Absolutely true. Unfortunately, that’s not the way it works around here, and I’m sick of it too. I’m old and cranky (a statement of fact, not a joke).
I’m announcing my immediate retirement, as of this moment! I’m not upset with anyone, I’m simply worn out and tired of the hassle. Eleven years last October is enough for me. Correction: more than enough. No one can say I haven’t paid my dues. If I had a dollar for every hour I have spent on this board for free, I would be a wealthy man.
Boulder knows how I feel. I have tried to retire several times since he took over. He’s a good man, and you guys who believe you have “a right” to argue and fuss over petty crap like former coaches had better wake up! Tired, worn out arguments like this that have already cost us some of the finest posters I have ever known. And, by all accounts, others will be leaving before long if nothing changes.
If that’s what you want, have at it! I won’t try to stop you.