Jurick signs with Oklahoma State.... OSU joins the fray.

Re: BocaBull: Are you drunk?

From the times I've seen Nash he isn't a great shooter, can he hit some.open shots yeah but that's not what made him a 5 star.

I bet most of his damage will be done going to the rim, if he becomes a jump shooter OSU will struggle.

There are a bunch of athletic looking NBA quality type players that come in as freshman and become spot up three-point shooters and runners on fast breaks. By sophomores [if they don't declare] they've matured back into the ability to get to the rack.

I could see where Nash might be that kind of guy his first year, not saying he won't be a good player [by any stretch], but these mix-tapes moves you see in HS/AAU basketball are long gone once you are playing with dudes that you are only 10% better than [as opposed to being "way" better than most of the guys you are playing with at that lower level].

Oh, and I'd say the same thing if he was coming to OU given the "trend" of this thread. I thought Warren camped out a little more than he should have his first year as well...and I still go crazy seeing what Crocker could do offensively in High School vs. what he generally was at OU [a spot-up three point shooter].
Re: BocaBull: Are you drunk?

Question??? If Jurick were locked into Jeff Capel, why didn't he commit to oswho a month ago after Jeff was let go??? Why did he wait until just yesterday or the day before???

A better question is that if Jeff was so high on both of those guys, and the consensus is that Jeff was a bad recruiter [or at least evaluator of character], why would an OU fan be that upset that both ended up at oSu?

Not a knock against Jeff because before I knew we were going to get CLK I was actually inclined to think he should get one more year, but problems with his recruits were pretty well documented. Just throwing it out there.
Re: BocaBull: Are you drunk?

Question??? If Jurick were locked into Jeff Capel, why didn't he commit to oswho a month ago after Jeff was let go??? Why did he wait until just yesterday or the day before???

Because he took visits to West Virginia, Cincy, Southern Miss, and then OSU before he decided.
Re: BocaBull: Are you drunk?

Because he took visits to West Virginia, Cincy, Southern Miss, and then OSU before he decided.

Not sure that it has been asked, but what do you think Jurick's production will be at oSu? To me he is a confusing pick-up for them given what i understand to be Ford's desired style of play, but if he can play good defense, board and outlet, he might be a pretty good pick up.
If you can find the posts in question, I'll gladly address them.

I'm sorry I missed it earlier - I don't recall you asking about it.

Not a problem. Here is where I asked you. I asked you again about your apparent change of perspective on another page of that thread, but I suppose you didn't see either one.


But 20 wins is a nice secondary accomplishment for an otherwise not-so-great season.

That's a fair way to put it. Don't have a problem when it's said like that.
Not a problem. Here is where I asked you. I asked you again about your apparent change of perspective on another page of that thread, but I suppose you didn't see either one.



I did miss that before.

I'd say the difference is this - I was addressing two totally different points.

In the first case, I was addressing the idea that losing to OSU in the B12 tournament was "a joke". While I don't believe that OU had any business losing to that OSU team, it wasn't "a joke" for the reasons I pointed out. That was a decent OSU team... it wasn't a massive upset or anything. We were talking about one game in the context of a season. The result in that game, and the fact that the OSU win wasn't a big surprise (within the context of that season), is what directly leads to the point I was making in the second post.

In that latter case I was talking about Capel's coaching on a more macro level. When considering the talent gap between those teams, and the horribly bad match up that it was for OSU, the Pokes didn't really have any business being in those games on paper. However, they were in the games (partially due to Capel's coaching, IMO) so the close call in Norman and the win in the B12 Tourney weren't big surprises. That's why both points are valid.

I admit that the difference in the points is subtle and I could easily say how you or others would read them as contradictory.

I would also argue that it's not the same as Boca's complete 180 on the talents of Jurick and Gurerro before and after they signed with OSU, which is about as clear cut as you can get.

I did miss that before.

I'd say the difference is this - I was addressing two totally different points.

In the first case, I was addressing the idea that losing to OSU in the B12 tournament was "a joke". While I don't believe that OU had any business losing to that OSU team, it wasn't "a joke" for the reasons I pointed out. That was a decent OSU team... it wasn't a massive upset or anything. We were talking about one game in the context of a season. The result in that game, and the fact that the OSU win wasn't a big surprise (within the context of that season), is what directly leads to the point I was making in the second post.

In that latter case I was talking about Capel's coaching on a more macro level. When considering the talent gap between those teams, and the horribly bad match up that it was for OSU, the Pokes didn't really have any business being in those games on paper. However, they were in the games (partially due to Capel's coaching, IMO) so the close call in Norman and the win in the B12 Tourney weren't big surprises. That's why both points are valid.

I see where you're coming from now.

I'll agree to disagree on your point that OSU had "no business" finally winning the 3rd time the teams played, simply because there goes so much more into match-ups on paper. I'll say it again: It's very rare for a team to beat an opposing good team (which Ok. State was-- they did go to the 2nd round of the tournament) 3 times in a row. Given that it went down to the final play--in a rivalry game--I don't see how that's so indefensible on Capel's part.

And not to accentuate the Ford/Capel debate, but my point still stands that Ford hasn't proven that he's this drastically better coach than Capel (which was the crux of the argument in that previous thread). For you may feel that Ok. State had no business winning the 3rd game in 2009, by that logic Capel also had no business beating Ford in 2009-2010, given that Ford had a NCAA tournament team and Capel's team didn't even reach the NIT.

I would also argue that it's not the same as Boca's complete 180 on the talents of Jurick and Gurerro before and after they signed with OSU, which is about as clear cut as you can get.

I agree with you. I wasn't intending to imply that they were the same.

I was just pointing out to you that you didn't own up to a contradiction as well when I asked you about it, you didn't acknowledge it, and then you continued to post in that thread. But now obviously you've cleared that up. The clarification's appreciated.
Can't be on something that I never tried, or used. You got me mixed up with one of the Suttons/addicts. Whoever you are posting under your pervert name??:facepalm:facepalm

Jmizz, You're hurting my feelings. After all I've done for you, one little name change and forget I even exist.:D
jmizz is kinda being a ****. what gives jmizz?

I would be sad if you – and a few others – got bored with your constant assaults on anything and everything related to OU. But life would go on and I'm sure I'd eventually get over it.