First, Sweetest, if you inferred that I was talking with the actual program staff, that was not what I intended to relay.
I have talked to some folks in the athletic department. I've also talked to parents of past players. No one on staff, although I have been friends for years with the families of two prominent OUWBB team members as well as a top OU football coach and a number of OU football families.
As to Syb's hearsay point, let me say this:
Why would they come forward? They weren't grinding an axe. In most instances it was friends or parents, acquaintances just talking at functions or lunches or before after meetings. Just two or three people just chatting.
There were no ulterior motives. As I said, a lot of them like Sherri, but know better than most she isn't perfect.
I don't care if Syb or Cat or anyone believes it or not.
I was just relating what I have been told to add to the conversation and to give people some added insight and food for thought.
Finally, Cat, we weren't all standing around in a circle drinking beer. These are mostly one-on-one conversations over the last 20 years.
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