***Oklahoma vs. Syracuse Game Thread***


Staff member
Oct 22, 2008
Reaction score
I thought that maybe if I started the game thread, tipoff would get here sooner. :D
Good luck to both teams. Let it be a fairly called, competitive game, and may the best team win.

Having said that... BOOMER!
Apparently, UK firing BCG has captured the attention of the board...I guess no one is fired up for the game tonight...
I'm only anxious to see if the opening jump ball is thrown like the one in the Morgan State game - at a 45 degree angle.
I'm only anxious to see if the opening jump ball is thrown like the one in the Morgan State game - at a 45 degree angle.


That was indeed awesome. A true professional, that official.

Almost one hour to tip, guys.
No player hatin if things goo bad and keep the excitement tempered when things go good.
What did Greg Anthony just say about Willie on the pre-game show? I rewound 4 times but still couldn't understand it.

"Best playershooting right now playing in the tournament."?

"Best playershooter right now playing in the tournament."?

Did he start to say player and then correct it to shooter?