Hield and Cousins summer observation


Staff member
Oct 22, 2008
Reaction score
From the OU Basketball SID:

@mhouckOU: Summer @OU_MBBall observation: Cousins and Hield look even better than last year. Ball handling, shot creating, shot making all improved.

Here's a tweet from Odomes:

R.Odomes ‏@R_Odomes 17 hours ago
Came to OU weighing 195. I weighed in at 205 today and I only been here 2 weeks
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Here's a tweet from Odomes:

R.Odomes ‏@R_Odomes 17 hours ago
Came to OU weighing 195. I weighed in at 205 today and I only been here 2 weeks ��������

I'm sure most of the 10 pounds Odomes gained is muscle. I commented on how ripped he looked in a picture of Manyang OUHoops posted last week.

Talk about muscle! The pics of Buddy are very impressive. It would be interesting to know how much weight (all muscle based on the pictures) he has put on since the end of last season?
Not sure if Buddy getting that big is good or not. Shooters typically aren't super ripped. It can actually be a negative in that regards. But he is certainly putting in work.
Yeah, Buddy looks TOO ripped in that picture. You don't normally want your guards ripped like that.
Not sure if Buddy getting that big is good or not. Shooters typically aren't super ripped. It can actually be a negative in that regards. But he is certainly putting in work.



I see no problem. The added muscle will help with getting to the rim and rebounding
Not sure if Buddy getting that big is good or not. Shooters typically aren't super ripped. It can actually be a negative in that regards. But he is certainly putting in work.
Not sure if I would consider Buddy a "shooter" more so than a "scorer"
Not sure if Buddy getting that big is good or not. Shooters typically aren't super ripped. It can actually be a negative in that regards. But he is certainly putting in work.

After discussions with the new strength guy I trust the added muscle won't affect his ROM and will allow him to shoot the same way. The guys it hurts the most are guys with flat shots as they feel they have to barely shoot it when they get too strong.

I agree with you WT that most great shooters are not big because of the loss of ROM and touch on their shot. The thing with Buddy is I think he will put in the time shooting to keep his shot. My rule was always to shoot twice as long as you lift. So if you lift an hour that day. Take the time to rest then shoot 2 hours later. That is the key to me.
I am sure lots of stretching is mandatory. I really wouldn't worry about the workouts hurting guys. The coaching staff knows what they are doing.
After discussions with the new strength guy I trust the added muscle won't affect his ROM and will allow him to shoot the same way. The guys it hurts the most are guys with flat shots as they feel they have to barely shoot it when they get too strong.

I agree with you WT that most great shooters are not big because of the loss of ROM and touch on their shot. The thing with Buddy is I think he will put in the time shooting to keep his shot. My rule was always to shoot twice as long as you lift. So if you lift an hour that day. Take the time to rest then shoot 2 hours later. That is the key to me.

You make some good points. Especially about Buddy putting in the work to compensate.
I hope not. That's not physically possible without drugs.

So you think adding ten pounds to one's frame via a workout and a healthier eating program designed to turn body fat into muscle is not possible without drugs? I hope you're not serious. Tell that to our new S&C coach.
So you think adding ten pounds to one's frame via a workout and a healthier eating program designed to turn body fat into muscle is not possible without drugs? I hope you're not serious. Tell that to our new S&C coach.

I think he was saying that's not possible in 2 weeks
Static stetching really won't do a lot for that. That have to do exercises to keep the range of motion.

OU is most likely in a strength or power Macro cycle. That means they will be in the phase they add the most mass or weight.
Gaining 10 pounds in two weeks is a LOT. To be more precise, one would have to consume 49,000 calories MORE than they expend - in two weeks. That's a lot calories. Keep in mind that 3,500 calories = 1 pound.
Static stetching really won't do a lot for that. That have to do exercises to keep the range of motion.

OU is most likely in a strength or power Macro cycle. That means they will be in the phase they add the most mass or weight.

Exactly, add now because they lose so much once basketball only (mostly) activities kick off.
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