Incoming OSU recruits


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Nov 14, 2008
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For those of you that know, what is the status of these incoming recruits for OSU? Which ones are not coming? Which ones will start? Which ones will get PT and which ones will be non-factors next year? Thanks in advance.

Karron Johnson
Raymond Penn
Roger Franklin
Reger Dowell
Fred Gulley
Jerrod Shaw
Torin Walker
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Johnson is going to some Juco in Missouri.
Shaw is most likely not going to qualify.
As far as starting I have no idea, Gulley, Dowell and Penn are all PGs so I would think one would start.
I doubt if Walker is going to be good enough to start but I suspect a lack of size will to playing time for him. Given Forde's 4 guard system I bet we could see Franklin spending some time at the 4 perhaps even starting before the in of the year.
Yeah. Like the above poster said both Shaw and Johnson aren't making it in. Everyone else has made it on campus, but not much news has leaked out as far as pick up games though. The only thing I've really heard is that Gulley is one heck of a defender.
So maybe they will look something like this?

PG - Raymond Penn/Gulley
G - Keaton Page/Dowell
G - James Anderson/Sidorkis
G - Obi Muonelo/Franklin
F - Marshall Moses/Walker
Possibly. I think the only sure thing right now is that Anderson and Moses will start, and most likely Obi.
Johnson and Shaw will not make it. Penn, I believe is hurt.

PG - Gulley or Dowell
SG - Obi or Page or both if Pilgrim doesn't make it.
SG - Anderson
PF - Marshall Moses
PF - Hopefully Matt Pilgrim

Torin Walker has been doing well in the pick up games. Hopefully he'll be the first True Center to actually stay for awhile.
Johnson and Shaw will not make it. Penn, I believe is hurt.

PG - Gulley or Dowell
SG - Obi or Page or both if Pilgrim doesn't make it.
SG - Anderson
PF - Marshall Moses
PF - Hopefully Matt Pilgrim

Torin Walker has been doing well in the pick up games. Hopefully he'll be the first True Center to actually stay for awhile.

Who is Matt Pilgrim?
Potential Transfer from Kentucky. Transferred to Kentucky from Hampton, sat out last year. Calipari did not honor his scholly.
Johnson and Shaw will not make it. Penn, I believe is hurt.

PG - Gulley or Dowell
SG - Obi or Page or both if Pilgrim doesn't make it.
SG - Anderson
PF - Marshall Moses
PF - Hopefully Matt Pilgrim

Torin Walker has been doing well in the pick up games. Hopefully he'll be the first True Center to actually stay for awhile.

Penn's supposedly out just for a few months and will be ready by the time fall practice starts, it's not a season ender or anything...
So maybe they will look something like this?

PG - Raymond Penn/Gulley
G - Keaton Page/Dowell
G - James Anderson/Sidorkis
G - Obi Muonelo/Franklin
F - Marshall Moses/Walker

Penn is listed at 5'9" and Page is listed at 5'10", both are probably slightly smaller. Obviously Page can play at a d-1 level but he is a small guy which has to have some negative impact on defense and rebounding. Add to that playing a 4 guard lineup and Marshall only being 6'6" and I don't see how that team wins when they are not hitting 3s at a very high percentage. Compare that to OU that will like start one guy at 5'11" (TMG), WW at 6'4", Crocker at 6'6", Gallon at 6'9" and Allen at 6'11". (Plus OU could put move WW to point and put Willis, Pledger or Davis on the floor who are all substantially taller than Page and Penn).

I don't see how Page or Penn can stop Warren, Pledger, or Willis. All three can shoot over the smaller defender. This is especially true if you give them a little room because you have to respect their ability to drive..

There will be d-II and juco teams with bigger lineups than OSU. I realize the guys playing at OSU are better players but I have to think the lack of size is going to cost them some games ultimately prevent them from being a serious contender.
Penn is listed at 5'9" and Page is listed at 5'10", both are probably slightly smaller. Obviously Page can play at a d-1 level but he is a small guy which has to have some negative impact on defense and rebounding. Add to that playing a 4 guard lineup and Marshall only being 6'6" and I don't see how that team wins when they are not hitting 3s at a very high percentage. Compare that to OU that will like start one guy at 5'11" (TMG), WW at 6'4", Crocker at 6'6", Gallon at 6'9" and Allen at 6'11". (Plus OU could put move WW to point and put Willis, Pledger or Davis on the floor who are all substantially taller than Page and Penn).

I don't see how Page or Penn can stop Warren, Pledger, or Willis. All three can shoot over the smaller defender. This is especially true if you give them a little room because you have to respect their ability to drive..

There will be d-II and juco teams with bigger lineups than OSU. I realize the guys playing at OSU are better players but I have to think the lack of size is going to cost them some games ultimately prevent them from being a serious contender.

I expect OSU to be similar to last season record wise. The extra size that other teams have still have to run with and guard our guys.

I don't think you'll see Penn and Page on the floor together very often. In fact I don't that either will start. You may see a guard line up of Gulley, Obi, Anderson with Moses and Walker down low. Not exactly a bunch of trees, but it would not surprise me to see those 5 start games.
I expect OSU to be similar to last season record wise. The extra size that other teams have still have to run with and guard our guys.

I don't think you'll see Penn and Page on the floor together very often. In fact I don't that either will start. You may see a guard line up of Gulley, Obi, Anderson with Moses and Walker down low. Not exactly a bunch of trees, but it would not surprise me to see those 5 start games.

Their liability will be Penn and Page on the defense. Last year teams isolated on Page and got bigtime buckets. OSU is going to find it harder to hide both of these guys. Their biggest problem will be that neither can run the point. You'll see "effin idiot" out front alot for OSU because he's the only one that can dribble drive to the paint.
Their liability will be Penn and Page on the defense. Last year teams isolated on Page and got bigtime buckets. OSU is going to find it harder to hide both of these guys. Their biggest problem will be that neither can run the point. You'll see "effin idiot" out front alot for OSU because he's the only one that can dribble drive to the paint.

If the Cowboys depend on Obi out there trying to create, OSU's in a lot of trouble. He might be able to drive all right, but once he gets in there he has a one track mind, and the ball isn't getting kicked out.

What are you basing Penn not being able to run the point off of?
OSU's best incoming recruit (Franklin) wont even have much impact next year because of Anderson and Muonelo... The recruits they are relying on are average at best (Dowell, Gulley, and Penn)..

I still think the Pokes might have a rough year.
What's the problem with Penn, again?

2 of the 7 sites that make up the RSCI have Penn ranked higher than Mason-Griffin. So it's not like the guy is some scrub coming in.
I think Penn's size could be a problem. Especially with Page. But if they play zone a lot it won't matter. Oklahoma State will be tough to match up with offensively. Ford is a vast improvement over Sutton as a coach. They'll be a tough team to compete against this year.
If the Cowboys depend on Obi out there trying to create, OSU's in a lot of trouble. He might be able to drive all right, but once he gets in there he has a one track mind, and the ball isn't getting kicked out.

What are you basing Penn not being able to run the point off of?

You're 100% right on Obi. He's not going to kick it out which will choke chemistry, but he's the only guy that can get in the lane. My basis on Penn is from the times seeing him play. There's a reason why OSU went after Dowell after they got Penn and Gulley. Penn is a small shooter.
You're 100% right on Obi. He's not going to kick it out which will choke chemistry, but he's the only guy that can get in the lane. My basis on Penn is from the times seeing him play. There's a reason why OSU went after Dowell after they got Penn and Gulley. Penn is a small shooter.

Gulley is a 2 time Arkansas POY. He's the best defender of the three. He was also the only one that Ford called a true point.

Obi won't be at the point. We've tried that experiment before.
What's the problem with Penn, again?

2 of the 7 sites that make up the RSCI have Penn ranked higher than Mason-Griffin. So it's not like the guy is some scrub coming in.

The problem with Penn is that he is a 5'8'' 150 shooting guard... He had a big Vegas tournament that boosted his ranking, but his team was losing by about 40 points a game.
The problem with Penn is that he is a 5'8'' 150 shooting guard... He had a big Vegas tournament that boosted his ranking, but his team was losing by about 40 points a game.

So now he's 5'8"?

He's liable to be 5'7" by the time the season starts...