Jacob Groves

I agree. J. Groves should not be starting, or getting the bulk of PT. I've been saying this for weeks now. He's just not aggressive enough offensively. Occasionally has moments, but he's not consistent enough to play in this conference. He was a perfect mid-major player, for that matter so was his older brother. We just don't have the athleticism down low that we need to hang with teams in this conference. When our perimeter players shoot lights out we can stay close with teams, but our lack of production down low is a liability. I know Moser is obviously a huge fan of these brothers, but it may be to his detriment. This will be a horrendous season as far as conference play goes, and probably even a worse overall record than last season. How many more seasons will Moser be given if this is what he produces? For the fans, I'm sure there are already many whispers about him not being the answer... But, I'm sure he'll be given at least 4 years total. I know this conference is tough, but when we had Kruger we were nowhere this bad. The grass isn't always greener I suppose!
I saw Bob P tweet last night that Moser supposedly tried to bring in transfer bigs this year but no one wanted to come because they figured they would be stuck behind Tanner. If that’s true, it’s another massive failure by Moser that he didn’t make clear to everyone that it would be an open competition for playing time and that Tanner didn’t have the starting position locked down. For crying out loud, kids transfer into programs like KU and Kentucky and Texas. That shows that good players are willing to go places with other talented players and compete for minutes.

Also, I’ve seen some posters point to KU as an example of a team that has experienced guys, and that’s why it’s unfair to expect Moser to be able to do much since we don’t have many guys left from Kruger’s time. Well, Jalen Wilson and Harris are the only two guys on their team who were on the team two years ago. The rest are freshmen, sophomores, or transfers. There may be a few teams here and there with a few guys who have been in the same program for three or more years, but those are very much the exception. Moser is in no different position than 90+ percent of coaches. Talent deficiencies, roster issues … he doesn’t deserve a free pass for any of it.

Why would any legit big want to play in this offense ?
The type of talent Moser recruits probably was scared off by the Groves brothers.
They are probably averaging a double double at some NAIA program as we speak
In the past four games, he is averaging 1.25 points and 2.5 rebounds on 2-10 shooting. He obviously doesn’t give us anything on defense. While this may seem like a thread criticizing Jacob, it’s actually a question about the man who keeps running him out there. Going back further, he is averaging 5 points per game since the calendar turned to 2023. Again, what are we doing here? Try something different. Start Oweh. Start CJ. Start with only four players.

It’s one thing to stick with a lineup when you’re winning. But when you are 2-7 and in 9th place, what is the reasoning here?

Jacob Groves probably grades at as a 90 on the Culture Wall where Joe Bamisile grades out as a 58.
Jacob Groves probably grades at as a 90 on the Culture Wall where Joe Bamisile grades out as a 58.

Haha, sadly, there is probably lots of truth to this. I wish someone would take a sledgehammer to that thing.

Tiny, to answer your question, while he may not have told them they would sit behind Tanner, he obviously didn't do a good enough job of making it clear to the guys he was recruiting that the starting spot was up for grabs. I think Moser legitimately views Tanner as a major building block. His experience at Loyola probably fooled him into thinking that a big can with limited athleticism and strength can still be a great player. While that might be true in the awful Missouri Valley, it just isn't realistic in a PF league, especially the best league in the country.
At this point it will be insanity if Moser trots out Jacob on the starting five. He's gotta look for a spark somewhere. And the thing is, two of the best athletes on the team are sitting on the bench. I'm not saying Bamisile and Shroder are the answers, but I think they should play more. If they aren't up to the task, then they'll just fit right in with the rest of the team.

I have seen a lot of good signs that Schroder may be a much better defender & an offensive spark for us than Jacob G. He has great athleticism, length, handles, aggressiveness & court awareness. Bamisile is athletic but seems to have bad handles and poor shooting skills. His free throw stroke is one of the most awkward I have ever seen.
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I agree with a lot said in posts but very few of us hav been to practices or meetings with Moser. Big question: how many of you contribute to NIL for basketball or been to the meeting for donors and businesses for NIL basketball. One problem that was pointed by Moser in a meeting has been the lack of NIL monies to compete for BIGS or high talent in the transfer portal. He has not had the money needed in the last 2 portals.To get the talent some of you demand he has to deal with agents and the demand for big money he will need a lot of participation in a NIL basketball organization.
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I wish Moser would give some of these other guys a shot instead of J Groves. I mean, we can't get worse! and at this rate we are flirting with ending last in the conference, so why not try something else? Obviously what we have right now isn't working. If these younger guys don't get a shot how can we expect them to step up next year? Or keep them around? Schroeder could be good, IMO and Oweh is already better than J. Groves. He's at least a better defender and more athletic. FAct is we haven't really improved this season, otherwise we'd be winning some of these close games, but sadly as of late these games haven't been as close as they were (except 'Bama), so is the opposite happening here? Are we actually worse? I'm no expert but I'm a fan and I'm very concerned!
I wish Moser would give some of these other guys a shot instead of J Groves. I mean, we can't get worse! and at this rate we are flirting with ending last in the conference, so why not try something else? Obviously what we have right now isn't working. If these younger guys don't get a shot how can we expect them to step up next year? Or keep them around? Schroeder could be good, IMO and Oweh is already better than J. Groves. He's at least a better defender and more athletic. FAct is we haven't really improved this season, otherwise we'd be winning some of these close games, but sadly as of late these games haven't been as close as they were (except 'Bama), so is the opposite happening here? Are we actually worse? I'm no expert but I'm a fan and I'm very concerned!

I think we are clearly worse. We would have to go over .500 the rest of the way to finish with as good a record as last season, and there is no chance we will even come close to that. I'll be stunned if we even end up within a game or two of .500 for the season. Given how soft the noncon schedule was, how many experienced players we had returning, and the fact we brought in a really good transfer, it is hard to believe that we have actually regressed in year two.
I wish Moser would give some of these other guys a shot instead of J Groves. I mean, we can't get worse! and at this rate we are flirting with ending last in the conference, so why not try something else? Obviously what we have right now isn't working. If these younger guys don't get a shot how can we expect them to step up next year? Or keep them around? Schroeder could be good, IMO and Oweh is already better than J. Groves. He's at least a better defender and more athletic. FAct is we haven't really improved this season, otherwise we'd be winning some of these close games, but sadly as of late these games haven't been as close as they were (except 'Bama), so is the opposite happening here? Are we actually worse? I'm no expert but I'm a fan and I'm very concerned!

Oweh is very athletic and definitely is a better defender than J Groves. Unless he is not heavily challenged going to the basket he seems good there but he needs to develop a floater or a fall away jumper since he seems to miss or get his shot blocked frequently when heavily challenged on approaching the basket.
People were talking about him playing in the NBA last year.
You think he told the transfer players that they would have to sit behind Tanner? That is nonsensical. Ku, kentucky, and texas are offering 6 figure deals to these players and we aren’t. They also have much better arenas and fans to showcase to recruits. We haven’t landed an elite big man since Tiny gallon. It isn’t because Lon and Porter don’t know how to recruit.

That's what Bob Przufbgyeoru tweeted last night which is completely nonsensical.

To me it's just an excuse PM is making to Bob Przpbdyongprj for not recruiting bigs to replace Groves.
That's what Bob Przufbgyeoru tweeted last night which is completely nonsensical.

To me it's just an excuse PM is making to Bob Przpbdyongprj for not recruiting bigs to replace Groves.

bob has been anti tanner for more then a year now .
In hindsight, would have liked to have some seen more line-up tinkering going to the match-ups against Ok State from PM. Obviously not my original insight but they are above average athletically and elite defensively, compounding the disaster when OU doesn’t shoot well. Especially so inside, making the Groves bros frustration even more pronounced.

That being said, considering the strength of the conference it’s pretty likely that a few of these mismatches are bound to happen. Sure it’s all the more frustrating when it’s the in-state rival on the home court. Considering the roster as is, it seems like OU’s best chance is to keep playing the highest efficiency line-up on offense which to me includes both Groves bros (although please limit Tanner’s green light at the top of the key).

Oweh is more athletic, adds more on defense but for a team that is actively trying to limit the overall number of possessions, seems riskier especially against teams less athletic/less good on defense than Ok State (TCU seems like the other obvious candidate to make the switch of more Oweh).
I have seen a lot of good signs that Schroder may be a much better defender & an offensive spark for us than Jacob G. He has great athleticism, length, handles, aggressiveness & court awareness. .

I think Schroder moves better and even looks bigger than he did at the beginning of the year. I have never seen him pass the ball, but can you blame him during mop up. Ha. Would like to see him playing in some meaningful minutes.