Has the loss of Pattillo lowered your expectations for next season?

Has the loss of Pattillo lowered your expectations for next season?

  • Yes

    Votes: 62 57.9%
  • No

    Votes: 45 42.1%

  • Total voters
No, because a solid bench player can be replaced. Especially one that only plays half of a season
OU lost alot of athleticism and the ability to have run out transition plays. The only guy that can make open court plays now is WW, maybe TMG.
No. Because a wise man once said, "We'll win with you, or we'll win without you."

This applies to everything. Ever.

Plus, he was just an 'athlete', not a 'basketball player', kinda like Dwight Howard.
No. Because a wise man once said, "We'll win with you, or we'll win without you."

This applies to everything. Ever.

Plus, he was just an 'athlete', not a 'basketball player', kinda like Dwight Howard.

From a personal standpoint, he probably won't be missed. But from what he adds as far as athleticism, is unmeasured. OU went from a very athletic team with BG, TG, WW, and JP to just having WW as a guy who is a superior athlete. OU needs to add someone quick.
I agree with Malcolm. However, there are three things I will miss about JP's game.

1) His CONSISTENT jump shot
2) His basketball IQ
3) His dunks – He never BUNGLED a dunk
I was on record before this that I thought Allen would be the fifth starter to emerge. I know a lot of you guys don't see Big O as being a contributor, but I think Pattillo just captured imaginations with his athleticism. On the court, he was a short-term contributor that became easy to gameplan for after a couple weeks of film. Once people recognized how he helped, he wasn't getting those blocks anymore. And offensively, he wasn't any more of a contributor than as a garbage man.

I have said all along that next year's team depends most on the new players contributing and if Willie can handle being the man. Frankly, the more we hear about Juan and knowing how tight he and Willie were, I am happy he is gone. I think the freshmen are talented and will be able to play, but my worry for next year has been leadership. I don't know that Crocker really has it in him and Willie really is going to have to be the man next year.

They should start and end the year ranked...who knows where, but ranked. How enjoyable the season is to watch will come down to what kind of personality the team takes on, in my opinion. In general, the talent level will be higher than it has been since the 02 team. But with so much turnover and so little in terms of an established culture being in place, I think we really need some guys to step up.
He brought energy into the game and that was always a bonus.

On the other hand, on the right minus wrong chart, I promise he was in the hole many a night.

He was either great or awful, but seldom just solid.
I agree with Malcolm. However, there are three things I will miss about JP's game.

1) His CONSISTENT jump shot
2) His basketball IQ
3) His dunks – He never BUNGLED a dunk

he bungled several dunks including a crucial one against kansas, and he wasn't making many 10-12 jumpers. my expectations don't change. and sorry if i missed the sarcasm.
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he bungled several dunks including a crucial one against kansas, and he wasn't making many 10-12 jumpers. my expectations don't change. and sorry if i missed the sarcasm.

I think if people are thinking of him in terms of a star, than OU has lost nothing. In terms of a guy who can provide some energy, versatitlity, and athleticism, he was the best we had in those departments. OU doesn't have anyone that we can get an above the rim tip dunk, a rundown block, or a go get it ally oop.
Always hurts to lose a guy as good as him blocking shots around the basket, rebounding and the ability to finish strong....but as much as we will miss those things i think it will be better in the long run because someone will have to step up that probably wouldnt have gotten the minutes (a young guy that needs them to get better)...

My expectations for next year are just to make the tourney with an opportunity to win 1 or 2 games there, so i think we can still accomplish those things without him...
His defense was valuable and we will miss that the most, but he got easy baskets playing next to Blake Griffin and I don't think his scoring would have elevated much if at all next season. Would like to have his athleticism, but I think we'll be fine.
Not in the least. Juan was an outstanding athlete with the potential to be good. But he had a questionable work ethic, and the jury was still out on how much he would have contributed next season anyway. Losing him simply opens the door of opportunity for someone else.

I think Andrew Fitzgerald could prove to be the beneficiary of JP's departure, or his minutes could go to what I see as an OU strength next year in our guards and wings. If Elmo is right about the Big O, I would be thrilled. He seems like a great young man who has his head and his heart in the right place, and nothing would please me more than to see him do well.
Always hurts to lose a guy as good as him blocking shots around the basket, rebounding and the ability to finish strong....but as much as we will miss those things i think it will be better in the long run because someone will have to step up that probably wouldnt have gotten the minutes (a young guy that needs them to get better)...

My expectations for next year are just to make the tourney with an opportunity to win 1 or 2 games there, so i think we can still accomplish those things without him...

I think you're right about this. I think the guy who benefits the most from Juan leaving is Ray Willis.
I think you're right about this. I think the guy who benefits the most from Juan leaving is Ray Willis.

Ray is one of the players I had in mind when I said Juan's minutes could go to our guards and wings. Unlike last year when Blake was the focus of our offense, I think our back court will be featured a lot more this year. Guys like Cade, Ray and Pledge will have a great opportunity to prove they deserve to be on the court with WW, T Crock and TMG; a threesome that IMO are locks to start or get starter-like minutes.

I'll add that Juan's dismissal pretty much rules out any possibility that Kyle Hardrick will redshirt.
I think JP will be missed greatly. I was expecting him to have a great year. You just can't replace his athleticism. This frontline won't be very athletic.

Ray is one of the players I had in mind when I said Juan's minutes could go to our guards and wings.
Possibly Ada but the same question marks you posed for JP (work ethic and jury still out on how much he will contribute) are even bigger question marks with Ray.
I was expecting a lot more out of JP than Ray next year.
I think JP will be missed greatly. I was expecting him to have a great year. You just can't replace his athleticism. This frontline won't be very athletic.

Possibly Ada but the same question marks you posed for JP (work ethic and jury still out on how much he will contribute) are even bigger question marks with Ray.
I was expecting a lot more out of JP than Ray next year.

Juan's question marks didn't get in the way of juan's opportunity to play. From the standard of a depth chart and OU's probability of having to go 4 guard alot to match up with certain teams, Ray will get opportunity. It's up to him what he makes of it.
After the first few games he played in, I lost some confidence in Patillo. My expectations for next year weren't tied to him at all.
We lost a long, athletic, experienced player. We will have virtually no experience inside at all and be a pretty young team at guard as well. It'll be tough to overcome that. We also won't be near as long next year because we lose AJ, Blake, and Taylor Griffin, and now Pattillo. 4 of our longer players. And we seem to be replacing them with much shorter players that aren't as long.