This is absurd. You act as if you are some intellectual but repeatedly say silly things like "all". That simply isn't true. I proved it with Byrd and you try to lecture me on the Civil Rights Act and the history of the South switching from predominantly Democrats to predominantly Republicans. You have zero evidence that "all" klan members are republicans. It is stupid to make such a claim. You were supposed to learn this on grade school taking true false tests.
So, now you want to argue semantics. The Klan is a functioning fund raising arm of the republican party. You have no evidence that I am wrong and you won't find any.
The old republican party, the one that attracted me 50 years ago wouldn't have put up with it. William F Buckley would stand up and shout the John Birch Society, Klansmen, and ever other right wing nut group out of the political arena. Not so much now.
David Duke was on TV just the other day scolding the party for taking their money and support in private and mutt talking them in public. He went on to say if they didn't stop it he would make public contribution list, names and associations. It is my bet that it will be a long time before another elected southern republican says anything negative about the Klan.
I think it is a sad state of affairs that the republicans think that they have to get the bigots, homophobes, the gun and every other kind of nut lined up and in tow before they can win an election.
Conservatism is a brand of politics that should have broad appeal. But, this incarnation of the party has sold out. It will be at least a generation before the repubs win a presidential election and they have no one to blame but themselves and the groups they chose to associate with.
Would it make you feel better if I said 99% of Klansmen are republican. I'll do that even though I think I am off by 1%.