Harrison about Kaminsky during post game

If Kaminsky said that about Harrison he would be suspended from the championship game, probably expelled from school, etc.

Exactly, and Wisconsin would have been put on probation with mandatory "sensitivity training".
He should be made an example of.. ridiculous to even cuss at the press conference let alone use the dreaded N word
For the record, I laughed when I saw the interview. It wasn't meant to be heard publicly, and I'm sure far worse was said in the locker room. In the end, it was awkward and embarrassing...and kinda funny. I don't want him punished. I just don't want a white guy punished if ever in the same situation, but I know he would be.

I have to completely disagree with your belief that white people and black people are held to the same standard for this kind of thing. It's easier for somebody to be forgiven for murder in American than it is for a white male to be forgiven for perceived racism.

I knew there would be a contender for the most ridiculously stupid comment of the year in this thread. Congratulations, I think the competition is over and we have a winner!
I have a friend who was an AAU coach when the Harrison twins were in HS here in the Houston area. He said they had an attitude and were close to uncoachable …. partly because they were better than the other players and knew it.

I don't think they need to do anything to him. He's a kid that made a stupid comment after an emotional game in the heat of the moment. He apologized to Kaminsky. It's over.
I knew there would be a contender for the most ridiculously stupid comment of the year in this thread. Congratulations, I think the competition is over and we have a winner!

It's absurd, but based on my observations, once you're deemed a racist, there is no redemption. I'm open to hearing why you think I'm wrong.
It's absurd, but based on my observations, once you're deemed a racist, there is no redemption. I'm open to hearing why you think I'm wrong.

Ray Lewis is still refered to as a murder by many people
Exactly. Yet he has a huge fanbase with many adoring fans.

As does Rush Limbaugh, who's been broadcasting subtly (and not-so-subtle) racist rhetoric for many years. See how that works?

Please list five other -- heck, three other -- convicted murderers who are thriving today. Thanks in advance.
Exactly. Yet he has a huge fanbase with many adoring fans. He's been forgiven.

He's been forgiven because most people believe he didn't kill anybody. He obviously knew who did the killing and didn't cooperate with the police until he was given incentive to. That's what he's been forgiven for.

As for what Harrison said, he deserved the bad press he got...but it's time to move on. Hopefully, we won't have to read any more ESPN articles on it.
This is the first I've heard of it. Clicked the link, heard his remarks, and honestly I'm surprised we don't see this stuff happen more often in competitive sports. I think what has to really piss Kentucky off is Wisconsin revenged their loss against Kentucky last season which derailed THEIR hopes of playing in the title game. Considering what Kentucky had going this year, Wisconsin one up'd Kentucky in a HUGE way and the Cats know it. Now these potential NBA players at Kentucky have the ball in their court (pun intended) to perhaps come back and try again which they know won't happen due to $$$$. Their chances for a one and done story book perfect year have been brutally dashed by a team who served up some good 'ole fashion revenge... the kind that forces one to come back down to earth.

I don't blame the Kentucky players for being angry with that. They have every right to be butt hurt. You almost expect some sort of trash talk.
So using racial slurs is ok after an upsetting loss? Reverse the roles and do you think it is ok?
and dont even start with the reverse racism crap.
why not?

A drunk kid made a comment that he didn't think anyone else would hear.

A black kid at a press conference seen by millions uses the same word and the media wants to coddle him?

Put big frank up at the table and let him use the word and see what happens.

Its absolute horse crap the double standard. If we all want to be treated like equals, it's time for everyone to start acting like it
No such thing as reverse racism. It's either intentionally racist or it's not. Only the kid who said it knows.

I totally agree with you that it's not that big of a deal.

I agree it isn't that big of a deal.

But I also think the drunk frat kids video wasn't a big either. They are both a bad choice of words and decisions and are not representative of society imo
He should be made an example of.. ridiculous to even cuss at the press conference let alone use the dreaded N word

yep...but he's black so you can't touch him.

If a white player didn't even use a slur but just said Eff that guy, he would be dragged through the media and suspended
why not?

A drunk kid made a comment that he didn't think anyone else would hear.

A black kid at a press conference seen by millions uses the same word and the media wants to coddle him?

Put big frank up at the table and let him use the word and see what happens.

Its absolute horse crap the double standard. If we all want to be treated like equals, it's time for everyone to start acting like it

I couldn't agree more!
There is no acceptable reason to treat people differently based only on the color of their skin.
Exactly. Yet he has a huge fanbase with many adoring fans. He's been forgiven.

Of course, he didn't actually kill anyone. I can't believe you're doubling down on that statement rather than just writing it off as deliberate hyperbole.
As does Rush Limbaugh, who's been broadcasting subtly (and not-so-subtle) racist rhetoric for many years. See how that works?

Anybody that views Limbaugh as a racist does not like him, and never will.
Of course, he didn't actually kill anyone.

That's what I believe, and most people that have looked into it believe the same thing. Plenty of people didn't look into it, though, and think he got away with murder, but still cheer him on anyway.

It's without a doubt easier to be forgiven for killing somebody when you start including the accidental ones like Leonard Little and Dante Stallworth. That's not even close.

I can't believe you're doubling down on that statement rather than just writing it off as deliberate hyperbole.

It wasn't deliberate hyperbole. I meant it.
I have a friend who was an AAU coach when the Harrison twins were in HS here in the Houston area. He said they had an attitude and were close to uncoachable …. partly because they were better than the other players and knew it.

I don't think they need to do anything to him. He's a kid that made a stupid comment after an emotional game in the heat of the moment. He apologized to Kaminsky. It's over.

Their high school coach was able to coach them. They won a state title and lost in the championship game to Marcus Smart and Phil Forte in another. Maybe that's because they were playing alongside friends of theirs that they grew up with. They often got frustrated with referees and pouted some but they never appeared uncoachable in their high school games.

I never saw them play AAU.