Harrison about Kaminsky during post game

1. False. That is a common mis quote from worthless liberals. What he said is we cut Obama by 5% and voter ID laws probably helped. That does not mean he wants to suppress legitimate votes. It means he thinks Obama has illegitimate votes. Why lie?

2. Blatantly false. I have an LL.M ? In taxation. I trust you know what that means. I know the tax law better than anyone you know. There have been no proposals or changes in the tax code to give tax breaks to Billionaires. This is such anoutrageous lie it is unbelievable. As to political contributions, both parties want wealthy donors. Finally I have never once had a piece of sh!t liberal hire me to help him pay his fair share. You democrats make me sick on tax issues. You literally lie about this more than any other issue

3. Opposing a bad deal with Iran is not advocating war. This is another lie. Democrats controlled the House, Senate and Whitehouse for two years and did not pass any additional benefits for vets. Democrats controlled Congress for four years and sent no bills to the White House. I do not believe Reid's Senate sent anything to the House in the last four years on increased benefits as a straight up or down vote.

4. Do the conservative women and minorities hate the selves. This is the second biggest political lie of the left topped only by taxes. You have no real arguments so you resort to this nonsense. Sol Alinsky rules of engagement.

Finally fox was never banned in Cannada. Google it you worthless POS

1. No. What he said was "Voter ID. Which is gonna allow Governor Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania. Done." Given that "voter fraud" is an issue in .00000005% of cases he was NOT indicating that changing 2 votes was going to sway Pennsylvania. Please. This is disingenuous bull**** on your part. Every poli sci major knows that less votes = a greater percentage of conservative votes. It's akin to gerrymandering .. except by taking voting rights away.

2. So when PP and meals for wheels and Kaleidoscope and a litany of other programs are cut while Tax breaks for aholes is approved then we're just inept for saying that poor, starving people need the program more? Trickle down is absolute BS. I dont care if you have an LL.M. or not. It's apparent I know more about starving seniors and students and youths who need cancer screens than you care to know. Gee, I wonder why?

3. Opposing a bad deal with Iran? So what ... Cotton and the rest were psychic? How do they know the deal is bad before it is even formulated? Don't even try to claim that crap. They are war hawks. Their kids won't be serving - it will be my kids. And my clients' kids. And the millionaire war hawks in Congress don't care because they don't have a personal stake in it ... which is especially insulting in Cotton case given his status.

Democrats didnt send any more bills? Really? Did you completely forget about the republican filibusters? Fights on cloture motions to deny debate and vote on bills? Leveraging Military industrial complex spending to prevent discharge from committees? You guys always lay out a blanket "well they didnt do it either" like it's a valid argument and like both actors behaved in the same manner - which they didnt. For instance Democrats didn't halt and slow a billion dollar relief package to earthquake-stricken Haiti over a $5 million question leading to many deaths as a result of cholera. And, of course, Coburn's office didnt like answering my questions about his dick move later. Conservatives don't care. Thats the point.

4. If you really think the right is diverse and non-bigoted then you're insane. Show me. Show me they aren't. Show me that the percentages of support on minorities and women issues are the same in the republican party as they are in the general public much less the democratic party. You show me they are the same and I will never mention it again. Problem is you can't, because they're not. Why is that not ever the response? Isn't that the easiest way to clear this complaint up? Because they CAN'T show that. And your little supposition there is akin to "I know you are but what am i?".

Not banned in Canada? CRTC failure to approve Murdoch's application for a "Faux News Canada" and forced reclassification of "Faux news" as an entertainment vice news channel seems rather damning. Banned, not allowed to operate ... sounds pretty much same same to me. But I guess if you're defending that load of crap you need to make a distinction.
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More nonsense from the liberal.

There is no statement to support you claim that voter ID laws are designed to suppress voting.

There is no evidence of tax cuts for billionaires. There is also no evidence of liberals actually taking steps to increase their tax liability or pay more. Anyone may report 100% of their income on line 1 of their tax return, not include basis information for capital gains, elect the standard deduction over itemized deductions or take any number of steps to increase their tax liability.

There is no evidence the Conservatives exclude anyone from participating in any political party. There is ample evidence that there are millions of minority and female republicans.

Fox news was never banned from Canada for the reasons you claim


In 2003, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) rejected a Canadian Cable Telecommunications Association (CCTA) application to bring Fox News to Canada due to concerns that Fox News U.S. and the Global Television Network were planning to create a combined American-Canadian news network. In 2004, after a Fox News U.S. executive said there were no plans to create a combined channel, the CRTC approved an application to bring Fox News to Canada.[102]

Fox News Channel is currently[when?] offered by Access Communications, Bell TV, Cogeco, Eastlink, Manitoba Telecom Services, Rogers Cable, SaskTel, Shaw Cable, Shaw Direct and Telus TV.[citation needed] Vidéotron, Canada's third-largest cable provider, has not added Fox News Channel to its lineup.[citation needed] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fox_News_Channel

What you repeatedly claim never happened. Fox was denied a license to broadcast in 2003 due to rules prohibiting foreign ownership not based on content. In 2004 Fox was allowed to broadcast in Canada.
Cool, don't waste your time debating ignorant rubes. They suffer from DERP & don't understand how the country, economy or government work. They live in a fantasyland of petty grievances and fictional crises. They are truly the bottom of the gene pool. White trash. Just laugh at them and take comfort in the guaranteed fact that next year, to their shock and dismay, a strong majority of the American people will reject them and their foolish nonsense ideas once again.
Cool, don't waste your time debating ignorant rubes. They suffer from DERP & don't understand how the country, economy or government work. They live in a fantasyland of petty grievances and fictional crises. They are truly the bottom of the gene pool. White trash. Just laugh at them and take comfort in the guaranteed fact that next year, to their shock and dismay, a strong majority of the American people will reject them and their foolish nonsense ideas once again.

I just laugh at the failed experiment that is the state of Kansas' economy thanks to all of their economic idiocy. Funny how none of them seem to want to answer up to that one.
I just laugh at the failed experiment that is the state of Kansas' economy thanks to all of their economic idiocy. Funny how none of them seem to want to answer up to that one.

Yeah they are terrible at running the economy. They destroy the fiscal foundation of the USA with reckless tax cut schemes and military boondoggles, crash the economy with financial deregulations which cost the country trillions but don't worry they are going to make it up by cutting food stamps & big bird!! lol lol lol
Yes, California and their liberal mindset is GREAT at running an economy, lmao.
Cool, don't waste your time debating ignorant rubes. They suffer from DERP & don't understand how the country, economy or government work. They live in a fantasyland of petty grievances and fictional crises. They are truly the bottom of the gene pool. White trash. Just laugh at them and take comfort in the guaranteed fact that next year, to their shock and dismay, a strong majority of the American people will reject them and their foolish nonsense ideas once again.

This is Rule No. 5. It is straight out of the rule book for worthless liberals.
Yes, California and their liberal mindset is GREAT at running an economy, lmao.

True. California is by far the strongest economy in the USA and 8th largest in the world. The epicenter of innovation with unparreled prosperity. 80% of profits from all venture capital in the USA come from California. 4 of the top 10 public universities in the USA in California. The state is running a $4 billion surplus. It's a magical formula.

And actually the only republican presidents in the past 50 years who didn't damage the economy came from California. The main rule is to stay away from dumb texas Cowboys. It never ends well when those rubes get in power. The last clown screwed up so bad they won't get another crack for a generation.
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Hey cool ever notice the correlation between small petty minds and the use of the word liberal?
That isn't accurate. A simple google search demonstrates that. California projects a 4 Billion Dollar surplus over two years meaning the actual surplus is 2 Billion Dollars, however, read some of the articles. This surplus is generated by failing to pay obligations as they accrue. California has $425 Billion Dollars of debt and it is increasing by the second. As I typed this it increased by about $10,000.
True. California is by far the strongest economy in the USA and 8th largest in the world.

California GDP is $2.2trillion and debt is $263 billion. 12%. Smart rich people fund long term infrastructure programs with long term debt. That's how they get richer.

Dumb poor people complain about debt and interest and stay dumb and poor.
You really are an idiot if you can say that Cali has a strong economy with a straight face. They are the epitome of what is wrong financially in the United States, and they are the way they are b/c of dems/liberals. That isn't an opinion.
I forgot to mention the extremely low property taxes in California. It's why real estate is such a great investment here. The state constitution mandates it to always be less than 1%.

WT just proved he doesn't have the slightest clue about economics or finance.
More nonsense from the liberal.

There is no statement to support you claim that voter ID laws are designed to suppress voting.

There is no evidence of tax cuts for billionaires. There is also no evidence of liberals actually taking steps to increase their tax liability or pay more. Anyone may report 100% of their income on line 1 of their tax return, not include basis information for capital gains, elect the standard deduction over itemized deductions or take any number of steps to increase their tax liability.

There is no evidence the Conservatives exclude anyone from participating in any political party. There is ample evidence that there are millions of minority and female republicans.

Fox news was never banned from Canada for the reasons you claim


In 2003, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) rejected a Canadian Cable Telecommunications Association (CCTA) application to bring Fox News to Canada due to concerns that Fox News U.S. and the Global Television Network were planning to create a combined American-Canadian news network. In 2004, after a Fox News U.S. executive said there were no plans to create a combined channel, the CRTC approved an application to bring Fox News to Canada.[102]

Fox News Channel is currently[when?] offered by Access Communications, Bell TV, Cogeco, Eastlink, Manitoba Telecom Services, Rogers Cable, SaskTel, Shaw Cable, Shaw Direct and Telus TV.[citation needed] Vidéotron, Canada's third-largest cable provider, has not added Fox News Channel to its lineup.[citation needed] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fox_News_Channel

What you repeatedly claim never happened. Fox was denied a license to broadcast in 2003 due to rules prohibiting foreign ownership not based on content. In 2004 Fox was allowed to broadcast in Canada.
Bumped since it was just passed over... Shocking...
All members of the klan are not republicans. Robert Byrd was the leader of klan chapter and the longest serving elected official. Beyond that, it is impossible to know if every member of the klan (other than Byrd) is a republican. It is ridiculous to make such an allegation.

When Byrd was a Klansman, all Klansmen were democrats. You are an educated man. Do I really have to give you a history lesson. Johnson pushed through civil rights legislation. That along with Nixon's southern strategy flipped the core of the southern democrats to the republican party. That core included the Klan.