Jeff Capel's Twitter...


New member
Oct 31, 2008
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... Another GREAT Sooner! haha

Jeff Capel said:
NYC mon night. Phila tues afternoon, then back to NYC tues night. Detroit Wed. Big and very busy week ahead! Let's make it happen!!!


Man OUr coach is a WORK HORSE!!! I is just NONSTOP! I love it!! Love it love it!!!!
NYC: Harris
Detroit: McCallum/ Ziegler
Today: Lamb
To be a great recruiter you have to work extremely hard, be organized, be personable, and never give up. That is what I see in Capel.
Roc Christmas would be my guess for philly as well. He and Peters would be an amazing frontcourt haul for the 2011 class.
If we get the backcourt this year (Relerford, Clark, Lamb etc), then I could settle waiting for the some quality front court players till 2011, assuming Tiny stays of course.
Roc Christmas would be my guess for philly as well. He and Peters would be an amazing frontcourt haul for the 2011 class.

True that, BT!

OU is off to a great start in 2011 with a dozen plus one of the top 75 recruits showing an interest. Even more impressive, we're in on five of the top fifteen (Rakeem Christmas, Quincy Miller, Johnny O'Bryant, LeBryan Nash and Michael Gbinije). With Richard Peters already in the fold, 2011 is stacking up to be another good year in recruiting.
Instead of starting another twitter thread I will just post it in here.

Check out Jeffs twitter page. Does anybody else find it odd yet hilarious that Fran is making comments?
This is my favorite part.
@DaveTelep DT, they r making fun of us on rivals message board! How funny is that??? Have our whole convo up. How funny is that?
Stupid question here! What does @DaveTelep mean? This is not the BBall guy D.Telep is it?
I don't know about the rest of you, but I would take Capel for our program over about any other coach. We can not take for granted his recruiting plus his on court performance. Bar none for a coach his age!!!!
Yes, it is.

I was bothered by Capel's relationship with the internet media, more specifically the recruiting internet media, but I'd rather him be cool with those guys than World Wide Wes and Vaccaro.
@SCUHoops hahaha! Great question tho! Maybe Jay won't be retired by then. He may be rappin til he's 60. Btw, I'm always wkin. Good luck!!!

about 2 hours ago from Echofon in reply to SCUHoops@DaveTelep DT, they r making fun of us on rivals message board! How funny is that??? Have our whole convo up. How funny is that?

about 7 hours ago from Echofon in reply to DaveTelep@DaveTelep forever young, I wanna be forever respect 4 u grows. I luv that one to. "I'm painting u a portrait of Young"

about 13 hours ago from Echofon in reply to DaveTelepIf you haven't seen it yet, go to and check out the dunk BG had tonight vs the Lakers! Its the first facial of many to come this yr

about 20 hours ago from web @franfraschilla I remember. He used to sit right behind ur bench. I was jealous!!!

about 21 hours ago from Echofon in reply to franfraschilla@FattMowler lmao! Now that's funny!!!

about 22 hours ago from Echofon in reply to FattMowler@franfraschilla gr8 song!!! I'm impressed that u like Jay, Fran!!! Very impressed!!!!

about 22 hours ago from Echofon in reply to franfraschillaQuestion....would a Jay Z and Beyonce concert sell out Owen Field?

about 22 hours ago from Echofon @DaveTelep what's ur fav song on the new album?

about 22 hours ago from Echofon in reply to DaveTelep@DaveTelep if Hov was there, I would do everything in my power 2 get onstage! "Allow me to reintroduce myself, my name is HOV!" Feel me DT

about 22 hours ago from Echofon in reply to DaveTelepAt U2 concert and I don't know any song they sing. All I can think about is my team and how can we get better. Is that wrong?

about 22 hours ago from Echofon Told my team the 3 E's essential 2 our success this yr: Energy, Effort, & Execution. I should only have to be responsible for 1: Execution!

3:12 PM Oct 18th from web Had a great day of practice. The Sooners got better today. The young guys are learning how to work. I'm very excited about our future!!!