If OSU was smart, they would hire a veteran like Bob Hoffman

So, Alabama offers and he doesn't take it but Alabama has really never won anything in basketball. And, they are a bona fide football school, the best football program in college football. That really means nothing but if it means anything it means he won't go to Stillwater if they offer so you should probably quit mentioning him as who OSU should hire. :ez-roll:
So, Alabama offers and he doesn't take it but Alabama has really never won anything in basketball. And, they are a bona fide football school, the best football program in college football. That really means nothing but if it means anything it means he won't go to Stillwater if they offer so you should probably quit mentioning him as who OSU should hire. :ez-roll:

Wsu is paying him 3 million a year.
Wsu is paying him 3 million a year.

Dude. Stop with the clown posts. OSU won't pay that to the guy and they won't consider him anyway because he's difficult to deal with. The writing is on the wall. Just like KSU fired Frank Martin, athletic directors don't like dealing with difficult people. NObody but Alabama has offered him a contract, supposedly for 4 million, but he turned it down to stay in Wichita for 3 million. None of that makes any sense.
Dude. Stop with the clown posts. OSU won't pay that to the guy and they won't consider him anyway because he's difficult to deal with. The writing is on the wall. Just like KSU fired Frank Martin, athletic directors don't like dealing with difficult people. NObody but Alabama has offered him a contract, supposedly for 4 million, but he turned it down to stay in Wichita for 3 million. None of that makes any sense.


You need to understand money and how much 3 million is in Kansas. You keep running your mouth with no facts backing it up. Just your opinion.
from Wichita...brother coached the Frankamp kid as an 8th grader...I know that doesn't mean jack, but was around folks within the wsu program. Marshall was an a$$ to a lot of people (not players). Maybe he's changed. His rep around Wichita is not great...in dealing with folks.

Wichita State basketball is all they got...besides baseball....there is NO OTHER SPORTING entertainment there...they'll put up with a lot of crap to stay relevant.

Reputations happen for a reason...

You need to understand money and how much 3 million is in Kansas. You keep running your mouth with no facts backing it up. Just your opinion.

Well, all I'm going to say is, I preferred Billy Tubbs, Kelvin Sampson and Lon Kruger.

You preferred Jeff Capel.

That's really all that needs to be said about coaching and who is or who isn't the right fit.

I will add, I don't care what OSU does. If they want to hire Marshall then that's great, he won't change the position of OU and OSU in the big 12 or in this state. I don't think they will go that direction though because (a) they won't have enough to offer him and (b) they won't want to deal with him.

This is why Bob Hoffman would be an excellent choice for them. Cheap, winner, and can build a program.

Good night.

:lon :billy
Not sure either side is right about Marshall but I have heard there is interest in Marshall in some parts in Stillwater. From what I understand, a couple of big boosters have stepped up there to take care of Ford's buyout and at least one of them is a fan of Marshall's. He is also extremely high on the list of the majority of their fan base, which means next to nothing. I don't think they can afford him. If it's true he has a prickly personality, that will also be a major problem up there. Personally, I'd make him tell me 'no' then go get Buzz.

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Not sure either side is right about Marshall but I have heard there is interest in Marshall in some parts in Stillwater. From what I understand, a couple of big boosters have stepped up there to take care of Ford's buyout and at least one of them is a fan of Marshall's. He is also extremely high on the list of the majority of their fan base, which means next to nothing. I don't think they can afford him. If it's true he has a prickly personality, that will also be a major problem up there. Personally, I'd make him tell me 'no' then go get Buzz.

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You can't fire Ford and then get Buzz. Buzz has not had success in 3 years.
You can't fire Ford and then get Buzz. Buzz has not had success in 3 years.


Their best financial option is to keep Ford, and hope he can get them back to a point where they are in the NCAA Tournament or at least NIT again. He has gone to 5 NCAA Tournaments in 8 years. They had a horrible season, for sure, but they had big injuries and have a ton more firepower next year. I still say it would be dumb to fire him.

If they are going to make a coaching move, they need to go find their version of a Tubby Smith or Lon Kruger. If Tech can find a Tubby Smith, then surely OSU can find a veteran program builder kind of coach who can keep them competitive with limited resources/talent.

Their best financial option is to keep Ford, and hope he can get them back to a point where they are in the NCAA Tournament or at least NIT again. He has gone to 5 NCAA Tournaments in 8 years. They had a horrible season, for sure, but they had big injuries and have a ton more firepower next year. I still say it would be dumb to fire him.

If they are going to make a coaching move, they need to go find their version of a Tubby Smith or Lon Kruger. If Tech can find a Tubby Smith, then surely OSU can find a veteran program builder kind of coach who can keep them competitive with limited resources/talent.

One thing about his five tournament appearances. 2 of those appearances they should have not gotten into. Smarts 2nd year they gotten in because smart was on the team bc they went on long losing streak.

And last year they shouldn't have gotten in.
Buzz went from 11-22 (2-16) to 19-13 (10-8). Maybe we should ask Va Tech basketball fans if he's had success or not.

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Buzz went from 11-22 (2-16) to 19-13 (10-8). Maybe we should ask Va Tech basketball fans if he's had success or not.

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Something else to consider is that VA Tech is a horrible basketball job... I say this with all honesty, I have never seen them, thought about them, or acknowledged that they even play basketball.
Jamie Dixon is the name circulating for OSU and TCU.

I wonder what he makes at Pitt. Seems like he in a better situation there but I'm no expert on Pitt basketball.

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Buzz went from 11-22 (2-16) to 19-13 (10-8). Maybe we should ask Va Tech basketball fans if he's had success or not.

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That's the same type of numbers that got OSU in this mess to begin with.
Their firing a coach whose had those numbers. To hire a coach who hasn't seen the tournament in 3 years would be a mistake.
He coaches hard nose physical basketball like a Sutton or Sampson. Is that the style to succeed now days in the best BB conference in the country?

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Dixon played at tcu so if he was top leave Pitt, I see him going to tcu before going to OSU. I just don't see Dixon leaving.

OSU might look really hard at Sampson. Sampson not making the tourney might help their case to land him. Chris Mack is another coach. He's done really well at Xavier. Mark Turgeon at Maryland. They might be able to bring him back to the mid west. He played at Kansas, coached at Wichita and aTm. He had success in the big 12. He's losing a bunch of guys and he might feel more comfortable in this area.

Might reach out to brad Stevens and Billy Donovan. Their not exactly having the greatest success in the nba.
Dixon played at tcu so if he was top leave Pitt, I see him going to tcu before going to OSU. I just don't see Dixon leaving.

OSU might look really hard at Sampson. Sampson not making the tourney might help their case to land him. Chris Mack is another coach. He's done really well at Xavier. Mark Turgeon at Maryland. They might be able to bring him back to the mid west. He played at Kansas, coached at Wichita and aTm. He had success in the big 12. He's losing a bunch of guys and he might feel more comfortable in this area.

Might reach out to brad Stevens and Billy Donovan. Their not exactly having the greatest success in the nba.

I'm convinced you are clueless. Or, you are a closet Aggie fan because no way in H-E-L-L will they be able to hire Turgeon for one. He would never leave Maryland for OSU. One reason is because KU, his dream job will never hire him if he coaches at a Big 12, and specifically, Big 8 program. They (KU) told Turgeon the same when Joe C offered him the job at OU, thru intermediaries, when Capel was hired.

Brad Stevens, Billy Donovan and Mack would never move to Stillwater either. OSU has never been able to hire a big name coach except Sutton and that was only because he had just been fired from Kentucky for cheating and losing, not a good combination and had a substance abuse problem. Neither them or KSU will ever be able to hire a big name because nobody wants to live in Manhattan or Stillwater. Not to mention they don't have the money to hire guys like those.
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