Harrison about Kaminsky during post game

I think the Fast and Furious complaint is a legitimate one also. The whole Benghazi thing is ludicrous. That was just trumped up crap.

Hillary? To me legitimate complaints include her support of countries with horrid records on women's rights and her ties to business. Basically Rand Paul's issues with her minus the whole dumb benghazi crap.

Starting a war so someone can make money is silly? Really? You need a SERIOUS injection of American history ... and world history for that matter. It is well know Bush was a puppet and Cheney's interests are no secret.

The mistake with Bergdahl was lauding him as a hero when it was common knowledge that he was a deserter. That was a HUGE mistake. This other tripe you're adding is just that - tripe.

The question raised was whether or not Obama/Hillary's problems were "100x" more immoral than Bush et al. They don't even compare to Bush's transgressions. He was by far the biggest punk ... unless we want to grant him idiot clemency and lay those at the feet of Cheney.
BTW - dont think I have overlooked the fact that NONE of you have addressed the Kansas budget issue no matter how many times it is brought up.

I will just take that as an admission from all of you that cutting taxes like a fricking idiot and expecting growth to make up for the revenue loss contrary to all empirical data is stupid policy and proves conservative economic "theory" is crap.
BTW - dont think I have overlooked the fact that NONE of you have addressed the Kansas budget issue no matter how many times it is brought up.

I will just take that as an admission from all of you that cutting taxes like a fricking idiot and expecting growth to make up for the revenue loss contrary to all empirical data is stupid policy and proves conservative economic "theory" is crap.

Of the top twenty-five or so states with the best fiscal standing how many are governed by democrats?
is it REALLY that hard to just answer the question at hand?

you notice how I ADMITTED to legitimate arguments about Obama and Hillary? Is that really such a hard concept for republicans?

I've also noticed you guys keep referring to "liberals" like it is an insult. I am not sure why ...
- liberals ended slavery
- liberals acquired the right to vote for women
- liberals acquired the right to vote for african-americans
- liberals ended segregation
- liberals created social security
- liberals created the Civil Rights Act
- liberals created the Voting Rights Act
- liberals created Medicare
- liberals created the Clean Air Act
- liberals created the Clean Water Act

What did conservatives do? They opposed every single item I just listed above.
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I'm just going to say that if you peg war deaths on chaney and bush during an approved military operations by both side of the aisle, I'm goign to go ahead and beg benghazi on Obama, any deaths from the riots in missouri on obama and any deaths from mexican cartels and fast and furious on obama. that is all
BTW - dont think I have overlooked the fact that NONE of you have addressed the Kansas budget issue no matter how many times it is brought up.

I will just take that as an admission from all of you that cutting taxes like a fricking idiot and expecting growth to make up for the revenue loss contrary to all empirical data is stupid policy and proves conservative economic "theory" is crap.

I haven't paid attention to this thread in awhile. What data do you have? I do know that from some surveys, Kansas is in the top half of the state for economic ranking (avg wage, gdp,etc)
BTW - dont think I have overlooked the fact that NONE of you have addressed the Kansas budget issue no matter how many times it is brought up.

I will just take that as an admission from all of you that cutting taxes like a fricking idiot and expecting growth to make up for the revenue loss contrary to all empirical data is stupid policy and proves conservative economic "theory" is crap.

I hate to break it to you but JFK was the first to do this and it worked. Reagan did it and it worked. Reagan over did it and backed off which is why you hear people say the largest tax increase in history happened during the Reagan Administration.

It absolutely works but the issue is whether it will still work given hat such a huge percentage of people don't pay federal income taxes now.

I have no clue about Kansas nor do I care about Kansas.
You REALLY expect this to rank as high on the immorality chart as propogating a lie to take this country to war and killing thousands of our kids so the VP could make oil profits?

This never happened. The notion that Iraq had WMD was not a lie and the war was not done so anyone could make oil profits.

It is reasonable to challenge the decision to go to war in Iraq in hind sight but it is not reasonable to claim President Bush lied about it. The decision had overwhelming support from democrats and President Clinton confirmed himself that the intelligence supported the conclusion that Iraq had WMD. In fact, that was pretty much universally believed by everyone at the time. Russia, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Great Britain, Jordan, probably Israel (they kept quiet) and many, many other nations confirmed it.
Good list.

You can add the "fast and furious" Mexican gun running to the list as well.

And I don't even need to mention Benghazi (Hillary).

The IRS scandal is the thing people should be most upset about. The IRS should not be used a political arm ever. I have no idea who knew about this but it is pretty bad that democrats don't want to find out. People should have been fired over this, it should have been fully exposed and Obama should have been outraged.

If your side can do it, the other side can do it too.

Another thing people should be upset about is Obama's willingness to ignore the law. For example: it was wrong to say the federal government wouldn't enforce DOMA. It was the law and it is the executive branches obligation to enforce the law. If the executive branch disagrees with the law, the executive branch should get Congress to change the law. If Obama or any President can unilaterally decide not to enforce a law, the next President may unilaterally decide not to enforce a different law.

Another example is the immigration stuff. The President cannot unilaterally make law. We should all be concerned with the power that is being accumulated by the executive branch over time. George Washington did not issue a single executive order. He never once made law because he understood that was not his place. Over time we have morphed into a society where the President makes all kinds of law and Obama has taken it further than other President. This is not how our system is supposed to work.
THOSE are your complaints? Jesus man, at least pick something of substance if you're gonna complain about the President.

Your insurance company decided not to comply with new standards ... that's not within his control. He shouldnt have made the statement - but if that is your big complaint then your being rather picky.

Trayvon Martin could have been MY son as well. So?

He mistakenly praised Bowe Bergdahl? and? You REALLY expect this to rank as high on the immorality chart as propogating a lie to take this country to war and killing thousands of our kids so the VP could make oil profits?

Your list is rather laughable. Hell, at least say something legitimate. He didn't close Gitmo, he didn't follow thru on marital equality promises etc...

The crap you have thrown here is trivial and not even amoral. It was more mistake.

Regarding the ACA, this is not even close to accurate. Insurance companies and health care providers were "forced" to change because of the legislation enacted. These stakeholders were not consulted during the policy-making process nor were they given preliminary information to account for short-term changes that were needed to bridge/buffer the potential effects on insurance. Yet all we heard is how health care costs would decrease across the board and you would be able to keep the same provider. Now when it comes to keeping the same provider, people do change plans through their employers and employers change insurance providers. My personal anecdote is that this really affects people, like my retired parents, who had a health insurance plan based upon their previous employer/pension. Their basic health care costs (doctor visits, procedures, OOP expenses) have more than doubled....which sucks for them. They will use Medicare in some cases for certain services, but Medicare certainly limits your choices in health care.

And even worse is when a you have some democratic members of congress voting for a bill without ever reading through it....and then admitting it. Yes, it was 1800 pages long, but if you're trying to enact legislation on an industry that makes up almost 1/5 of our GDP, then you better damn well have at least an elementary understanding of what you're voting for. This wasn't a bill to fund highways some where, it was legislation that would drastically affect tens of millions of people. Yet it was rushed through and was a strict partisan bill without any input from the other side.

And lest we forget Johnathan Gruber telling everyone how stupid they are and you have the recipe for how this administration operates. The implication here is that the public, being rather simple-minded, can be distracted from what’s actually in the law by talking about cost control, which isn’t really something the law addresses. The original assertion that it would drop the average families premiums by $2,500 dollars a year. But, anyone who understands how premiums are calculated knew at the time the assertion was dubious. An average reduction of $2,500 for a family of four across the board is too neat and tidy a figure to reflect the complicated actuarial realities of premium rate-setting. But no matter, what we’ve actually seen in the nearly five years since the law passed is that premiums have gone up considerably. By some estimates, the average rates in the individual market have increased nearly 25 percent compared to what they would have been without Obamacare, and have increased measurably in 45 states:


I sell systems to acute care facilities and hospitals. THus, I've seen the effects, firsthand, on what the ACA has done to hospital bottom lines and the overall patient care/workflow environment in hospitals. And I'm not against health care reform, but this was done in a manner that is shameful and with no respect to the patients that it is currently and eventually having adverse effects on.
And even worse is when a you have some democratic members of congress voting for a bill without ever reading through it....and then admitting it. Yes, it was 1800 pages long, but if you're trying to enact legislation on an industry that makes up almost 1/5 of our GDP, then you better damn well have at least an elementary understanding of what you're voting for. This wasn't a bill to fund highways some where, it was legislation that would drastically affect tens of millions of people. Yet it was rushed through and was a strict partisan bill without any input from the other side.

I think not reading legislation is the norm in Congress.