What does Rush Limbaugh say that you call racist? I don't listen to him but I did years ago and see some of his stuff. I don't see racism with him. He supports people like Alan West, JC Watts, Dr. Ben Carson and Herman Cain. If he were racist he wouldn't support those individuals.
Being conservative isn't racist.
I couldn't agree more and I never said nor implied that it was.
As for Limbaugh, and with respect, I'm not going to do your homework for you. Google "Limbaugh" and "racism" and you'll find plenty of examples. Is he, in real life, actually racist? I have no idea; I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if he didn't really believe half the hateful stuff he spews.
But there's nothing conservative about Limbaugh, not in any traditional sense. He is reactionary, out on the hateful fringe. But then today's Republican Party itself is not conservative, not in the sense that Republicans like Eisenhower, Nixon and even Reagan were. Reagan is revered by today's Republicans, thanks to nostalgia's burnished glow, but he said and did many things that, if he were running for President for the first time today, would make it difficult, if not impossible, for him to secure the party's nomination.
Nixon did, too, for that matter, and Eisenhower would be viewed by today's Republican Party as a pinko lefty commie.
As for Limbaugh supporting a handful of black politicians, plenty of those on the right who don't really have much use for black folks "support" the guys you mentioned--in some cases, because they genuinely like what they stand for, but in many other cases, because guys like West, Carson and Cain provide needed cover. People can point to them any time someone accuses the Republican Party of being less than inclusive.
But the idea that racists can't here and there "support" an African American in a given field of endeavor while retaining their dislike (or worse) for black folks in general is shaky at best. I could tell you any number of stories of events I witnessed firsthand that soundly contradict that notion.
Having responded to the remarks made while I was away from my computer, I'll leave this thread to the rest of you. This is not a political board, and I like it that way. On Wisconsin!