Gatorade POY

No it wasn't all griping, Syb. A good number of them are big Sherri fans. They just told it how they thought it was based upon their own knowledge.

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If they don't come forward, it is simply heresay. It is not up to you to reveal your sources. If they have a position, take it. But, have the courage to speak out, not behind doors. Thus far, nobody has spoken out on record, and the rest is simply the equivalent of barroom rumor.
No it wasn't all griping, Syb. A good number of them are big Sherri fans. They just told it how they thought it was based upon their own knowledge.

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I don't know, Ollie.

You say they are on the staff, then you call them big Sherri fans - yet they are in fact stabbing her behind her back. No one will fall for that - at least I don't.

I know several of the staff members. I do not believe your "rumor mongers".
It wouldn't matter if you presented sworn deposition testimony from 10 witnesses, there are a few here who wouldn't believe a word of it unless it only contained glowing comments about the program.

Very true!
As I accurately predicted, Syb wants me to rat people out and his acolyte Cat follows suit.

As I said, I don't know what is true, but when nearly a dozen different people who may,
or may not, know each other talk to me without knowing I've ever talked to any one else, then it
makes you think.

Which, sadly, is more than Syb or Cat often do.

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Sorry, I said NOTHING about ratting out your sources! Just pointing out that your SOURCES couldn't agree so they didn't KNOW either! I couldn't care less who your sources are!
I don't know, Ollie.

You say they are on the staff, then you call them big Sherri fans - yet they are in fact stabbing her behind her back. No one will fall for that - at least I don't.

I know several of the staff members. I do not believe your "rumor mongers".

Me neither! We've had people (not you!) on here for years claiming to have "friends" close to the program. I don't believe a word of it!

It's kinda like the monkeys in the zoo. Throwing their s**t on the wall to see what sticks!
First, Sweetest, if you inferred that I was talking with the actual program staff, that was not what I intended to relay.

I have talked to some folks in the athletic department. I've also talked to parents of past players. No one on staff, although I have been friends for years with the families of two prominent OUWBB team members as well as a top OU football coach and a number of OU football families.

As to Syb's hearsay point, let me say this:

Why would they come forward? They weren't grinding an axe. In most instances it was friends or parents, acquaintances just talking at functions or lunches or before after meetings. Just two or three people just chatting.

There were no ulterior motives. As I said, a lot of them like Sherri, but know better than most she isn't perfect.

I don't care if Syb or Cat or anyone believes it or not.

I was just relating what I have been told to add to the conversation and to give people some added insight and food for thought.

Finally, Cat, we weren't all standing around in a circle drinking beer. These are mostly one-on-one conversations over the last 20 years.

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First, Sweetest, if you inferred that I was talking with the actual program staff, that was not what I intended to relay.

I have talked to some folks in the athletic department. I've also talked to parents of past players. No one on staff, although I have been friends for years with the families of two prominent OUWBB team members as well as a top OU football coach and a number of OU football families.

As to Syb's hearsay point, let me say this:

Why would they come forward? They weren't grinding an axe. In most instances it was friends or parents, acquaintances just talking at functions or lunches or before after meetings. Just two or three people just chatting.

There were no ulterior motives. As I said, a lot of them like Sherri, but know better than most she isn't perfect.

I don't care if Syb or Cat or anyone believes it or not.

I was just relating what I have been told to add to the conversation and to give people some added insight and food for thought.

Finally, Cat, we weren't all standing around in a circle drinking beer. These are mostly one-on-one conversations over the last 20 years.

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Think of what you are doing. This is character assassination. Rumors don't really offer the counterpoint of denial. The rumor continues on despite the fact that it has no merit. The fact that you even posted such a rumor brings Sherri's competence and character in question. She can't defend herself. Usually, a denial or even proof that a rumor is not true rarely stops the rumor. Kids get a label and commit suicide because of the nonsense of a rumor. Politics thrives on it, deliberately initiating rumors because nobody believes it when the rumor is proven false.

For what?
I posted what I have been told by people who know about the program. Just because you don't know them and I won't tell you who they are doesn't mean they aren't reliable.

These were reliable, decent, unbiased people; good people whose children, or they they themselves, have been involved with the program, or they were serious donors to OU and the program.

One was a long time OU assistant athletic director who is well known. Another is a huge OU donor and very recognizable public official.

I don't owe Sherri the blind allegiance you and a small handful of others here think we should provide her.

She is handsomely rewarded for her work. She earns the plaudits and criticism she receives. She can defend herself here or anywhere else, just as she promotes herself and the program all over the country.

It is not character assassination. It is simply the relaying of information and opinions that others more informed than us have.

As an example, many people whom frequent this board think you are an individual with no real basketball knowledge.

I don't know that, but if I had people who really know you tell me that, I would take that into consideration.

Over time, you and I have developed an interesting detente. I respect the things you say, even as I often disagree with them. You have named me as someone who adds to this board's discussion with interesting comments.

That's all I am doing here, adding additional information that
I think is trustworthy. I wouldn't do that if I didn't think it was an honest appraisal.

I have tremendous respect for the job Sherri has done here. From all that I can gather, she is a wonderful person, intelligent, talented and very good at what she does.

I have supported her during her entire tenure. She and what she has done here have made me a huge fan of OUWBB. I would never have thought that possible 20 years ago.

But that doesn't mean I HAVE TO think she is infallible. The program is at a crossroads, some think a big downturn.

It is having a rough few years. It's time for her to pick it up and make it better again.

Sorry, all, for the length of this response.

That's all I think.

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Infallible is one thing. I didn't know anyone had claimed Sherri was omnipotent. But, a rumor is just that. There is a reason that most boards ban rumors.
No boards ban rumors, Syb. There wouldn't be boards or an Internet without rumors.

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No boards ban rumors, Syb. There wouldn't be boards or an Internet without rumors.

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#1 Please post with respect and civility at all times. Personal attacks, name-calling directed at other posters, coaches and players will not be tolerated. Negative rumors towards players are also prohibited.
Most boards add coaches to this statement.
Yeah, I've seen so many boards, especially focusing on sports, adhere to that very policy. ROFL

What world are you living in, Syb, because it isn't the real one?

We've exhausted this. Thanks for the discussion.

I look forward to reading your thoughts and comments in the Big Dance.

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I posted here last year after talking to Wilson before a game OU was her first offer. She told me OU had quit talking to her. I do not know about osu. She is a neat girl that made a 24 on her ACT and a great player. I may be wrong but I think she is a better player than Dungee and her game will be better in college. She made four three point jump shots against Union this year about three feet behind the line. That is not a knock against Dungee because she was a better player this year than last year. Just my opinion.
I posted here last year after talking to Wilson before a game OU was her first offer. She told me OU had quit talking to her. I do not know about osu. She is a neat girl that made a 24 on her ACT and a great player. I may be wrong but I think she is a better player than Dungee and her game will be better in college. She made four three point jump shots against Union this year about three feet behind the line. That is not a knock against Dungee because she was a better player this year than last year. Just my opinion.


You should be ashamed of yourself posting a score like that on a public board. No reason to be disrespectful about a player.

You should be ashamed of yourself posting a score like that on a public board. No reason to be disrespectful about a player.

Im not going to address his posting, but that score isn't anything to be ashamed of. I'm betting a lot of American graduates don't do that well.
It takes an 18 to get into OU. Maybe you don't know 24 is higher than 18
It takes an 18 to get into OU. Maybe you don't know 24 is higher than 18

Come on' Leroy.

While OU does not actually publicize a minimum required ACT score, I doubt you can find a single student at OU with an ACT as low as 18. If the score is low they just effectively toss the application in the trash.

23 places a student at the 25th percentile - meaning 75% of all high school kids who took the test scored higher.

There are a number of schools who require students in the 23-24 range to take various remedial courses instead of regular college level courses.

You should not be posting ACT scores on a public board. It is disrespectful.

By the way. ACT scores have been adjusted over the years. A 24 today is similar to about a 21 or so from when most posters on here graduated from high school.
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