First of all, you can take that tone, and hit the road. DON'T start twisting what I said, and making this about Sampson. Capel hasn't accomplished what Billy has either. This is about OU basketball history, not a coach.
That isn't what started this. I didn't say Capel hasn't done anything. I said Capel hasn't done anything, outside of the McD AA recruiting, that OU BASKETBALL hasn't done before.
I never once said OU couldn't recruit big-time players. Not one time. Alot of OU coaches have done so. None to the extent of Capel to date though.
Huh? I never said recruiting studs didn't matter. I said it doesn't trump on the court accomplishments. Capel can recruit all 5* guys, or all 2* guys. I really don't care as long as he wins. Again with the Sampson did nothing.....I never said Capel did nothing, I said he hasn't done anything NEW. Is it really difficult for a few of you guys to read and comprehend? My God.
AGAIN.....I never said I don't care. My one and only point was that recruiting doesn't really matter if it doesn't improve what gets done ON THE COURT. And to date, it hasn't. Yes, I realize it has been only 3 years.....hence my statement earlier about Capel possibly doing things that haven't been done, IN TIME. Lets wait until he does those things before annointing him something he isn't yet.