Gatorade POY

Check out most of the football team. OU does not require a 23-24 for remedial but a score lower than 18 on any section of ACT. It was 16 when I graduated from OU. That is right an 16.
16 for acceptance when I went to OU.

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You guys are obviously old timers.

The world has changed and so have the ACT scores - several years ago they simply added a few points to the base value - so an old 21 or so became a 24. It has been well publicized. That 16 you mentioned is now close to a 19.

No one gets into OU with a 16 today. That would be like a 13 when you were in school - which was a virtual guarantee you could not do college work.

If you have a 3.0 in High School you MAY be accepted with at least a 20 on the ACT. Athletes sometimes get in under that method. But they often struggle mightily in their course work.

It is disrespectful to publicly post private ACT scores of students.

If I remember correctly, OU publicly stated a while back that they no longer intend to teach remedial courses. The students needing them have to attend a community college - and I think one even offers classes on the OU campus for some kids.
I am older than dirt, LOL. But I want you, Sweet, and everyone else to realize that I did not condone, in any way, the release of her score.

I wouldn't have done it.

I did defend her score. Just because she has a lousy score on a standardized test does not mean she cannot excel in college and have a productive life.

Eighteen year olds often don't have their academic house in order, but do get it together.

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I did not say you would get in at OU with a 16. Athletes at OU are accepted all the time with a 18 especially football and basketball players.