Lobo fans souring on Jarion Henry (Skeeter's son)


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Nov 11, 2008
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(and that's unusual for this bunch - they usually don't mind a thug or two, if Henry really is one, as long as the coach who signs him is one of their favorites)

Lobo Hoops Recruit Henry Causes Quite a Stir With Video
By Mark Smith / Journal Staff Writer on Apr. 20, 2011

New Mexico men’s basketball recruit Jarion Henry still won’t say where he’s going to college — but he’s saying plenty else.

Or at least he was in a controversial video, which then disappeared from the Internet early Tuesday evening.

In the video, Henry — a high school standout in Dallas — made a pitch to females to “get together” with him. He also fired a wake-up call to whichever school he attends.

“I’m one and done,” Henry says during the video that was posted on YouTube, referring to how many years he plans to attend college. “I’m going to The League (NBA). Remember I said this, one and done.”

The Journal sent Henry a text asking him why he took the video down, and Henry texted “Lol (laugh out loud).”

Henry, who made an official recruiting visit to UNM just more than a week ago, is also being recruited by Georgetown. On Monday he sent out a tweet on his Twitter account, saying he will make a decision on Sunday.

But it wasn’t the impending decision that drew the attention of Albuquerque sports fans Tuesday. It was Henry’s recent video, which left many wondering whether UNM should continue to recruit the 6-foot-8 forward.

“To (Coach Steve) Alford, if he’s listening, do not take this player,” one caller said on “The Locker Room” afternoon sports talk show on KQTM-FM (101.7) Tuesday.

The show’s host Bob Brown, played the audio of the video — minus Henry’s multiple use of the N-word — on the radio.

Brown said “the callers were about 60-40 that UNM should forget the kid. Other callers said that if he’s good enough, in terms of big-time players, you’ve got to weigh it out if he has issues away from the court.”

Brown said he found the video by doing a random search for Henry’s name. Late on Monday night, an emailer sent the Journal a link of the video, and wrote “This type of player, good or not, is a cancer in the locker room.”

The video was taken down about an hour after the start of Brown’s 4 p.m. show.

By NCAA rule, coaches are not allowed to comment on an individual recruit until that recruit signs a national letter of intent. A coach can confirm if he is recruiting a player.

On Tuesday afternoon, the Journal sent emails and text messages to Alford and UNM sports information director Frank Mercogliano, asking if Alford — in general — would recruit a player who plans on going to school just one year.

Alford was also asked if he was still recruiting Henry.

Mercogliano said Alford was on the road and unavailable for comment.

Mercogliano was aware of the video, and said he was also aware it had been taken down.

The video shows Henry, in what looks like a school setting, urging females to get in touch with him to get together with him.

Henry, displaying a medal, talks about how he and Kimball High School just won the Texas (4A) state prep title.

“I’m this big homie from Kimball High School in Dallas,” Henry says to the camera, “so all you females over there at (hard to decipher) who want to get with a real (n-word), a real state golden (n-word) state medal winner, then holler at me, man.”

Henry goes on to describe the type of female he’s looking for, which is “I like it all … I’m a business man. I’m going to The League.”

Henry also tells the females to follow him on Twitter, Facebook and his “hot line.”

On his Twitter account, which has exploded with followers during the past week, Henry sent out a tweet on Tuesday that, “Lobo ville sounds good To be at rite about now.”

Last week, Henry sent out a tweet saying his official visit to UNM “was off the chain out here in New Mexico … New Mexico gott (sic) some hotties.”
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Sounds like there's been a lack of discipline in the Henry household. Too bad.
I'm glad we're not recruiting him; kid seems like trouble to me.

A comment on the article: when did it become okay to have multiple one-line paragraphs that are unconnected, space-fillers? I hate to be an English-nazi, but I find the ability of many so-called "journalists" to write deplorable. How does an editor hire or allow this?

Maybe the "Journal" the article is found in is a university paper and the writer is a student.
Jarion makes the the three stooges look like choir boys after I read that. Looks like to me that Skeeter has failed in the parenting dep't. in regards to his son. If I had and saw him speaking like that I would probably shove a bar of soap in his mouth and tape it up lol!
I'm glad we're not recruiting him; kid seems like trouble to me.

A comment on the article: when did it become okay to have multiple one-line paragraphs that are unconnected, space-fillers? I hate to be an English-nazi, but I find the ability of many so-called "journalists" to write deplorable. How does an editor hire or allow this?

Maybe the "Journal" the article is found in is a university paper and the writer is a student.

This was from the morning newspaper in Albuquerque. The guy who wrote is is the Lobo men's basketball beat-writer. He's almost universally hated by UNM fans (long story). In fact, for the last 30 or so years, the locals have called their morning paper "the Urinal." It's been a case of their thinking that the newspaper is too negative, which it pretty much has been with Lobo men's hoops and with football. There used to be an afternoon paper, and they really hated that one, mainly because they had an editor who had a little man's complex like few I've ever seen.

The guy who wrote this recent article about Jarion Henry is also famous for going into overkill mode on negative situations. Contrast that with how they have traditionally covered, from over 200 miles away, the "ag school" in New Mexico. It's always been hands-off, cover-up-the-bad, milquetoast coverage.

In fact, their former sports editor also doubled as NMSU's beat-writer, and he once wrote about a JC kid they got who was busted for dealing drugs in high school out of Chi-town. That kid had to play for a couple of years with an ankle monitor. And all they could write was how wonderful it was that NMSU gave him a second chance. He'd have never gotten the "first chance" at UNM since 1980. I reference '80 because of the "Lobogate" transcript rigging/illegal recruiting scandal," which represented the local media's "see no evil" approach because they liked that coach of that era.