Harrison about Kaminsky during post game

You really are an idiot if you can say that Cali has a strong economy with a straight face. They are the epitome of what is wrong financially in the United States, and they are the way they are b/c of dems/liberals. That isn't an opinion.

Do some reading WT. California is a model for economic and government growth and responsibility. The turn around started 2/3 years ago when the dems gained control of both houses of their legislator. And that is a fact.
When Byrd was a Klansman, all Klansmen were democrats. You are an educated man. Do I really have to give you a history lesson. Johnson pushed through civil rights legislation. That along with Nixon's southern strategy flipped the core of the southern democrats to the republican party. That core included the Klan.
A majority of the Klan throughout it's history has always been democrat not republican. In fact it was basically created by the democrat party. The Klan no longer really exists anymore though not in any real form like it used to in it's best days.

Not that it matters because both parties are for destroying the minority because both parties believe in collectivism. Republican party was built on it when it originally came out in the mid 19th century. Democrat party changed to Progressivism when it stole it's ideas from republicans in the early 20th century. Both parties have essentially been for the same basic ideas since then. Which is why we constantly have worse policies for the individual and will always have it that way. It's funny when people see differences between political parties when we see their policies have the same results over and over again and continue to do so.

Obama has continued the legacy of being pro rich(mostly white) companies particularly with things like the health care law which basically only helped the insurance companies and pharmacy companies consolidate more and be more of a monopoly. Yet we see democrats praise him for being so anti-liberal. It's probably the most anti-liberal law ever come up with by definition.
A majority of the Klan throughout it's history has always been democrat not republican. In fact it was basically created by the democrat party. The Klan no longer really exists anymore though not in any real form like it used to in it's best days.

Not that it matters because both parties are for destroying the minority because both parties believe in collectivism. Republican party was built on it when it originally came out in the mid 19th century. Democrat party changed to Progressivism when it stole it's ideas from republicans in the early 20th century. Both parties have essentially been for the same basic ideas since then. Which is why we constantly have worse policies for the individual and will always have it that way. It's funny when people see differences between political parties when we see their policies have the same results over and over again and continue to do so.

Obama has continued the legacy of being pro rich(mostly white) companies particularly with things like the health care law which basically only helped the insurance companies and pharmacy companies consolidate more and be more of a monopoly. Yet we see democrats praise him for being so anti-liberal. It's probably the most anti-liberal law ever come up with by definition.

Nice sermonette. But, I do my own research and form my own opinions.
When Byrd was a Klansman, all Klansmen were democrats. You are an educated man. Do I really have to give you a history lesson. Johnson pushed through civil rights legislation. That along with Nixon's southern strategy flipped the core of the southern democrats to the republican party. That core included the Klan.

This is absurd. You act as if you are some intellectual but repeatedly say silly things like "all". That simply isn't true. I proved it with Byrd and you try to lecture me on the Civil Rights Act and the history of the South switching from predominantly Democrats to predominantly Republicans. You have zero evidence that "all" klan members are republicans. It is stupid to make such a claim. You were supposed to learn this on grade school taking true false tests.
This is absurd. You act as if you are some intellectual but repeatedly say silly things like "all". That simply isn't true. I proved it with Byrd and you try to lecture me on the Civil Rights Act and the history of the South switching from predominantly Democrats to predominantly Republicans. You have zero evidence that "all" klan members are republicans. It is stupid to make such a claim. You were supposed to learn this on grade school taking true false tests.

So, now you want to argue semantics. The Klan is a functioning fund raising arm of the republican party. You have no evidence that I am wrong and you won't find any.

The old republican party, the one that attracted me 50 years ago wouldn't have put up with it. William F Buckley would stand up and shout the John Birch Society, Klansmen, and ever other right wing nut group out of the political arena. Not so much now.

David Duke was on TV just the other day scolding the party for taking their money and support in private and mutt talking them in public. He went on to say if they didn't stop it he would make public contribution list, names and associations. It is my bet that it will be a long time before another elected southern republican says anything negative about the Klan.

I think it is a sad state of affairs that the republicans think that they have to get the bigots, homophobes, the gun and every other kind of nut lined up and in tow before they can win an election.

Conservatism is a brand of politics that should have broad appeal. But, this incarnation of the party has sold out. It will be at least a generation before the repubs win a presidential election and they have no one to blame but themselves and the groups they chose to associate with.

Would it make you feel better if I said 99% of Klansmen are republican. I'll do that even though I think I am off by 1%.
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It will be at least a generation before the repubs win a presidential election

Since you are just running your mouth without any support, how much are you willing to wager on the above statement? We both know there is zero chance of that happening.
Since you are just running your mouth without any support, how much are you willing to wager on the above statement? We both know there is zero chance of that happening.

Well, the repubs have lost two in a row to a black man named Barrack Hussane Obama. That should tell you something. Every measurable and demographic favors the dems.

It is impossible for a republican to win a national election without 40% of the Hispanic vote. Bush did it with 43%. McCain and Romney were in the low 20's. The national party has pissed off that voting block and will continue to be punished by them.

Young people vote for the dems in overwhelming numbers. As they get older they will show up at the polls in greater numbers. Republican voters are for the most part old, white, and southern and they are dying off. Within a decade there will be a demographic flip of Texas to the dems. When that happens your kids will never see a republican president.

The country isn't going to change. It is going to continue to move away. The republicans are going to have to change. There is no sign of that.

How do we put the money up? How long do I have to wait and how do I collect it?

I only bet on myself and horses anyway.

You try to represent yourself as a numbers guy. Show me a pathway the repubs could take to overcome the demographic shift in this country or name me a candidate the country would galvanize behind.
no. not glossed over and certainly not that easily rebutted. Faux "News" had to be reclassified as "entertainment" vice news due to lies told on the network. Thats a fact.

And STILL no mention of Brownback or the Kansas failure - mainly because it can't be rebutted.
Hey CoolM, with McCain constantly making a fool of himself with his bizare nonsensical rambling do you think he acquired mental disabilities while held as a prisoner? He's a babbling incoherent buffoon. Or does the undeniable success and immense respect around the world of President Obama render all conservatives into drooling idiots?
Some of you are unbelievable. Gary claims to be a republican and then makes some of the dumbest comments I have ever read. Obviously you are a liar.

Cool is given direct evidence that the Canada thing never happened and doubles down.

I really thought both of you were more intelligent.
Actually, Gary is likely the same as me. He was a republican who realized the party has devolved into nothing but a bunch of reckless careless bigots. A party that rallies around Sarah Palin and Ted Cruz is not the place for sane americans.

Jerry Brown is a seasoned pro and has done a masterful job reversing the carnage left by Arnold. The same way Obama has masterfully reversed the carnage from the W disaster.

Running the government is not that hard. You don't engage in reckless tax cut schemes or boondoggles like Iraq. You protect regulations to safeguard the economy and uphold the social safety net which has been so successful. You spend 20-23% of GDP and you collect tax revenues of 17-20% of GDP and the county is on cruise control. Just like it is right now.

When a republican can say those things and become the nominee they have a chance to win, until then it's landslide central to the Dems.
your clif notes version of the CRTC issue with Faux in Canada is admirable, but myopic. not surprising since you dont know a damn thing about what happened.

and your complete refusal to admit that Brownback used the republican model and completely screwed the pooch in Kansas is rather telling.

your ideology sucks. sorry but it's a fact. you're backing losers and immoral sacks of dung.
you're backing losers and immoral sacks of dung.

You don't think Obama and Hillary are 100x more immoral than Bush or whomever?


Hillary should probably be in jail/prison for some of the things she has done.
Hillary should probably be in jail/prison for some of the things she has done.

Name anything. It's going to be funny watching her shred that clown committee run by howdy howdy.

Speaking of clown committees when is that Lois Lerner contempt trial? lol lol
You don't think Obama and Hillary are 100x more immoral than Bush or whomever?


Hillary should probably be in jail/prison for some of the things she has done.

Really? WHAT exactly did Obama do?
WHAT exactly did Hillary do?

I ask this because Bush and Cheney killed Americans so that Cheney could make oil profits.
Really? WHAT exactly did Obama do?
WHAT exactly did Hillary do?

I ask this because Bush and Cheney killed Americans so that Cheney could make oil profits.

You can keep your plan:

This was just a boldface lie. If honesty can be equated to being moralistic then his statement fails the sniff test.

Trayvon Martin could have been my son:

This is another mistatement as it relates to the truth. Out of all the young men to choose from Barak aligns with someone who lived the life of a punk. His statement was purely made to take the sting out of the black community. The proof is in the tapioca, with the point being, if Barak's children were older and Trayvon was alive would he approve of his girls dating Trayvon Martin.

Bo Bergdahl (sp):

It's one thing to adhere to protocol but to have him come off as a hero who served his country admirably is another pinocchio moment. NCIS had the lowdown on what transpired years ago and it was not favorable.
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I ask this because Bush and Cheney killed Americans so that Cheney could make oil profits.


This is another of the super lame "go to" stories that dems use.

Cheney, at his age and current wealth, doesn't need more oil profits to live out his life in a very good way. Stupid. Just a really stupid argument. Almost as stupid as the people that say the American government was behind 9/11, or that there wasn't even a plane that crashed into the Pentagon.

Moon landing a hoax too?

You can keep your plan?

Trayvon Martin could have been my son.

Bo Bergdahl (sp)

THOSE are your complaints? Jesus man, at least pick something of substance if you're gonna complain about the President.

Your insurance company decided not to comply with new standards ... that's not within his control. He shouldnt have made the statement - but if that is your big complaint then your being rather picky.

Trayvon Martin could have been MY son as well. So?

He mistakenly praised Bowe Bergdahl? and? You REALLY expect this to rank as high on the immorality chart as propogating a lie to take this country to war and killing thousands of our kids so the VP could make oil profits?

Your list is rather laughable. Hell, at least say something legitimate. He didn't close Gitmo, he didn't follow thru on marital equality promises etc...

The crap you have thrown here is trivial and not even amoral. It was more mistake.
You can keep your plan:

This was just a boldface lie. If honesty can be equated to being moralistic then his statement fails the sniff test.

Trayvon Martin could have been my son:

This is another mistatement as it relates to the truth. Out of all the young men to choose from Barak aligns with someone who lived the life of a punk. His statement was purely made to take the sting out of the black community. The proof is in the tapioca, with the point being, if Barak's children were older and Trayvon was alive would he approve of his girls dating Trayvon Martin.

Bo Bergdahl (sp):

It's one thing to adhere to protocol but to have him come off as a hero who served his country admirably is another pinocchio moment. NCIS had the lowdown on what transpired years ago and it was not favorable.

Good list.

You can add the "fast and furious" Mexican gun running to the list as well.

And I don't even need to mention Benghazi (Hillary).
THOSE are your complaints? Jesus man, at least pick something of substance if you're gonna complain about the President.

Your insurance company decided not to comply with new standards ... that's not within his control. He shouldnt have made the statement - but if that is your big complaint then your being rather picky.

Trayvon Martin could have been MY son as well. So?

He mistakenly praised Bowe Bergdahl? and? You REALLY expect this to rank as high on the immorality chart as propogating a lie to take this country to war and killing thousands of our kids so the VP could make oil profits?

Your list is rather laughable. Hell, at least say something legitimate. He didn't close Gitmo, he didn't follow thru on marital equality promises etc...

The crap you have thrown here is trivial and not even amoral. It was more mistake.

The question raised was based on being moral or immoral and not which ice cream topping is truly the finest, so why don't you take a moment and wipe the sprinkles from your face. Again, either honesty is to be equated with being moralistic or it isn't.

And the starting a war so someone within the administration could make bank is silly and you know it. I could see the war being started to avenge the assassination attempt on his father as being a larger motivating factor and that in itself is a huge stretch.

And having Bo exchanged for a band of terrorists was more about reducing the head count at Gitmo and to intertwine it with the honor displayed by Bo was tasteless at best. There were many convoluted layers of tall tales here.
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