calls a tech. BS
We leave Noi on a switch? Not good

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We leave him on a switch again??!!!

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Yep, make sure to switch to leave Noi open for 3...

HOW IN THIS WORLD DO YOU LEAVE NOI FOR ANOTHER PLAYER?? Terrible by our team and Lon. He’s got 8 three’s DON’T LEAVE HIM EVER!!!!!
Critical possession at 1:36 and we settle for a contested 3 air ball. But good D and a inside feed to CJ gives us a chance.

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