Harrison about Kaminsky during post game

Anybody that views Limbaugh as a racist does not like him, and never will.

But you weren't talking about individuals; you were speaking in general/societal terms -- whether society "forgives" a murderer more easily than a racist (or so it seemed; it's the only way your post made any sense).

And actually, plenty -- I'm not saying all, but plenty -- of his fans like Limbaugh precisely because he's a racist (among other things). They don't view it was racism, of course, but rather the "truth."
But you weren't talking about individuals; you were speaking in general/societal terms -- whether society "forgives" a murderer more easily than a racist (or so it seemed; it's the only way your post made any sense).

And actually, plenty -- I'm not saying all, but plenty -- of his fans like Limbaugh precisely because he's a racist (among other things). They don't view it was racism, of course, but rather the "truth."

What does Rush Limbaugh say that you call racist? I don't listen to him but I did years ago and see some of his stuff. I don't see racism with him. He supports people like Alan West, JC Watts, Dr. Ben Carson and Herman Cain. If he were racist he wouldn't support those individuals.

Being conservative isn't racist.
What does Rush Limbaugh say that you call racist? I don't listen to him but I did years ago and see some of his stuff. I don't see racism with him. He supports people like Alan West, JC Watts, Dr. Ben Carson and Herman Cain. If he were racist he wouldn't support those individuals.

Being conservative isn't racist.

All republicans are not klansmen. However, all klansmen are republicans.
But you weren't talking about individuals; you were speaking in general/societal terms -- whether society "forgives" a murderer more easily than a racist (or so it seemed; it's the only way your post made any sense).

It's getting a little old that you keep trying to tell me what I meant.

And actually, plenty -- I'm not saying all, but plenty -- of his fans like Limbaugh precisely because he's a racist (among other things). They don't view it was racism, of course, but rather the "truth."

I'm not going to get into an argument about whether or not he's racist, but like I said (and you reaffirmed), they don't VIEW him as racist.
What does Rush Limbaugh say that you call racist? I don't listen to him but I did years ago and see some of his stuff. I don't see racism with him. He supports people like Alan West, JC Watts, Dr. Ben Carson and Herman Cain. If he were racist he wouldn't support those individuals.

Being conservative isn't racist.

I couldn't agree more and I never said nor implied that it was.

As for Limbaugh, and with respect, I'm not going to do your homework for you. Google "Limbaugh" and "racism" and you'll find plenty of examples. Is he, in real life, actually racist? I have no idea; I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if he didn't really believe half the hateful stuff he spews.

But there's nothing conservative about Limbaugh, not in any traditional sense. He is reactionary, out on the hateful fringe. But then today's Republican Party itself is not conservative, not in the sense that Republicans like Eisenhower, Nixon and even Reagan were. Reagan is revered by today's Republicans, thanks to nostalgia's burnished glow, but he said and did many things that, if he were running for President for the first time today, would make it difficult, if not impossible, for him to secure the party's nomination.

Nixon did, too, for that matter, and Eisenhower would be viewed by today's Republican Party as a pinko lefty commie.

As for Limbaugh supporting a handful of black politicians, plenty of those on the right who don't really have much use for black folks "support" the guys you mentioned--in some cases, because they genuinely like what they stand for, but in many other cases, because guys like West, Carson and Cain provide needed cover. People can point to them any time someone accuses the Republican Party of being less than inclusive.

But the idea that racists can't here and there "support" an African American in a given field of endeavor while retaining their dislike (or worse) for black folks in general is shaky at best. I could tell you any number of stories of events I witnessed firsthand that soundly contradict that notion.

Having responded to the remarks made while I was away from my computer, I'll leave this thread to the rest of you. This is not a political board, and I like it that way. On Wisconsin!
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As for Limbaugh, and with respect, I'm not going to do your homework for you. Google "Limbaugh" and "racism" and you'll find plenty of examples.

You accuse a man of racism but cannot bother to give a single example. Perhaps if you don't have the time or inclination to support you accusation, you should not make the accusation.
I would also be interested to hear the Limbaugh examples. I've listened to him quite a bit (I also listen to NPR, watch MSNBC, etc) and have never heard him say anything racist. Now, maybe some sexism, (calling the Fluke girl a slut was out of bounds) but never racism. I find that most of the "homework" and examples you would find on google aren't real and/or he never said them.
You accuse a man of racism but cannot bother to give a single example. Perhaps if you don't have the time or inclination to support you accusation, you should not make the accusation.

Well said Denver. Skyvue is good poster on some topics, but in this case, he is just parroting the left's talking points about conservatives. It seems that cultural norms are now defined by folks on the left. We are all lectured to be tolerant and caring, but it seems like a good part of the time, it is people on the left who are intolerant if you disagree with their worldview....and god forbid if you're a public figure who disagrees with them, consider yourself on their hit list to be personally destroyed.

Hell, Romney was about as squeaky clean as you could get, and they came after him with a blitzkrieg-like fervor of hate that was "Nixonian-like" in nature.
Hell, Romney was about as squeaky clean as you could get, and they came after him with a blitzkrieg-like fervor of hate that was "Nixonian-like" in nature.

lol yep...and the worst they they had was years ago he made his dog ride on the roof of his car. yet they made it out to be that he murdered someone. The Madness!!!!
It is to a liberal...that's about all they got

Do you even understand irony in order to see how ironic your statement is?

All we have? Really? huh. I coulda swore we had a ton of other issues ...

1. voter suppression
2. cutting social programs in support of tax breaks for billionaires
3. conservative denial of vet benefits while advocating even MORE war
4. lack of diversity by the right

those are just starter issues. maybe you should watch some news other than Faux or read a damn newspaper and learn what's happening in the world outside of your city block.
it's true whether you think it is ridiculous or not.

All members of the klan are not republicans. Robert Byrd was the leader of klan chapter and the longest serving elected official. Beyond that, it is impossible to know if every member of the klan (other than Byrd) is a republican. It is ridiculous to make such an allegation.
Do you even understand irony in order to see how ironic your statement is?

All we have? Really? huh. I coulda swore we had a ton of other issues ...

1. voter suppression
2. cutting social programs in support of tax breaks for billionaires
3. conservative denial of vet benefits while advocating even MORE war
4. lack of diversity by the right

those are just starter issues. maybe you should watch some news other than Faux or read a damn newspaper and learn what's happening in the world outside of your city block.

These are false narratives and three of the four tread strongly on democrats claims that their opponents are racist.

First, voter suppression is an argument to convince minorities that conservatives are racist. Yet you would agree that a person should show ID to board an airplane, purchase alcohol and validate a commercial transaction, etc. etc.

Second, conservatives don't want tax breaks for billionaires. They want reduce spending and a robust economy. By framing the issue this way you again attempt to convince people that conservatives are against certain segments of society to obtain votes and many of those people are minorities.

Third, conservatives don't advocate for war or reducing benefits to vets. They advocate for strong national defense.

Finally, the claim of lack of diversity is just another way of saying racist. Why don't you just scream war against women.

Your final comment about Fox is so typical of the liberal. If someone dares to disagree with the liberal they are uninformed. It is total nonsense.

I am not even a conservative. I am a libertarian but I dislike liberals more than conservatives because liberals constantly lie about politics.
Do you even understand irony in order to see how ironic your statement is?

All we have? Really? huh. I coulda swore we had a ton of other issues ...

1. voter suppression
2. cutting social programs in support of tax breaks for billionaires
3. conservative denial of vet benefits while advocating even MORE war
4. lack of diversity by the right

those are just starter issues. maybe you should watch some news other than Faux or read a damn newspaper and learn what's happening in the world outside of your city block.

These are false narratives and three of the four tread strongly on democrats claims that their opponents are racist.

First, voter suppression is an argument to convince minorities that conservatives are racist. Yet you would agree that a person should show ID to board an airplane, purchase alcohol and validate a commercial transaction, etc. etc.

Second, conservatives don't want tax breaks for billionaires. They want reduce spending and a robust economy. By framing the issue this way you again attempt to convince people that conservatives are against certain segments of society to obtain votes and many of those people are minorities.

Third, conservatives don't advocate for war or reducing benefits to vets. They advocate for strong national defense.

Finally, the claim of lack of diversity is just another way of saying racist. Why don't you just scream war against women.

Your final comment about Fox is so typical of the liberal. If someone dares to disagree with the liberal they are uninformed. It is total nonsense.

I am not even a conservative. I am a libertarian but I dislike liberals more than conservatives because liberals constantly lie about politics.

Do you even follow politics or do you just spew ideology?

1. They MOST CERTAINLY have tried and are trying to suppress voting. The Republican chairman of Pennsylvania admitted as much. Anything to decrease the number of poor and minorities from voting increases their odds of success. If you dont believe this then I suggest you work on a few campaigns or run for office yourself or walk on the hill - 3 things I have done.

2. Conservatives most certainly want tax breaks for rich people. They want campaign contributions from them. If you think this is wrong then you REALLY need to go work on the hill for a while.

3. Conservatives MOST CERTAINLY advocate for war and fight against VA benefits. Let's just remind ourselves of what Senator Cotton said a few short days ago "A war with Iran would be over very quickly". This was right on the heels of his attempts to torpedo negotiation efforts with Iran.

Vet benefits? Dude. How can you even type that tripe with a straight face. They voted against all 37 veterans benefit bills that came before them. Don't even try to tell me about vet benefits bills - I rely on them.

4. They are racist. DUH. They also hate women. DUH. Are you really arguing that is not the case? WHY do you think Rand Paul is trying to appeal to women and minorities?

Also - are you REALLY saying that Faux "news" is unbiased and even informative? Why do you think the Canadian FCC banned it?

Sorry Denver, but you need to follow politics more closely if you want to chime in here ... because what you put above was completely ill-informed and rather myopic.
Do you even follow politics or do you just spew ideology?

1. They MOST CERTAINLY have tried and are trying to suppress voting. The Republican chairman of Pennsylvania admitted as much. Anything to decrease the number of poor and minorities from voting increases their odds of success. If you dont believe this then I suggest you work on a few campaigns or run for office yourself or walk on the hill - 3 things I have done.

2. Conservatives most certainly want tax breaks for rich people. They want campaign contributions from them. If you think this is wrong then you REALLY need to go work on the hill for a while.

3. Conservatives MOST CERTAINLY advocate for war and fight against VA benefits. Let's just remind ourselves of what Senator Cotton said a few short days ago "A war with Iran would be over very quickly". This was right on the heels of his attempts to torpedo negotiation efforts with Iran.

Vet benefits? Dude. How can you even type that tripe with a straight face. They voted against all 37 veterans benefit bills that came before them. Don't even try to tell me about vet benefits bills - I rely on them.

4. They are racist. DUH. They also hate women. DUH. Are you really arguing that is not the case? WHY do you think Rand Paul is trying to appeal to women and minorities?

Also - are you REALLY saying that Faux "news" is unbiased and even informative? Why do you think the Canadian FCC banned it?

Sorry Denver, but you need to follow politics more closely if you want to chime in here ... because what you put above was completely ill-informed and rather myopic.

1. False. That is a common mis quote from worthless liberals. What he said is we cut Obama by 5% and voter ID laws probably helped. That does not mean he wants to suppress legitimate votes. It means he thinks Obama has illegitimate votes. Why lie?

2. Blatantly false. I have an LL.M ? In taxation. I trust you know what that means. I know the tax law better than anyone you know. There have been no proposals or changes in the tax code to give tax breaks to Billionaires. This is such anoutrageous lie it is unbelievable. As to political contributions, both parties want wealthy donors. Finally I have never once had a piece of sh!t liberal hire me to help him pay his fair share. You democrats make me sick on tax issues. You literally lie about this more than any other issue

3. Opposing a bad deal with Iran is not advocating war. This is another lie. Democrats controlled the House, Senate and Whitehouse for two years and did not pass any additional benefits for vets. Democrats controlled Congress for four years and sent no bills to the White House. I do not believe Reid's Senate sent anything to the House in the last four years on increased benefits as a straight up or down vote.

4. Do the conservative women and minorities hate the selves. This is the second biggest political lie of the left topped only by taxes. You have no real arguments so you resort to this nonsense. Sol Alinsky rules of engagement.

Finally fox was never banned in Cannada. Google it you worthless POS