Next head coach Porter Moser

It seems that way, doesn’t it :-(. I’ll talk with Boulder and Ada to see what we can do to curb that. A thread like this which the topic is the next head basketball coach will naturally bring out the subject of past head coaches...but I agree there is no reason to have to suffer through this in thread after thread.

Also, it’s sad that we have lost a lot of good posters over the past couple of years. SoonerTraveler is a great example. I’d hate to lose the IndySooner and Romulus posters of the world as well. Again, we’ll try to come up with something to keep all the good posters around. Feel free to send me a PM for any suggestions.
Do the admins look at reports? I've reported a couple of (what I thought were) obvious troll posts in the last month or so but I haven't seen any action.
You say all this, but it's clearly not true. The discussion doesn't have to have anything to do with Lon, but you'll find a way to make comments about him. For example, in one thread there was a discussion citing Moser's Final Four appearance at Loyola as evidence of his ability to coach. It had nothing to do with Lon, but you found a way to make the conversation about Kruger not getting enough appreciation for his Final Four run.

If you want the discussion to stop, you're more than welcome to do your part.
Yea people need to just let go.... water under the bridge... Ancient history.

We should have nothing to ***** about until December at the earliest.

Absolutely true. Unfortunately, that’s not the way it works around here, and I’m sick of it too. I’m old and cranky (a statement of fact, not a joke).

I’m announcing my immediate retirement, as of this moment! I’m not upset with anyone, I’m simply worn out and tired of the hassle. Eleven years last October is enough for me. Correction: more than enough. No one can say I haven’t paid my dues. If I had a dollar for every hour I have spent on this board for free, I would be a wealthy man.

Boulder knows how I feel. I have tried to retire several times since he took over. He’s a good man, and you guys who believe you have “a right” to argue and fuss over petty crap like former coaches had better wake up! Tired, worn out arguments like this that have already cost us some of the finest posters I have ever known. And, by all accounts, others will be leaving before long if nothing changes.

If that’s what you want, have at it! I won’t try to stop you.
Absolutely true. Unfortunately, that’s not the way it works around here, and I’m sick of it too. I’m old and cranky (a statement of fact, not a joke).

I’m announcing my immediate retirement, as of this moment! I’m not upset with anyone, I’m simply worn out and tired of the hassle. Eleven years last October is enough for me. Correction: more than enough. No one can say I haven’t paid my dues. If I had a dollar for every hour I have spent on this board for free, I would be a wealthy man.

Boulder knows how I feel. I have tried to retire several times since he took over. He’s a good man, and you guys who believe you have “a right” to argue and fuss over petty crap like former coaches had better wake up! Tired, worn out arguments like this that have already cost us some of the finest posters I have ever known. And, by all accounts, others will be leaving before long if nothing changes.

If that’s what you want, have at it! I won’t try to stop you.

Are you still going to post? Just not moderate?
Do the admins look at reports? I've reported a couple of (what I thought were) obvious troll posts in the last month or so but I haven't seen any action.

Michael, I confess to not looking at those enough. My apologies. I just checked and you had legit concerns. Sometimes, a month or two goes by without getting any of those, hence the oversight. Anyway, if you send one again and don't get a response within 24 hours, please send me a PM.
Are you still going to post? Just not moderate?

If my being here doesn’t create a problem, yes. But if I have to leave to make a clean break from the wear and tear on my aging body and mind, that’s what I’ll do. I would rather do that than lose some of the friends I have here. I mean that sincerely!
If my being here doesn’t create a problem, yes. But if I have to leave to make a clean break from the wear and tear on my aging body and mind, that’s what I’ll do. I would rather do that than lose some of the friends I have here. I mean that sincerely!

I, for one, appreciate your devotion to the board and Sooner basketball in general. I'm sure others feel the same way, too.
Absolutely true. Unfortunately, that’s not the way it works around here, and I’m sick of it too. I’m old and cranky (a statement of fact, not a joke).

I’m announcing my immediate retirement, as of this moment! I’m not upset with anyone, I’m simply worn out and tired of the hassle. Eleven years last October is enough for me. Correction: more than enough. No one can say I haven’t paid my dues. If I had a dollar for every hour I have spent on this board for free, I would be a wealthy man.

Boulder knows how I feel. I have tried to retire several times since he took over. He’s a good man, and you guys who believe you have “a right” to argue and fuss over petty crap like former coaches had better wake up! Tired, worn out arguments like this that have already cost us some of the finest posters I have ever known. And, by all accounts, others will be leaving before long if nothing changes.

If that’s what you want, have at it! I won’t try to stop you.

I am so confused. Why do people get so up in arms about discussions on former coaches? It is a message board for OU basketball. If people don't like it, they can ignore it.
I am so confused. Why do people get so up in arms about discussions on former coaches? It is a message board for OU basketball. If people don't like it, they can ignore it.

Because it’s every thread. Just go look. It’s a dick measuring contest. EVERY single thread.

It gets old
I am so confused. Why do people get so up in arms about discussions on former coaches? It is a message board for OU basketball. If people don't like it, they can ignore it.


I don't think it's gotten overly ugly or hostile.

I'll be pretty sad if the board starts getting overly moderated. It moderates itself, for the most part.
I, for one, appreciate your devotion to the board and Sooner basketball in general. I'm sure others feel the same way, too.

Right there with ya. Thanks to Ada and the other mods for their hard work and dedication. Would hate to see you leave Ada! Please retain posting status at a minimum!
Because it’s every thread. Just go look. It’s a dick measuring contest. EVERY single thread.

It gets old

Unfortunately, for some everything becomes a pissing contest so people can proclaim themselves to be above others. I've got news for them, it doesn't work and nothing lasts forever, but what do they know.
We have been blessed to have great coaches. Capel is the only one I didn't like and he had a great season.
I'll be pretty sad if the board starts getting overly moderated. It moderates itself, for the most part.

I don't think there is any danger of that...but may need to find a happy medium. A lot of us are tired of seeing good posters leave.
Because it’s every thread. Just go look. It’s a dick measuring contest. EVERY single thread.

It gets old

Fair enough. It just doesn't bother me. It seems easy enough to just keep scrolling.

I also gave up message boards for Lent though so I haven't been around much.
And I'm not planning on going back to message boards except for OUHoops
I don't think there is any danger of that...but may need to find a happy medium. A lot of us are tired of seeing good posters leave.

We could make a pact to not complain or talk about any past coaches and not ***** about Moser until we are actually playing games.

I'd be down for that.
We could make a pact to not complain or talk about any past coaches and not ***** about Moser until we are actually playing games.

I'd be down for that.

I could agree to that.
In the meantime, have one thread for all coach complaining and comparisons
You just summed up why I gave up message boards about five years ago. The coaching search brought me back, but I think it may be a short stay...

I'm with you Indy. There are great posters on this board and some who like to stir the pot. Maybe my aging will allow me to look past the childishness of the pot-stirrers.
I don't post here as much as I once did and almost never anymore during a game. Too many blame the refs for team failing. If you disagree, you instantly become a OSU or texas fan.