Knight said Davis was our best Basketball player

Knight likes hustle guys who play smart, fundamental basketball, and those are some of the qualities Cade brings to the team. CD had a great game last night, so it was no surprise when RMK bragged on him.
Thank you! Someone else realizes that because of what Cade gives (hustle) that he's the best on the team. He isn't the most talented, but he gives 110% every game.
When Bobby Knight began doing color commentary, I was prepared to mute the TV anytime he was on a broadcast - simply becauwse I didn't like him as a coach (note that I didn't say he wasn't a good coach). The first game or two, he wasn't very good, but after that, he's done a great job.

I agree with every thing he said about Cade.
Knight's opinions about Cade – or anything else, for that matter – mean very little to me. Matters not that he's got a great basketball mind, or that his wife is a great lady and a former Oklahoma HS coach; all of that is outweighed by the fact that Knight is a huge jackass.

That said, Cade did indeed have a great game against the Cowboys, a game the Sooners would have lost without him. I can't help smiling when I recall what's been written about him by certain posters on this board.
Bob Knight also said he sees no difference between Gatorade and HGH. He says lots of stupid things.
Bob Knight also said he sees no difference between Gatorade and HGH. He says lots of stupid things.

Alot of people say alot of stupid stuff. But being the winningiest coach in basketball should account for a little more credibility than anybody on a message board, including myself.
Alot of people say alot of stupid stuff. But being the winningiest coach in basketball should account for a little more credibility than anybody on a message board, including myself.

That's a fact.
Have we settled the "Who's the 2nd best player in the state after Blake Griffin, Cade Davis or Nick Sidorakis?" debate yet?
You mean this moron? They always say you can tell who a person really is on the golf course. It is true.
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The trouble with getting a group of message board posters to agree on a commentator's quote is the ad hominem factor.

Bob Knight is a tempermental, vindictive, unscientific jackass who crosses physical lines with players. Doug Gottlieb stole credit cards at Notre Dame and occasionally hot-dogged it at OSU, our hated basketball rival.

Those facts don't change the truth in their analysis when they're on point. In this case, Knight should know as well as [and likely better than] anyone what kind of player helps his team win games. Cade Davis is a lunch-pail gymrat who plays spirited defense and runs team offense -- and so, in Knight's opinion, he is the player on OU's roster who best fits the the archetype of "Player Who Helps His Team Win Games". That's not surprising.

If every kid in college basketball had a Cade Davis mindset, the teams with overwhelming talent advantages would win 100% of games over lesser opponents. Our non-conference record can attest to the fact that the intangibles Cade embodies can be a great equalizer.

So, uh... I don't see the problem here just because it came out of Bobby's mouth.
The thing about Cade is he's the same type of player David Godbold was, but better. Godbold is percieved as a steal and Cade has by some been perceived as a guy not OU caliber.
I just don't see how anyone can not like Cade! The guy gives it his ALL on and off the court. He is a great representative for the Sooners!
The thing about Cade is he's the same type of player David Godbold was, but better. Godbold is percieved as a steal and Cade has by some been perceived as a guy not OU caliber.

I would take Godbold over Cade any day of the week.
Have we settled the "Who's the 2nd best player in the state after Blake Griffin, Cade Davis or Nick Sidorakis?" debate yet?

If Nick gets to see the floor this year, I'm sure he'll be able to prove he's better than Cade. Cade would obviously never see the floor if he played for the pokes, what with Obi and Keiton on the team. They are so much better. :rolleyes:
I would take Godbold over Cade any day of the week.


I just think Godbold brought a bit more to the table, especially on offense. If Cade could just shoot the ball a bit better, I may change my mind on that.
I don't like Bobby Knight as a person but he's forgotten more about basketball than all the people who have ever posted on this board combined. I'll take his opinion on Cade Davis over the opinion of any self-proclaimed expert on this message board.
I don't like Bobby Knight as a person but he's forgotten more about basketball than all the people who have ever posted on this board combined. I'll take his opinion on Cade Davis over the opinion of any self-proclaimed expert on this message board.

Well said